When will the pallet bug be fixed?

I get a hit at a pallet; blood, noise, but no hit.
I’m sure that’s the hit validation, the server said you didn’t get the hit and rejected it.
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Welcome to dbd
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It isn't a bug. They "made the server" determine the hit and totally not the survivors client /s
TLDR survivors have cried about pallet hits (without understanding how they work) for years and bhvr finally gave them the advantage.
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Its intentional and probably the most botched thing bhvr added as a mechanic, because it does stuff that should never happen and I have had times where I hit before the pallet stunned, as in clearly dead on, and it was rejected
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I believe the blood+scream is unintended, so it'll hopefully be fixed in the new chapter update.
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I like people who say this because if it was entirely survivor sided you would feel it substantially more, and yet they complain that it's survivor sided when it's perheps fairer to both sides than ever. I keep posting it but @Mercês explained why hits look dodgy, please read this post
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the only advantage it gives is for the one with better ping, regardless if it's the killer or the survivor, because laggy killers were able to hit even seconds after the pallet is dropped. It now is fair, laggy survivors aren't getting any kind of advantage.
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Its because the client spawns the blood+scream without waiting for the server. The alternative is a delay that will make legit hits feel off.
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Best you can do is play ranged killers like Nemesis for example. They can't block the tentacle strike.
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The problem is that often times both sides see the hitless hit. You have the same phenomenon on killer abilities, especially ranged ones. Plague is most noticable: Purge hits, the scream and hit animation plays for killer and survivor, but nothing happens.
This means bhvr somehow has the old hit-validation (killersided) call the functions for the animations on both ends, but the new validation calls the status and healthstates.
which is utterly ludicrous coding
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12 ping vs 60 ping and i got hit validated.
Explain that one beyond it being survivor client determined.
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"it should reduce instances where survivors appear to take damage after stunning a Killer."
it's doing the opposite of that, they appear to take damage quite a lot.
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it is easy just to tell me that situation without showing clips of your ping and the survivor's in that second, you could have any kind of lag spike on your end, but here you have a full post explaining it perfectly:
even devs explained themselves with images made for kids how the system works, please drop the entitled attitude
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No, you used to take bs free hits and downs on pallets you didn't deserved.
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No point. its a survivor thing. brick wall and all that.
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I should never get validated with my ping because my info should always reach it first.
Allow me to use an analogy to show why this isn't the case. You have to race someone to a finish line that is 100m from where you are, but the person your racing needs to move 250m. Say you can run at 1 meter each second, and someone else can run at only 0.5 meters each second. If you both leave at the same time, you will always beat them.
However, if person B begins to run (needing 500 seconds to reach the finish line) before you (who needs only 100 seconds), say 450 seconds earlier, then they will beat you.
This is what is happening. Person B, with their worse connection, is sending their information much earlier than you send yours, so it is still registered by the server.
Again, please read the post both @Angelicus23 and I have sent because it explains this perfectly.
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Your perspective is a little skewed here. I mean, sure, hits go to the higher ping. Isn't that provided that the actions are initiated at the exact same instant? So there's still a window where, if I'm the survivor you're pursuing, and I throw down the pallet, and then you don't swing for a certain number of (probably milliseconds), I will still 'win' the stun because I just did the action sooner, regardless of ping? I've seen video of pallets being thrown and survivors being stunned because the killer swung before the server determined the pallet was halfway down. That seems pretty fair to me.
I agree that what was happening before felt very unfair to survivors who would literally end up on the ground 20' from a pallet despite having dropped it and run, then getting hit and downed. I tend to play less killer and I'm at the bottom tier, so my experience maybe won't matter to some, but the pallets seem OK to me as killer. I also tend not to try to get a hit right at pallets, though. A lot of times I'm assessing if I should just circle the short end of whatever loop to take less time than a pallet break.
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wait so instead of listening to people trying to tell you what's happening, you edit your comment because people aren't listening to you being wrong?
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so the mystical invisible survivor that is 2m ahead of where i see them pressed space in the future and the server stored that information dooming the killer to a stun. sounds like the worse a survivors ping the more of an advantage they have.
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If that's how you want to take the information then feel free to
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Fits with my experience. Survivors around my ping don't give me trouble. only high pingers have made me hit validate.
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Did they even admit its a bug? The survivor scream and blood splash before hit being validated I mean.
I am afraid this is final, "working as intended" feature
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Guess I should just play better next time
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Yep, this is how it used to work but killer mains, in their desire to slander the new way that pallet stuns work, would say that we should go back to this. Even at it's least, it's pissing off 4/5 players as it's all crap to survivors, but we dealt with it for how long?
Killer mains, you have to ask, is this really more fair than what's happening currently?
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This looks like more to a VPN's hit yet...
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This is just regular games when facing people on Stadia, console because of fps issues + a lot use WiFi, or from africa/asia/East Europe because they don't have nearby servers. No VPNs needed for those hits to be every game.
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It's a buff Survivors didn't really need, imo.
It does very little for low-ranked Survivors but it does a lot for high-ranked players and I think that's an issue.
