When will the pallet bug be fixed?
Great, you play killer and you're plugging your Twitch shamelessly lol
You asked, I gave ample proof. Would you rather I download the entire VOD, upload it to a burner account, and send you this link?
My point is you clearly haven't experienced enough of the hit validation if you think it's balanced.
Or, I have a decent connection and framerate and play around pallets correctly a lot of the time? Alternatively, I recognise what it would look like if it was actually based on the survivor client, know that it being based on the killer client wasn't fair, and this is a good middleground?
Survivors get away with everything now, and killers get screwed at every pallet,
Well this just simply isn't true. We're arguing with anecdotal evidence only, but in my own experience I'm still more than capable of being hit through, and hitting through, a pallet.
not to mention pallet hitboxes are extremely wide now
They've been this wide for years. You're only noticing it now that your poor connection or framerate isn't an advantage.
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Lol I play 120fps on FibreOp internet. Try again. Pallets have been worse ever since desync got "fixed". If you're legit though, perhaps they're screwing over certain regions
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I get that hit validations a good thing but it would be nicer that when the server rejects a hit it doesn't show the blood and animation of a successful hit, the current problem right now is even if there is a hit that was "successful" but rejected by the server it still makes the blood noises and animation as if it was a successful hit rather than cut the sounds and animations short when it was rejected by the server
I hope it gets fixed as well
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This is impossible to fix. I'm not sure where the rumor that it wasn't intended/it can be fixed came from. Online gaming as asynchronous in nature which means that all of our clients are playing a game of predication of what other players are doing when we play. We are not waiting for everyone's input to get to the server and then for each client to acknowledge that and then wait for the next cycle of inputs. The only way to fix this would be for the killer hit to transmit to the server, the killers screen then literally freezes and nothing moves while the client waits for the server to tell it if it got the hit or not and then finally the killer can move around and the correct behavior will be displayed.
Obviously that is a very jarring and awful fix so they will probably keep it as is, where your client will attempt to see the future and render what it thinks should happen on your screen and then if the server disagrees a few seconds later you get your action erased.
That said, I do think the pallet hitboxes should be looked at since this change has been a pretty big buff for survivors and in the past hitboxes were widened specifically to try to help mitigate this issue. I think reverse pallet stuns are stupid and should never be a thing.
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Maybe dont swing at every Pallet anymore?
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I don't even know how to reply to something like this. You wooshed so hard and you think I'm the dumb one. Yeah, whoops I just mindlessly swing at every pallet. Maybe, just maybe, I'm hearing the hit and seeing the hit on my screen, because just MAYBE, it hit on my end
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Yeah, but it did not hit, the Server rejected it. So it does not matter at all what you saw.
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Ah so why did it matter when survivors saw themselves getting hit through pallets? It hit on the killer's end according to the servers. Someone's starting to show bias
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I think you dont understand the system.
When it shows blood and stuff like that on your screen but the Survivor did not get hit, you did not get the hit. Completely irrelevant what you saw.
So why even bother with "BUT I SAW IT ON MY SCREEN!!!111111", when you should know that it was not a Hit, because the Server decided like that?
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Like I said before.
All of this is doing is just throwing the problem onto the other side rather than actually fixing it.
If they were to actually fix it, Survivors wouldn't feel cheated out of being hit, and Killers wouldn't feel cheated OUT of a hit. The fact it's still happening shows it's still a problem
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This will probably never happen.
They already said that they prefer that the Killer will get instant information, which results in them getting information that they hit the Survivor, despite this not being the case.
And if I had to bet, the reason why this is the case is because it is a P2P-game running on Dedicated Servers. They probably would have to rewrite a lot of Code to make it work.
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Once again, then why did it matter when the survivors saw themselves getting hit through pallets? The servers deemed it a hit
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Well the problem there is they just take away the hit sound so they can try to hide the issue
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Yeah, but this was the case? If I see the Hit connect as Survivor, I got hit. Nobody would have ever complained about a Hit where they saw that they got hit.
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Ah but according to you it doesn't matter what you saw. The servers deemed it a hit. Pick a side, your survivor bias is showing
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Actually, no. Determining if something hit or not was killer-sided, with the servers checking only the positioning and if it would be reasonably possible to get a hit. This is why there was such a large problem, and why having higher ping was such an advantage.
This is still the case for regular hit validation, however not for pallet validation, which checks not only positioning but the time of the stun as well.
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What the #########? You were saying that Survivors complained when they saw that they have been hit. But this was never the case. When a Survivor sees that they got hit aka the weapon connected with their Body, nobody complained. Because it looked like a legit hit on their end.
It was the case when the Killer swung nowhere near the Survivor where Survivors complained.
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The small delay of information on a validated hit would make it feel awful, even worse than it feels now when your hit gets validated by milliseconds without that instant feedback. The instant feedback on the hit ensures that in the majority of cases where your hit is validated and is true, you don't have to wait. It's only noticeable with people having spotty connection to the server they are matched to now which is why that guy is so irritable I would imagine. No more "free hits" with a level playing field in regards to connection.
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Lol unless you work at BHVR, you're going purely off the vague descriptions they've given in the past. Do remind me how many times BHVR has gone back on their word or flip-flopped on something. Here are the facts:
- Pre pallet-validation, survivors got hit through pallets
- Now, killers get hit rejected at least 1/4 of the time at Pallets even when it hits on their end.
This "fix" literally just flipped the issue onto killers. Nothing is fixed, it's just that only 1 player deals with it every game now instead of 4 (which, by the way, is how BHVR solves most things)
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I have FibreOp internet and I get hot validated about 1/3 of the time at pallets. My ping is never above 100. It ain't bad internet, it's BHVR and their ######### code. They just pushed the issue off survivors and onto killers
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You are a brick wall. Survivors whined when they got hit through pallets, which is what got this whole change implemented. But now you're telling me it doesn't matter now that killers have the exact same issue at Pallets. So, I'm asking, why does it matter what survivors see but not what killers see? The servers made it a hit for both cases
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Right, because previously being hit by nothing or on the other side of a pallet/window after you already vaulted was a normal thing.
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Sorry, do you work at BHVR? Because, again, we're both arguing from our own experiences and then expanding that to the truth without anything concrete- concrete in this context meaning "the actual code of the game"- to 100% confirm or deny either side.
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Here is a thread where one of the mods confirms the killer used to have hit priority at the pallet, but now it is based on what reaches the server first. This mod is actually a community manager that works for BHVR.
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This is an intended feature. Just another horrible addition that killers are forced to deal with.
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Y'know, fair enough, I still don't know how legit any of that is, but let's go with it. The issue still remains that now killers are the ones getting screwed and nothing actually got fixed
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All I can say is that when I am on killer, the "server" has only given me the hit twice resulting in a trade that should technicalky be impossible now as if they got the stun, they got the stun. As a survivor, I literally always get priority.
So weird that my role tends to have more to do with whether the server decides I dropped it first or not. So strange, especially, given I am trash at survivor and competent at killer. Such a coincidence that so many people are experiencing the same stuff and the rebuttal is, "yes, but survivors used to have it worse."
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Exactly. I don't give a damn what they say about the code or the fix, nothing is "fixed," it's just been dumped onto killers. Whatever they did, whether they're telling the truth or not, it didn't work.