Exits are broken

It's not the length of time of them it's not the design it's the placement when i'm playing survivor they are extremely close together or right next to eachother when playing killer extremely far apart
The Game map as a good thing about it the exit gates stay in the same place their never close to eachother so why are exit gates on every other map impossible to just separate
BHVR thinks drastically varied and unbalanced RNG is "fun" though
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Dont you love it when survivor and both exit gates are legit on the same ######### wall? DONT YOU? after all that hard effort of looping, doing gens and surviving you find BOTH EXIT GATES CAMPED ooo and the icing on the cake is if they have noed.
in all seriousness tho, yeah its ridiculous.
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I love 2 doors in the same 10 meters of wall when survivor as much as a killen when one door is in Yamaoka and the other in Mc Millan.
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RNGesus is both cruel and kind.