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I wouldn't call eliminating the MASSIVE advantage gained by high ping players a survivor buff but you do you I suppose.
Though, they should definitely give the same treatment to being picked up, hooked, and flashlight blinds. Make them server sided and eliminate the advantages gained by having an extremely high ping on the survivor side. Because no game should reward bad connection.
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It already got fixed. That screaming noise is a bug according to a mod based on what I saw. Hopefully the screaming noise gets fixed.
Nm I read it wrong lol.
Post edited by Trickstaaaaa on0 -
Do you have a link to a mod saying this. MandyTalk said it was not a bug in this thread.
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If you think hit validation is bad now. Were you around when pallet vacuum was a thing? That sucked.
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I think that's fine, but the amount of times I've been denied a hit despite having lower ping is high. It's also basically guarantees 3 loops since good Survivors can ultra-greed pallets.
I'm nearly positive that if the server detects a stun, it denies any hit, regardless of when or where it happened.
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Oh my god pallet vaccum was actually the worst thing known to mankind, especially when double pallets were still a thing too
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They still are on Groaning Storehouse!
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I can prove that one incorrect just by playing normally. I've gotten hit through a pallet, and I've gotten hits through a pallet, after the update went live.
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At least there's no vaccum with it, though.
But yeah, it's just one more thing on the list of reasons the map reworks were a waste of time and groaning storehouse is a terrible map
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I think I've gotten one, and the guy immediately DC'd afterwards.
I can give you a clip of me swinging at someone as they drop a pallet, getting the hit, them being on the same side of the pallet as me and being denied the hit.
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I can give you a clip like that as well, because that's happened to me. But that's happened once, and I've gotten at least 6 hits since the change.
I haven't saved them as clips (the other one happened live so I have the entire vod) but I did keep count when I noticed them.
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I'm 1 for 1 so far.
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I think patch 1.9.2 was worse than pallet vacuum. The patch that removed the timing required for a pallet stun or flashlight save. When the survivor dropped under a pallet it was impossible to pick them up. Someone just had to run by, drop the pallet at any point during the animation and it would stun the killer. Slugging was mandatory when that patch released. The worst part was it was the devs who said this would be a QoL changes. It was one of the few patches the devs undid because it was that bad. Usually when they introduce something stupid they change something else to try to cover it up. That patch was so awful they removed it. That's how you know it was bad. They didn't even try to justify it. They removed it and said "We will never speak of this again".
That patch was the day I lost all faith in BHVR.
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I said the worst thing known to mankind. 1.9.2 is a horror of cosmic scale.
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Wasn't that around the time of the Howling Grounds event?
That's when I started playing if so.
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Do you even play killer? Nearly every hit I get at a pallet is rejected now. It favours the survivors. Regardless of that, it's absolutely idiotic that their only fix is something that doesn't make either side happy. Gameplay quality goes down with every chapter
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Yes, it was
Goes up to 01:29:00
This is the most recent constant footage I have. Also in my posession are these videos:
which are the three most recent games I've saved + uploaded.
Here's my current killer rank
And also, here's a clip of someone who get incredibly angry at me for playing basement Freddy.
You can find the full story here:
Would you like some more or are we done here?
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It's not a bug. It's a feature, baby! Here to stay! We can't have killers getting hits through pallets. That would make survivors less OP!
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Oh also just in case you don't believe that's my profile, despite it checking out in several different places, here is my list of previous names on Steam
Nobody else uses "Karu", or a variation of that name, ever, Karu_TC is the channel I linked you to, and I've mentioned being friends with and even helped edit a post for @TurboTOne, and as you can see the nickname Turbo checks out.
Regardless of that, it's absolutely idiotic that their only fix is something that doesn't make either side happy. Gameplay quality goes down with every chapter
Actually, quite a few people are happy about it. Of course the forums provide a very vocal minority of the community, but so does Twitter and the majority of DBD accounts I interact with there are happy with the change, as both survivor and killer.
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That looks more like you got de-scynced then anything else.
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Honestly I would be fine with this if there was no false feedback.
I'm fine with getting stunned at a pallet.
But hitting, hearing it hit, seeing blood, hearing the survivor scream, and THEN see that I didn't down the survivor is genuinely annoying.
I cannot see into the future or see what the server sees, I can only see what I see as a Killer. It genuinely just feels like it throws the problem onto the other side rather than actually fixing the issue.
Back then Survivors saw the Killer get stunned and then get hit. Now the Killer saw a hit but gets stunned instead. It's a complete reversal of the situation. If it just shows that you get stunned as a killer and *that's it* I'd be fine with it. But nothing is more frustrating than seeing you get instant feedback only to be met with a double middle finger by the game.
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Great, you play killer and you're plugging your Twitch shamelessly lol. My point is you clearly haven't experienced enough of the hit validation if you think it's balanced. Survivors get away with everything now, and killers get screwed at every pallet, not to mention pallet hitboxes are extremely wide now
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Robbery Validation, the new dbd mechanic.