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So where did the “nerf Spirit” threads go?



  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    I think we've come to an understanding, though I firmly disagree Nurse is the hardest to master. She plays the most different but I think she is easier to 'get good at' than Blight or even Billy. Although to get decent at she is indeed the hardest as she can't even be used as an M1 killer. Hag you can literally camp and win most solo games, so a hard disagree on entry-level difficulty, but I also agree that her skill ceiling is up there with the big guys.

    The reason why I kind of insisted on the 'picking up' notion is because most of the people you see in public matches using these killers with strong builds are not doing it to master the killer. They're doing it because it's an easy win with the right set of perks and the stuff I've mentioned. Which is a shame, Blight is amazingly fun to face and a great killer, but is easily used for lazy purposes. Oh well, rather that than Spirits with the same build tbh.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    Wait isn't spirit fixed already? I've played spirit and i had sound while phasing. I used the blood addon and the ultra speed because i thought sound was still bugged but i could hear everything in phase wich made me feel like an ass for using such a broken build with sound lol.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,864

    Weird. Haven't heard anything that the sounds were fixed.

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    Becuase survivors always go for the next killer/perk that they find "boring"(aka i can't adapt to this perk or killer :( pls nerf) right now blight and some wraith threads are going around becuase they're the flavor of the month. Also the perk tinkerer is too. Tinkerer a niche perk. Wont be surprised if they nerf it soon with a cooldown. I'm just waiting for the iron will and dead hard nerf and watch the threads go up in flames but won't ever happen. Surivvors are their main income.

  • sQuAdeLUL
    sQuAdeLUL Member Posts: 10
    edited August 2021

    ah yes just adapt to a killer that is totally unpredictable, I should just guess better 4head.

    It's not "survivors" or "killers" are "complaining" about something because it's the "flavour" of the month. People dislike losing a match simply because they were "counterplayed" by luck. There's already substantial proof and gameplay analysis made by scott, ardetha, and others proving that Spirit doesn't have a counter, guessing isn't a form of counter. You can't "read" an invisible killer.

    Blight and wraith in the other hand, they have counters- the difference is that you can not counter them 24/7, maybe because you're in a deadzone, they have counters nonetheless... ignore posts claiming they should be nerfed.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,864

    Well this thread is officially my second most commented thread I’ve ever posted on the forums so congrats I guess.

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419

    Spirit needs an addon pass which 90% of the roster also needs. She needs a blatant visual indicator for phasing and a rework on the audio cue.

    Outside of that this theory about counterplay has been debunked. She has counterplay, it’s just not the counterplay the majority of people want because they prefer a streamlined game where they can apply 1-2 strategies universally instead of adapting to individual scenarios. Learning when to walk/run or leave a tile when a Spirit stands still instead of forcing a risky mindgame isn’t a guessing game it’s having decent game sense and IQ. Not holding Shift for too long or too recklessly is apparently impossible for a lot of people, so is playing more immersive. It’s the equivalent of me whining there’s no counter for Trickster in a dead zone, that’s the point of his power and one of his strengths....Same with Spirit.

    Your counter is to play more reserved/stealthy than you normally do. Don’t make careless plays that you do with other killers or you’ll get punished. This whole theory with only holds up if you directly compare her to other Killers which contradicts the entire point of having different Killers with different powers in the first place. When you put the real context around it which is that she literally removes the ability to see you in exchange for going invisible, you realize if you’re smart that this is pretty fair. Nurse exchanges movement speed and fatigue for mobility. Blight sacrifices lateral movement for constant mobility and insane pressure. Wraith sacrifices on-demand weapon swings for insane mobility and the element of surprise. Statistics posted by BHVR show that her main counter Iron Will is one of the top 5 most used Survivor perks across all ranks, she also has a game breaking audio bug that removes the whole foundation of her power which is to hear. If ScottJund and others said exactly what I just said, the majority of you would not be arguing against them, so do you really have objective evidence that there’s no counterplay or are you just parroting?

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    The funny thing is that’s basically Wraith’s power but with a camo effect instead of full invisibility.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Footstep bug and the removal of Stridor Spirit.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,113

    Many of list skills are just knowledge for both huntress and blight. once you have knowledge of how your blight power works, Blight is pretty easy to pick up and play. Spirit got heavy nerf on stridor and footsteps so we're all blight mains now. thanks BVHR.

    those that struggle with blight mechanics just play Wraith.

  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052

    It makes me think of the FNAF threads lol

    Someone makes a thread and it gets filled with people complaining about the frequency of FNAF threads. Then they go and make their own thread asking why there's so many FNAF threads, directly contributing to the problem.

    To be totally honest, I think the game is frustrating and the forums are really boring, so it's a way to generate some passionate conversation over nothing in particular.

  • sQuAdeLUL
    sQuAdeLUL Member Posts: 10

    using x perk to counter is not an argument, plus you literally proved my point in your post lol. Also, anyone can stealth against all killers in the game, we're talking about chase-wise. Again, a 50/50 play isn't a counter.

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419
    edited September 2021

    Oh look, one of the best DBD players in the world stating the obvious. Spirit has counterplay and gets regularly beaten in both tournaments and public matches consistently. For every 1 person you try to name drop as fake evidence, there’s 100 more of us that don’t cry about it and instead use our experience to adapt and overcome.

    I listed two perfectly reasonable solutions to make her more healthy and up to date in today’s climate. Outside of that, if you struggle to fathom how she has counterplay or if you’re one of those delusional people that still thinks she has ZERO counterplay that’s a personal skill issue. Idk what to tell you at that point, other than to get good. The irony about you saying I proved your point yet you literally did exactly what I said in my post: You made a dumb direct comparison between Spirit and any other killer in the game, which makes no sense because that’s the point of having different killers. They have different strengths and weaknesses, and they have different powers for a reason. Stop whining about a killer that isn’t even functioning properly right now due to Audio bugs