
Is anyone else on any platforms having rubberband issues? I recently upgraded to PS5 and omg the game is so much better in terms of smoothness and graphics and frames. Exhaustion perks work without freezing, it's a stunning experience for the most part. But now all of a sudden I keep randomly getting really bad rubberbanding and lag. Like killers and survivors just jumping all over the map.
My internet is absolutely fine so I am stuck as to what's wrong. Is this a server issue? I'm UK. Let me know if you are having any issues.
Yes same, was wondering if pallet validation has been canceled or adjusted. Back to getting hit and seeing super laggy killers. My ping in the lobby is usually 16-37ms.
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Its super obvious when i play survivor as i run kindred basically 100% of the time. I'll often see people or the killer running and then all of the sudden they jump forward or back like several meters away.
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I’m pretty sure they removed (or heavily relaxed) the pallet stun validation as well, because I’m back to getting hit when I shouldn’t be and getting hits I shouldn’t get.
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The other day in a match against a wraith I was on one side of a pallet and he was on the other side. When I dropped the pallet he was in middle of a swing and we ended up switching sides as the pallet dropped - I didn't get hit and I don't think he was stunned. We just stood there looking at eachother for like 10 seconds after it happened like ######### just happened. 😂
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It was very nice and snappy a few weeks ago, but it definitely feels different these last few days. And as The Killer, getting questionable hits often.
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Yeah, I just had a match where I hit the survivor and heard the scream, then they just vanished. I turned around and they were 50 meters behind me, standing there looking at me like I was crazy.
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Yep! On ps5 and I want to say the rubberbanding started with the last patch. I have checked our internet and its running great.
I hope it gets fixed soon :<