Tips on being a better loser as killer? genuine query

I'm a red ranked killer and when ever I get a game where the survivors all escape and I got like 6 hooks I get extremely sad and angry at myself which might just be me but regardless.

Does any body have any mental tips to visualize losses less negative in the mind to feel less bad!


  • BabuDweet
    BabuDweet Member Posts: 556

    I think for me personally I try not to get in my head during the game and I often do better but for overall losing?

    Try and work on your weaknesses if you thought you had any during consistent matches. Focus on fixing said mistakes and don't care about the results too much until you overall improve your gameplay.

    Getting bothered is completely normal, I used to be really bad and rage so badly. I don't much now for either side I'm playing as, it's a mental thing. It's just being able to accept a loss or accept it was maybe outta your control due to it being an optimal swf, gens or just having a bad match.

    Try to just take a few minutes away from your pc/console and remind yourself it's a game and you move onto the next.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,026

    Reflect on your mistakes and improve. If you can't do that, simply chalk it up to the game being stupid.

  • dweetmain
    dweetmain Member Posts: 65

    Thanks for the help guys

  • ezrank1
    ezrank1 Member Posts: 32

    Play to win if that's who you are! The problem I face is also being a sore winner when I play killer - I just CBF to queue again. I call it KILLER FATIGUE. That's when you queue survivor or you open your steam library and play risk of rain 2 in a vegetative state for a while.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,014
    edited August 2021

    What killer do u normally play. I play most of them, tho I'm only good with twins or trickster.

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380
    edited August 2021

    You can't really be a "better" loser. It sucks losing, it'll always burn a bit and it feels like you're missing out on the good sensations of properly winning. The absolute best thing you can realize and remind yourself of is that every win is a brick laid in the steps of success. You have to lose first before you can win. A baby killer must first lose to low tier survivors before they know how to win against them, a low tier killer must first lose to mid tier survivors before they know how to win against them, and so on. Always take losing as a learning experience, its an opportunity to grow and become a better killer. Most importantly just remember to have fun. DBD can be a silly game, i almost never get angry at this game anymore because its just wacky and weird. Love the little things and keep in mind that a loss is just an alternative path to eventual victory.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    Use your anger and hatred, Anakin. Makes you strongah!

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,014

    People hate Ormand? Learn something new everyday. I love it as twins especially pools of blood or so easy to track. But huntress and trickster I love and majority of the pallets are unsafe so I can't say I've had much of a problem.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,112

    Take yourself away for a while and remember DBD is just a very minor part of your life. If something becomes too consuming then it feels enormous, overwhelming, oppressive. Best to take some perspective.

    Also, every trial is its own seperate sequence of events. Use them as mini-stories that you play the role of the villain. It's a small movie, effectively.

    Finally, remind yourself that all players are human and distant. No matter what insults they hurl, not responding (& reporting when appropriate) and moving on is the greatest strength. Being unacknowledged is worse than any insult, because you become focused on you and take it away from them.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,419

    The problem is, as a killer, you can make 0 mistakes and still not get a single kill. This game requires survivors to make mistakes and for killers to capitalize on them. Good teams won't make mistakes and there is nothing you can do.

    The exception to this of course is if you are playing nurse or spirit.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    This sounds a lot like being happy of getting a participation trophy.

    @dweetmain see it as a balance match. The more killers have matches like you (there are more killers than you think, which are in the same situation as you), the more likely the devs will take action in regard of that.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    It´s not rare that veterans take breaks because the game has become to frustrating. According to the devs its even a design goal to make the game frustrating.

    Timestamp 09:55

    So no, the game isn´t about just having fun. At least not in a conventional way.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    I don't mind losing as a killer, probably because I win a lot more than when I play survivor.

    But one very bmey toxic swf game is sometimes enough to call it a day on killer. Even if I win it doesn't feel good to me nor do I feel I achieved anything because I know those people will keep doing what are they doing to other people anyway.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    This game is complicated. Most of the time i just recommend switching sides or taking a break.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    You should consider playing for hooks instead of kills, then the amount of people teabagging at the end of the gate becomes irrelevant.

    For most people (i.e. not streamers who play this game for a living), 2 kills is normal, not 4.

    Take off your meta perks and bring lesser addons. Then if you "lose", you can blame the balance of the game instead of yourself. This will help your gameplay improve too.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,897

    Ah buddy @dweetmain Don't be sad and mad.

