So where did the “nerf Spirit” threads go?

I remember back when there was at least one thread every single day on the forums that had something to do with Spirit. It was quite repetitive but ever since Spirit got bugged to where she can’t hear footsteps in phase, then the complaints are so rare to the point that everyone almost forgot about her.
So I just want to ask, why did people all of a sudden stop complaining about her? I assume it has something to do with the fact that barely anyone plays her anymore but what exactly has caused all of it to stop, for now at least?
I think you answered your own question. She's bugged rn and people would rather complain about the killer who is currently subbing for her players... Blight.
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Yeah because whenever survivors get destroyed by one thing constantly, they immediately screams for nerfs forgetting everything else that could be a problem.
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Well Wraith right now is already the killer that’s getting the most complaints.
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Because survivors only complain about whatever the strongest thing that is currently being played. It's all about wanting easy wins.
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That’s exactly what I was thinking. Killers do it too.
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Sounds about right. Been seeing people screaming how they'd rather go against spirit than wraith or posts about wraith being more unfun than spirit.
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And yet Wraith isn’t that bad, he’s just not add on reliant anymore but survivors don’t like that.
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I suppose since windstorm is now base kit wriaths can actually use other add ons.
Most wraiths I see tend to use all seeing and silent bell. Granted I can see why for all seeing. That aura feels nice to use and can feel addictive. But eh I'll take my shadow dance and bamboozle to enjoy speed vaults and not feel like im wasting time kicking gens.
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When she sees people want to nerf her for the thousand time
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I love your art
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There’s no reason to complain anymore because she’s already a well acknowledged issue. No point in continuing to talk about it when what is seemingly a majority of players think she needs some changing.
Any more other than the occasional lone thread is just running in circles.
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Alot of sauce in my profile : D
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NOED is the flavor of the month, followed closely by Blight, then Dead Hard.
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That’s not the point though. Anyone will complain for anything but no one complains about Spirit anymore even though she needs changes.
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Spirit is practically bugged to survivor specifications and for the most part killers don't want to mess with her until the next patch fix. It's not odd that a killer loses things that makes the player feel empowered and then their pick rate drops.
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Never thought I'd see the day.....
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I can make one for you if you want want...
It is odd tho, ngl.
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Half of the time it is killer mains themselves swarming in those threads, so to me it’s silly to think survivors are the ones who keep those threads going. 😂
Survivors complain about spirit - Oh another spirit thread 🙄
Survivors don’t complain about spirit - but they have now moved on to the next killer 😱
It’s like either way they themselves are the ones who keep those posts alive.
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Everyone pretty much already knew about Spirit, probably mass burnout from posting about it. Also with the Bug it probably lowered the temperature a bit.
Wraith is kind of getting up there now. I have to admit Wraith isn’t that op but yeah I kind of see why people found him unfun to go against. In some maps your kinda screwed due to how fast he can get from point A to point B but that’s it. At least you can counter play Wraith. Even funnier when you have access to Blast Mine.
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People always complain about what's currently popular, and it seems that nobody is playing Spirit since she got bugged. I haven't gone against one since then.
It's the reason why barely anyone complains about Hag; because nobody plays her.
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In my personal case, don´t see much spirits nowadays. But spirit still the killer I hate the most. She still needs a nerf propperly, not dependable on Iron Will. That was not an adequate nerf.
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i dont actually think she needs a nerf, not holding shift was always an option. I never seem to have problems with spirits, back when old prayer beads was a thing she needed nerfs, and got them. ppl crying about spirit now are probably not that good.
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I mean it's kinda the same on the flipside though. DS used to be the most complained about surv perk, once that was fixed it becamse DH and BT lol. Humans are just like that
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As you (and others) already said, she is bugged right now, you dont see many Spirits. Aside from this, I am also pretty sure that quite a bunch of players are not playing her because they relied on Stridor too much. The second thing will go away over time, people will realize that she is still very good.
Third, now that Stridor does not counter Iron Will anymore, some people will stop complaining, because for them, Spirit got nerfed because they run Iron Will anyway.
She needs a Nerf anyway, her Kit did not become more acceptable just because they removed one of her crutches. But for this, Spirit needs to be played more often, which will happen eventually.
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She's not that bad so long as you have iron will, now that stridor is nerfed. The footstep bug just makes it better. It's not a problem but once this bug is fixed she will still need turning down. She is still the 2nd best killer in the game when sounds work correctly, or when the survivor doesn't have iron will.
