I am really starting to hate this game...

What about this game would make you rage quit forever?
Try switching roles or taking a break.
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Appearance of a decent competitor.
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You shouldn't commit to playing a game that makes you mad. if you aren't consistently having fun, you should find a game that does give you more consistent amounts of fun.
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If they removed all my waifus then yes I would.
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Honestly, removing Hawkins instead of reskinning it was more or less the worst they could do. And I didn't rage quit.
Albeit, I guess if they started removing other good maps like The Game or Dead Dawg Saloon I would certainly feel the pain as I do now while they are not in rotation and I get forest after forest.
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If they nerfed demo again I would cry but I do not think I can quit maybe take breaks.
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When did they nerf him? Was it the barbs glasses nerf?
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Proximity chat
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When he got his addons reworked, they nerfed his addons but slightly buffed his basekit. Also as far as I know barbs glasses is basically like brutal strength for his shred and has not been changed.
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If there was another RE situation.
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I'm already bored of killer. Most games whenever I play killer usually results in one of two outcomes.
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Welcome to the family
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Some decent competition is all I'd need. I'm very much looking forward to Evil Dead, Back 4 Blood, and whatever Gun Media is working on. Dbd had my heart for years but the 4v1, same objectives every match, bugs on console, etc... is becoming very stale. I'm just ready for something new, and something that works.
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Nothing could make me rage quit the game, but if they continue on the path they're on and end up breaking the game to an unplayable state on all platforms and keep focusing on high-cost cosmetics, that would make me not want to play anymore.
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Same, the Evil Dead game looks like a lot of fun. They managed to get every license too, which is a first.
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I'm kinda teetering there now. I've lost about 255 million bloodpoints, and 3,844 hours. I'm waiting to see what happens. Fingers crossed
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Skill based matchmaking
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Loss of progress is the only thing that'd really do it for me. I got through 1.9.2, at this point I'm prepared for anything.
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The game dying. It's my most played game on Steam for a reason.
I have some bad news, then. It's coming, I'd wager it'll be ready by the end of the year, or early next year.
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Already there.
Been playing since PS4 release 2017. Once this pass is 70'ed, I'm on a very long break for the very least.
I don't find the game enjoyable. I find it a chore.
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For me it's the blatant puppy guarders and face campers. A lot of the time they aren't even using new killers; so that excuse is out the window.