    Remember to play for your own fun and it does not matter if you lose.

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    I guess I kinda move the goalposts for what I deem a successful game. Usually I wanna get everyone on second hook and then I am pleased, but when that doesn't happen and I get stomped barely hooking anyone and getting BM'd at the exit I'll try and mentally latch on to something else that went on in the match like "oh well I got half of my challenge to chase survivors done I WIN" or "I did an insane snipe with Victor I WIN." Basically once I come up with something else that I achieved in the match I end it with I WIN lol then I leave delusionally pleased with myself

  • Cvz
    Cvz Member Posts: 14

    Considering that the survivor role is the most easy and strong in the game, you just have to camp and tunnel in certain situations (2 gens remaining and 4 alive, you need to takee down one of them)

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Run no way out and NOED and relish in the salt.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Don't go into games expecting a win. This is gonna sound like weird advice but train yourself to lose by running the worst builds possible, especially with meme addons and killers you arent good with. I've done multiple games in a row as padded jaws trapper, I've done perkless old bubba with speed limiter and a haddonfield offering. Losses with that stuff don't feel too bad because there's not much else to expect (although wins are a pretty big ego boost tbh)

    That's what helped me anyway, it might not be as helpful for others but you never know

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210
    edited August 2021

    1 ) Keep in mind DBD is surv-sided with good survs and killer-sided with bad survs.

    2) Go for hooks is way more healthy. Go for the 4k and you already lost. It's just the wrong mindset, at least for DBD.

    3) And most important: Play how you want and (try to) have fun, it's your game!

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    Think about DBD as hobby instead of a job. I know this sounds stupid but some people take this game way too seriously.

    A normal DBD match usually lasts around 10 to 15 minutes, there's no reason to get angry about a bad game because you can just go into another one almost instantly.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    Give yourself more achievable win conditions than 4 kills.

    It can range from having 4 BBQ stacks, making a fun build work, make Devour Hope works to playing Trapper and get at least 2 traps working.

  • Zboard
    Zboard Member Posts: 86

    If you are working towards rift: afk queue as killer while playing other games

    Otherwise probably just unninstall for a while

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,974
    edited August 2021

    Few things to consider:

    1. this game is partially designed to be frustrating, because you can redirect your frustration to a specific match and relieve said frustration
    2. remember that it's a multiplayer game with 2 teams, you're most likely already "winning" 60% of your matches, if not more. I have killers where I am good enough with to "win" 85% of my games with, if not more. The fact that you win so commonly is probably one of the reasons why you take losses so seriously
    3. during the game, start commenting on good plays survivors have made and on mistakes you've made(including dedicating to a chase too long, forgetting to use a perk properly(it's easy to forget on BBQ that you saw 2 survivors running towards the same gen on the other side of the map because you focussed on that 1 survivor who was already injured and quite close). It's much easier to end a game in a loss knowing you've been outplayed by a survivor being cheeky than it is to blame in-game mechanics.
    4. You can predict the way the match is going to end before it's actually going to end. I've said quite often "oh, this game is lost, I'm just gonna secure a kill then" once the 4th gen popped, regardless of my interaction with the game, and no one was dead yet. So I ended up tunneling the first survivor that was dead on hook(which at this point in the game, is considered fine, they have had 4 gens to run around freely) and the game ended up in a 3k because their teammates kept throwing themselves at me to save the 1 person who was dead on hook.

    So TL;DR: This game is meant to be frustrating, it's multiplayer, you're already winning most of your games, find your own mistakes, compliment good plays and cast predictions on the end of the game.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Rule number 1 - Do not expect 4 kills.

    Set yourself some other win conditions to work for. 4 BBQ stacks, have some good usage of your power and overall getting better with your killer performance even if so slightly.

    Other than that, switching to survivor or to a different game altogether makes wonders to my mental health

  • Despactio
    Despactio Member Posts: 7

    just say ggwp and get on with your life. this game isn't worth taking to heart

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I always analyse my losses to try and improve from them. Be honest about the situation.

    Lost on Badham as Clown? Well be honest and remember your playing a terrible killer on a bad killer map. Maybe you missed 1 swing that would've ended a chase 30 seconds earlier than it did. Maybe you choose to chase a survivor who was better than the rest for too long, lost some gens because of that.

    I'm always very honest about how I play, especially if I play crap. I know I'm not the best killer because I don't commit to it as much as others. I'll struggle massively vs a good 4 man but expect to beat everyone else.

