*SLENDER MAN* do you think we will see this character in dbd?

Like him or not Slenderman had a huge impact on horror just like FNAF
I kind of doubt it. I’m not going to argue whether or not he’s that influential, but I just feel like his time has passed. Yes, I know that a lot of the killers are from older movies, but they’re still more prevalent in the public conscience. Even people who have never seen a horror movie know who Leatherface or Pinhead are.
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Slender is more psychological horror rather than dbds slasher / monster horror. He would have to be adapted to fit the framework which may then completely change his persona. Every other licensed killer has had to keep their tool kit to some extent
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The difference between fnaf and slenderman is one is video game horror which we've seen in the game and one is internet horror which we haven't. (Yes I know slender has video games but his origin is just off the internet.) Then there is the whole slenderman stabbing.
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I agree with you, Slenderman as well as FNAF def impacted modern horror. However, as much as I like Slenderman and would love to see him in the game, I don't think it'll be happening anytime soon.
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well slenderman caused a stabbing, directly or not. the family of the victim even asked the movie wasent made. so i hope bhvr would atleast respect that.
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The fictional character caused nothing. They used him as a scapegoat. By that logic, Freddy Krueger and Ghostface also caused murders and thus should not be in the game. Look up Daniel Gonzales the "Freddy Krueger" killer.
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Doesn't matter whether or not it actually caused it. People think it did.
It will be seen as extremely bad taste and it's why the IP hasn't really been touched since the disaster of a movie.
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but did any of the victims families ask that no new freddy movie was made or media was used. i dont think ive seen that.
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Same thing can be said about the Freddy and Ghostface incidents. Just because a minority fails to grasp the fact that a fictional character realistically has nothing to do with it, doesn't mean the entire character/fanbase should be punished for it. It's backwards
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If they did, they still would've done it anyway. Not profiting from a franchise that big for something that wasn't their fault? Not a chance
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Because they happened a long time ago.
This one happened less than 10 years ago. Idk if the kid is even an adult yet.
There suffering shouldn't be discounted. Why aren't they doing Jeepers Creepers then, even though they have no affiliation with the creator?
Because some things are just in bad taste.
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And the Freddy incident happened just 10 years before the Slenderman one(where no one was actually killed contrary to the former). That's not a very big time gap in the long scheme of things considering the NOES remake was made just 6 years after.
Because Jeepers Creepers was created by a real life person who did unspeakable things in real life. Don't see how you can equate that to a fictional character who did nothing. Slenderman doesn't say go out irl and stab your friend.
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If you can't see how it might be perceived as capitalizing on a tragedy, then I have nothing else to say and it's obvious i won't convince you.
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Nope, I don't see it. It's just a bit ridiculous that he's used as a punishable scapegoat for it though.
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Let me put this as simply as I can.
When the general public hears the word "Slenderman." What do they think of?
"Oh, wasn't he why those girls stabbed each the other?"
It doesn't matter if it's true or not, that's what most people know him from.
With NoES and Scream, they were both big enough franchises that they were well-known prior to their respective tragedies. Slenderman wasn't. That was the first time most people had heard of him.
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I still say yes.
Devs did not say no to a Slenderman chapter and so far only reason they given as why he has not been ingame is because they are deciding how he would attack since in the games he never touches people.
So a Slenderman Chapter is highly possible actually since he does have Tentacles and they can have his animations similar to Pin Head with Chains.
In a nutshell, everyone saying the same generic reason on why Slenderman is not in DBD is not the real reason and way far from it.
Developers want to respect Slenderman by figuring out some way how he would act in Dead by Daylight and why The Entity would grab him.
[Ps BHVR would do a better job with Slenderman IP then Sony ever could.]
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Oh please, that's definitely not what the general public thinks when they hear Slenderman's name. Most never even heard of the stabbing. The public would be more inclined to remember him from a meme or gameplay from their fav youtubers.
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Go ask someome then.
If I ask my mother, or perhaps my friends parents, they'll think of the stabbing.
But ultimately, I'm not interested in continuing the conversation with you.
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that's the point. the creator of Jeepers Creepers was a...bad man who did bad things. It would surprise probably no one if the devs didn't add slender because of the stabbing people did to serve him. The creeper did nothing, slender did nothing, but the creator of the Creeper did bad things, and people tried to sacrifice their friend to slender. Your setting double standards.
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I'll stick to asking the large chunk of people constantly upvoting/liking his concepts. Have a good one
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@Pulsar I will say terminator brings up a point about slender being pretty hyped. The king and paulie esther's april fools videos probably only increased the hype. I'm not even going off my own poll I'm just going off what I've seen from the community
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I don't think that's a good thing. Modern day horror is just cheap jump scares and both games had a hand in that.
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I would say there's more to modern horror than just that.
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And you're presenting a false equivalence. The real life creator of Slenderman was not a bad man nor did bad things. Will not get notoriety and traction from his creation being in the game unlike Jeepers Creepers and Salva. I gave this example before but if someone does something bad in the name of Superman, DC ain't the one who's getting flamed.
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Again, I think Slenderman would be an okay addition for us. I think the community would like him.
But does BHVR really want to poke that potential hornets nest? They could have a headline like the movie did "7 years after tragic stabbing, horror game brings back Slenderman."
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Well sure but I would argue that most are just jump scares. Most horror movies that have come out recently have been really bad.
To be honest I don't remember the last time I saw a good modern horror movie.
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Gotta love the way people make snide comments about "cheap jump scares" in an attempt to devalue something like FNaF while simultaneously trying to imply that classic horror movie franchises are of excellent value. The double standard is ridiculous.
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Because that's all fnaf is. Just a bunch of jump scares. To deny that the games aren't just that is ridiculous. And i didn't say classic horror movie franchise didn't do jump scares either. They did. It's cheap for them to do it and it's cheap for fnaf or any other modern day horror movie or series do it. Jump scares are just cheap in general.
but ultimately older movie franchises did more then that to solidify themselves as horror classics.
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*ignoring all the drama happening here* I would not rule out any franchise until the devs explicitly say no to it.
I would love slenderman in the game and have wanted him for a long time.
i just don;t know how he would be implemented. 🤔
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Skin for a killer yeah
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not sure why it not letting me post a direct video link but someone did a video on Slenderman being in dbd.
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No, for the reasons that were already pointed out.