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PS4/PS4 Pro Still experiencing the same bugs

After the update that was implemented it seems some of the bugs that were supposed to be fixed in this patch did absolutely nothing and almost seem like they've gotten worse. I honestly would think about postponing the Anniversary Event as its just impossible to play for most players with the state of the game as it is in its current health.
Here are the bugs that I've experienced as I've been playing:
- Maps are still doing the flickering effect even though this patch was supposed to fix that.
- FPS drops have gotten worse as it seems that any killer with an aim type ability gets frame drops the moment they prep their ability or use their ability.
- FPS drops also occurs whenever a survivor begins any type of action still . EX: Dead Hard, vaulting, repairing gens, healing, dropping pallets, etc.
- FPS Drops on regular hits/missed hits.
I understand that they did state there was still performance issues across different platforms. but it seems that this patch did not really solve a lot of the issues at hand like stated in the patch notes. I know Behavior is doing all they can with the limited amount of people trying to fix the issues, but if they can, I strongly suggest they hold off on the Anniversary Event until they can get all issues on all platforms under control as there will be many complaints of not being able to farm the event properly due to performance issues.
UPDATE: de-pip and error bug back again 07/8/2021
Played a match today and the de-pip bug seems to be back to were the game thinks you're a rank 20 instead of what your actual rank is. As well as the lobby bug were it gives you the error message. Not as bad as before but the fact it's back is a nuisance.
Agree. Deadhard completely freezes my game/character
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Dead Hard makes me glitch as Killer EVERY time. After I regain control from the lag or glitch its like the dead hard player is MILES away from me.
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Same. I can't play the game anymore the way it drops consistently. If I'm the killer it drops right before I basic attack and it'll come to with the survivor miles away from me. As survivor I tried to tolerate it but it would drop mid-chase and I'd end up hit by the killer somehow. Hopefully this gets fixed or I guess I'll just have to get a PS5 down the line
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Same here ps4 pro experiencing glitchy flashing round all the whole map while playing
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Same I can’t even play as killer anymore because I can’t hit anyone I press swing the game basically freezes and by the time it’s done I don’t even know where they are
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Its funny how I stated to postpone the event and they posted just an hour ago today about BP, crowns, and items being lost. I don't understand how they state they want to make the game better on their road map and just not implement it. I feel bad for the devs too because I know they don't have the man power they need to actually fix everything at a faster pace because they don't want to hire anybody else. I do hope they seriously just postpone the event, compensate us for later, and just focus on fixing the issues at hand so that way the game can be enjoyable like it was before.
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Yeah it's far worse on PS4 now with yesterday's patch. Killers were just getting these sudden freezes when near survivors, especially if the survivor did any kind of action. Now those freezes are more common, PLUS it's now happening when walking around the level with no one near by.
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Maybe help fix lag bug.
deadhard is broken too (chase)
without chase
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@slipttees these are a perfect example of the flickering on the map as well as the FPS drop/Lag spike. Thank you for showing these.
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Agreed. Not only do exhaustion perks make me freeze and my frame drop, but so do statuses like hemorrhage, broken, etc. and even some killers, especially nemesis currently. It’s getting to be super unplayable at some points.
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I've had the same experience. Frame dropping (especially against Nemesis) and map flickering.
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@Cata48 I agree with you, I have the same problems when I play as killer on PS4.
For example, I play a lot with Michael Myers, when pursued I have no problems, frame drop problems start to be felt when I load lunges or when I attack normal, when I walk normally and sometimes, even while chasing one or more survivors. About flickering, it is less present...
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Jumping in to confirm all bugs in original post on PS4 launch console. Previous bugfix had slightly reduced occurrences, but last patch has caused as much or slightly more frequent/severe stutters/frame drops/temporary desync.
I am also trying to track DCs in my matches to determine if they are intentional or not, but the number of both Killer and Survivor DCs is significantly higher since the last update than the weeks I'd been playing previously. At least half seem to be occurring at unexpected times for an intentional DC (while healing, chasing, etc).
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Frame drops are constant on all maps against all killers as I play any survivor. The flickering happens a lot, too. The requirement that during this 2-week event survivors have to escape to keep the crown is absolutely unreasonable. I can't escape unless the killer lets me; I do not have enough control in the match that my skill/experience/luck gets to come into play.
Frame drops are also constant when I play any killer, and if I remember correctly the flickering was happening just as much.
I'm on PS4 Pro.
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had given a good improvement in 5.0.1, but in the last it got worse!!!
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I just want to up this thread. It's been three weeks now, the game has been unplayable on PS4. I hope they really are working to fix this, along with releasing the mid-chapter PTB...This bug is beyond frustrating.
Edit: They tweeted they are investigating a HDD issue, which has effects on some platforms.