    Use your mistakes to learn and improve as killer. If your getting too negative over killer then take a break. I personally can't play killer too long because I get too stressed by it.

  • Jivetalkin13
    Jivetalkin13 Member Posts: 747

    If you find yourself becoming frustrated, switch to survivor. If survivor is too frustrating, switch to another game or take a break. In the end, it's just a game and its not worth becoming angry or upset and potentially rage quiting from a game. Not only does it affect you, but it affects the other people playing.

    We've all been there and know what it's like. You got this!

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    Remember that DBD is just a game, and focus on the positives from that game.

    For example, you might have had a bad game, but maybe you got 4 BBQ stacks. That in itself is a nice chunk of extra BP! Maybe you got a 1k, but you also got your archive challenge done- hey, easy BP and more progress to the Rift. Maybe you didn't get a kill, but you learned something about how to run a certain loop.

    You're gonna get mad sometimes, but that's alright. You're also gonna have games that are just... bad, and that's also okay. Doesn't mean you can't try to learn from them though.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    He´s not complaining about not getting the 4 kill but about getting 0 kills.

    But the way this game works, the killer should probably be happy when he gets his 4 BBQ stacks.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    The survivors are stuck in the trials forever, you'll always get more chances to kill them

    Also if survivors died every time they'd give up hope which would screw the entity over, so the entity basically wants you to lose sometimes

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Sometimes just putting things into perspective is all you need. This is a PvP game, so someone has to lose every single match. Sometimes it will be you, even if you play super well. Most people who play have no idea who you are and will forget that they played against you, so nobody really cares if you lose, and certainly not as much as you do. Think about how many matches of DBD will be played in a given day and realise how little that one match you lost actually represents.

    Losing is unavoidable, and in many ways necessary. If nothing else, you can always learn something from your losses.

  • Poochkips
    Poochkips Member Posts: 265

    Don't go near exits, walk around the map in the end and look for where you can get extra blood points, always say GG even if the match wasn't. Sometimes all you need to do is say that and move on. Even if they're saying ggez.

    Ignore flashlight clickers. They want you to get angry.

    And again, never go near the exits after door is open. They love to sit in it just to teabag you to get you angry. If you don't see it, it can't bother you, and they just waste their time

    Lastly. Find something that you have fun doing. Example, I main huntress. I find throwing hatchery fun. If I land some nice hatchet, it's a win in my book. Even if I don't kill anyone I don't feel like I lost so i don't get upset.

    To each their own!

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    How to be a better loser in general: constantly remind yourself that it's just a game, with zero impact on your life.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    As much as people hate it one of the comments above mentioned tunneling mid game. Getting rid of one person before all gens are done can greatly turn the game in your favor and go from a 0-1k game to a 2-4k. Nobody really likes being tunneled or camped but as killer sometimes it is the only option to secure at least the opportunity to win especially on certain maps. Don't rely on it all the time but if you have to proximity camp someone on hook so you know where people are and to prevent a save at 2 or 3 gens go for it and you should do better after that

  • VaJaybles
    VaJaybles Member Posts: 658

    I've got an odd one. But record yourself or stream, even if no one is watching. Gives you the opportunity to see or hear yourself, but you'll also be hyper aware of how you act. Plus you can learn from your mistakes by rewatching vods. I do it, I don't get better though lmao I'm okay with being trash, it's my aesthetic XD

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    It really depends on what angle you are going for. If you want a guaranteed kill, you should realistically have a kill at 3 hooks. Just tunnel, you have a kill, you no longer feel bad, and the rest of the match will be MUCH easier.

    If you do not want to tunnel, you need to stop feeling bad that they are all getting away when you refuse to prioritize targets. Make hooks your goal. 6 hooks is reasonable if they are cranking out gens. The equivalent of 2 kills, which is considered by many to be a draw.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    Throw out the survivor rulebook at 3 gens left. Tried playing decent didn't work. Be Evil. Make the entity wet.

  • Mercês
    Mercês Member Posts: 376

    Have you ever watched DbD tournaments? Not even "professional" players can win matches. Every can killer get dominated by survivors not matter their skill level. Why are you getting mad at something that you don't have control of? Winning every match isn't something that depends on your skill, it depends on game balance too!

    Chill out my friend! Have fun with noobies and accept your defeat against pros! ;)