The threads vanished because people aren't annoyed by her anymore. People create threads as a reaction to take out their frustration, most of the time, instead of attempting to provide logical feedback. This is why most threads are "This is OP. Nerf this thing. You're useless at your jobs" instead of "This is OP. Nerf this thing. This is how I'd do it."
So, instead of being annoyed at sprit, they're being annoyed by Ruin Undying Tinkerer Blight players, where all the spirit mains have moved now that their old killer takes some small modicum of skill to use. Just like when the old 3-4 blink Nurse mains moved to Spirit, then to Freddy, then to Spirit when they realised she was still bullshit op, and now to Blight.
It's a constant cycle of moving to the next most OP thing to eliminate as much skill needed as possible instead of getting good at the game, only counteracted by survivor players who do the exact same thing (except don't need to since their meta hasn't changed since David King released).
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Yeah you're right. 2 years of complaining is ok, but 2 years and 2 months is just too much, it's just time to retire the 'Nerf Spirit' narrative, and has nothing to do with the fact she's currently suffering due to the recent sound bugs.
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now that stridor spirit was gutted I have no issues with spirit
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It's a lot easier to have less complaints about something when they're not actively grinding their boot into the back of your head, yeah.
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You're acting exactly like the people you're describing though.
Why shouldn't people play Ruin Undying Tinkerer Blight with Alchemist Ring? Stuff like "Blight doesn't really need this" are just opinions, not a fact.
Maybe the DBD community should dedicate their energy to blaming the devs as they're the ones who get paid to make the game and decide what goes into it, instead of constantly pointing fingers at the players as if it's their responsability to make sure the game is "fun" and "fair".
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Same place all the old “nerf DS” threads went. People stopped seeing the thing they hated every other game, so they stop complaining about it.
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How am I- someone complaining about people on both sides who run nothing but the easiest builds because they don't want to get good at the game- acting like the people who run the easiest builds because they don't want to get good at the game?
i can show you my usual builds for both sides, if you want, and the only meta perks show up on killer. even then, there's no ruin, undying, spirit or blight in sight.
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I agree that killers complain as much as survivors do, but there is one difference between them. Killers, more frequently than survivors, have a better argument for their complaints. They don’t just come here like a lot of survivor mains do and say survivor op, nerf them. Many explain the issue and why it’s a problem, whereas lots of survivors just attack the killer players and call them bad without having a reasonable argument.
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Hopefully they'll fix her audio bugs soon so wraith and blight can be left alone
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It’ll be funny if they fix her audio bugs only for a new bug to arise that allows her to see survivors while phasing.
The forums would literally explode.
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Currently the only thread on the first page related to one killer is called "Blight mains! One of the hardest killer to learn... respect!"
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"Pro comp" gamers can't hear the footsteps :) or they're insecure because iron will got buffed :)
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The nerf threads got nerfed... obviously...
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I definitely agree with that. Dead Hard is a great example of that. It robs killers hits way too many times when they deserve those hits. I haven’t heard one killer say that survivors suck for running it but god forbid if killers camp or tunnel, they’re just automatically bad at the game.
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Breaks my heart to see someone with a Meg pfp hate Spirit. I love both of them as they were my first survivor main and killer main respectively.
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Still don’t understand how they’re getting so many complaints. Do survivors want easy mode that badly?
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Spirit is fine, doesnt need any nerf anymore. If you lose against a spirit, you simply sucks. Stop complaining.
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Well saying losing that losing against Spirit means you suck isn’t really true. She is the third strongest killer in the game IMO and you can’t win them all.
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It’s because she’s not being played as much due to bugs which are severely impacting the ability to play as Spirit effectively.
1) Footstep Bug - with most players using Iron Will, it will be almost impossible to home in while phasing like before. Yeah, there’s still visual cues like grass but that’s situational and not dependable.
2) Coming Out of Phase Bug - Lots of times when you come out of phase, the game will “show” you a survivor, only for them to teleport away. This leads to tons of whiffs for those who go for the M1 on reaction.
They’re both stupid bugs that need to be fixed ASAP. That way we can go back to having a fun killer and daily Nerf Spirit Threads.
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I didn’t know that number 2 existed. Maybe that’s why I’m struggling with Spirit lately.
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Yeah dude, it’s super annoying and happens consistently. IDK if it could be something to do with the hit validation change since it’s making killers overall play much laggier.
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May I introduce you to
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Well never mind then. This community man.
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That would be horrible, but also funny
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I don't think most do. It's just the ones that think trapper should be 110 or something are the ones that never shut the ######### up