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This is still an ongoing issue. All of them as noted by slipttees.
After the Covid last year I used to play it pretty much every single day. There has always been bugs and glitches on DBD. But after the RE chapter and these bugs happening I suddenly feel like maybe it is time to move on to another game. Because it is actually unplayable. I don't mean to be harsh or rude, but I cannot hide my disappointment. And I'm sorry for that.
Another thing that it has been really terrible is that it is horrible for PS players to report bugs right after a match.
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it's worse
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One more
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After update 5.1.0 still unplayable.
Still lagging in chase
Dead without chase...
Dead Hard in chase
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Again, nice videos to emphasize the problem, I'm experiencing the same things as survivor. As a killer these lag spikes happen randomly when using any attacks, so no change there either.
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Gen too dude
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Problem persists but less often! I think a little more ajustement solve.
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FPS drop in PS4 still persistent after the recent update. It's very annoying when frame drop after getting hit by killer. Same as notification frame drop
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Console gamers need more attention and respect. We are more than 1 month and still without a definitive solution.
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It's time to up this thread. The problems were not solved before today, and now the patch today made things worse. It has been nearly two months now?
I played as Legion in Lery's and was chasing a Meg, and they made a Deception play mid-chase and it totally froze my game. And as a survivor Dead hard always freezes the game.
Maybe it's time to acknowledge this thread and address the problem. New chapter is on the way and PS4 is still unplayable.
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I found a post about PS4 HDD problem. Tests using SSD lag disappear. So i thing HDD can't run this new graphics cuz it slow. I believe BHRV need reduce game graphics a little fix this lag.
i try tonight and post feedback!
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2 moths for this.
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PS4 Need Respect
scheduled obsolecence BHVR?
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Wow. Sorry my dude. :(
At least you can keep everything when you move on to ps5 one day. :)
Appearently it runs better (for now).
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Waiting a little more for buy new ps5. ps4 have a lot of games to player!
I think refund for all chapters for scheduled obsolecence. I'll consult a lawyer.
BHVR fix this
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After the 5.1.1 the game has started to freeze again....
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All maps, all killers actions freezing, exhaustion perk freezing
BHVR's silence on this issue is even comical. Old console f*ckup now!
Pretty goob job so far!!
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I think ima delete this game , im freezing everytime and everywhere, and im not gonna buy a ps5 just for playing dbd, thanks for all those bugs bhvr, your game is unplayable on ps4.
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I believe it's easy for them to resolve. However they won't waste time reducing the graphic quality of the game for ps4 or xbox one. Slutty with PS4 players
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They could say right away that they are going to remove PS4 support rather than spend more than 2 months with the same problem and a silence that bothers us.
@Peanits @NotQueen @MandyTalk @PatBrutal
News about this problem??
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Still freeze After deadhard, lithe, etc ...
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try against Doc in Ormont unplayable!
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The performance on my PS4 pro went to crap with the Nemesis update, then it improved a little bit with the immediately following update, but the new update seems to have made it as bad as it previously was. I think it's simply unacceptable that it's been messed up for as long as it has. They literally ran an entire event while the game performance was trashed, which imo was kind of a thoughtless thing to do. When the latest update came out I eagerly read all of the bullet points hoping I'd see one that said the issues were fixed, but that wasn't the case. I had no problems with the game at all before the Nemesis update, I wish we could go back to those times. I'm an unemployed software engineer, hire me, I'll fix it. Like it's just absurd to me that the game doesn't function properly for such a protracted period of time. You'd think it would be something that would be addressed in a couple of weeks, not months.
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Here to report the same bugs. After the last eat patch, I’m having the lag issues especially when I use dead hard, and when a killer suites their ability toward me. Can you please fix this ASAP? It is almost unplayable when it comes to the chase…
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Texture problem occurred when opening the exit gates too!!
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Totally agre, its unplayable for both, killer and survivor. You discrebe very well whats happening.
Very são.
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All this time playing with issue. Thank for support BHVR
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Do you notice when walking on the map or rotating the camera the delay to load the textures? Maybe this is causing the crashes!!!
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Who wants to bet me that the 5.2.0 update will continue these problems on ps4? LOL
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Not just continue but possibly more problems
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Yes. more problems old bugs come back and more performance problem.
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Well. I has replace HDD for SSD. Now dbd is playable. But still have texture problem. So, this game need more focus in health for yesterday.
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PS4 is still busted. FPS drops when anyone is unhooked, gens are complete, any exhaustion perk activates. Killer side is 10x worse and really unplayable even with crossplay off. 2 months of this.......
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They are more concerned with selling cosmetics and DLC than fix this game. Could ps4 players file a class action in court. Anyone interested?