Both sides should have an option to forfeit.
Being stomped in any game isn't fun and it's sometimes very irrecoverable in this game, I think that survivors and killers should be able to forfeit (with survivors obviously having to be unanimous) so we don't have to wait out awful games that are doomed to fail anymore.
But then wraiths would never get a game that lasted more than the 60 seconds to unanimously vote it down.
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we call that dc-ing/suiciding on hook
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Can't wait to have a teammate get downed for the first time in a match and then "forfeit" with no penalty
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But DC-ing gives a penalty and you need to be put on the hook to ######### on it which takes ages, it would be an easy way for survivors to accept the loss and move on to the next trial instead of having the game drag on.
Also, killers can't exactly suicide on hook.
Edit: Also, DC-ing/suiciding isn't unanimous.
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Like I said, it would have to be unanimous for the forfeit to actually go through.
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Or, gen pops a little faster than a killer would like. Immediate forfeit.
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Exactly, a forfeit button would hurt the game so much.
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Yeah, can’t wait for it to be like League of Legends where your idiot teammates spam the surrender vote instead of trying to make a comeback. That was annoying and demoralizing too. Someone would feed and then would spam the surrender vote. It would be the same here if someone got downed quickly. No thank you!
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Yeah but from what little I know about League, sometimes losses are irrecoverable, if somebody is ultra fed then it's impossible to take them down, just like it's impossible to do 4 gens with 2 survivors alive, or get 12 hooks with 5 gens done.
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Had a game where I had your standard South American player that fed and spammed the surrender vote and insulted his teammates in broken English. I was Kog'Maw and farmed up well while my teammates did as the forced 50 percent win teammates do best (they sucked).. long story short: we wiped them and then I was able to take out the mid towers extremely fast and we barely took out their nexus. I think the way the game works now is that it is somewhat a team game, but you can still save yourself if your teammates suck. I like it that way and don't want to lose because my teammates give up.
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Ah alright, I don't really play League so I don't really know much about it, this game struggles with the problem of your fate being in other peoples hands though, whether there is a forfeit button or not some random guy decides whether or not you escape.
Not so much for killer though, that's kind of controllable.
That's why I want a forfeit button, it was mainly and idea I thought of for survivors but bad killer games exist too, but being able to forfeit in doomed games would make the game a more enjoyable experience I think.
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Standard matches in DBD don't go very long, can be anywhere between 5-15 minutes long. A forfeit option is really unecessary for the game anyway and putting it in will just make matches even shorter because you'll just have survivors and killers immediately giving up when something doesn't go their way and is that what you really want? You can already forfeit without the need to disconnect anyway, either suicide on the hook as survivor or stand in the corner as killer and tab out until the match is over.
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Not if you put in restrictions on when either side can forfeit. Make it so X amount of time needs to pass before either side can forfeit, and also make it so a Survivor forfeit must be unanimous among all Survivors still in the trial (with a failed unanimous vote putting the option on a lengthy cooldown for the Survivor who initiated it). Also make it so the Killer can't see when the Survivors are voting on a forfeit (that way, the Killer won't be able to suspect that a downed person who rejects a forfeit might have Unbreakable or something similar).
"You can already forfeit without the need to disconnect anyway"
What do you do when the other side decides to not finish the game anyways?
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Rocket League games go for 5 minutes and still have a forfeit button and I think it's great, if there's 30 seconds left and the score is 1-5 you could save yourself 30 second and go next. The point of the forfeit is to be quick so you can move on to the next game as soon as possible, there's really no point in staying when there's two survivors left and three gens that need to be completed, it's just not viable.
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Forfeit button was the ability to DC without penalty we had a month or so ago.
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DC isn't unanimous.
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Funny you say that cause i remember my biggest pet peeve of LoL was people who did not recognise a clear loss and refuses to surrender.
Sure 1/20 games you could possibly make a comeback cause the fed team didn't press the advantage but mostly it was a huge waste of time.
The 1 comeback victory was not worth the dozens of matches that should have ended at the 20 minute mark but turned out to be a 45 minute pointless struggle.
Just my opinion of course.
As for this game. There isn't that much of a point. The only thing i would add is that after 20-25 minutes the killer can open the exit gates to circumvent bugs that cause the game to be unfinishable or survivors hiding forever.
Outside of those 2 scenario's you can get out of a game pretty quickly
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I really wish I could forfeit as killer when the two of those betas go for a hatch stand off.
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As long as it's exclusively focused on ending already decided matches being dragged out, sure.
By that I mean, if the gates are open the killer should have a lever in the basement or something that immediately ejects all remaining survivors. This is a forfeit option, so this also makes downed and hooked survivors escape - it's exclusively there if someone doesn't want to go chase the survivors out and they're refusing to leave until 0.000000152 seconds is left of EGC.
And on the survivor side, if all survivors are incapacitated (dead, slugged or hooked) either a vote or the ability to teleport themselves onto a basement hook after a certain amount of time should be available. No, they don't get to attempt to kobe or anything, they're "rushed" through the sacrifice stages like when the last survivor is hooked, and they can't be unhooked even with some megamind unbreakable play in the basement. The moment they use it, they're already dead. It's a forfeit option for when the killer either can't find them or decided it would be heckin epic to follow a slug around and nod at them for 4 minutes.
And this is coming from someone who has absolutely no problems with chasing people out or just watching a youtube video in situations like this.
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I'd support having it but to have a specific time bracket so people can't baby out 30 seconds into a game
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This. But the penalty only went away cause the game wasn't and still isn't working properly. WE'll never be able to admit defeat without wasting time or being penalized for doing so.
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I have mixed feelings about this. I think there should be an option to end the match if it goes for too long (20-30 minutes), but, in general, I queue up because I want to play -- not because I want to look into a crystal ball and see who would have won and dole out points accordingly. If you want the actual experience of playing matches, having people end the match as soon as they feel like they're losing isn't fun.
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If it goes throught a vote for survivor i honestly don't see the problem.
BUT i think Forfeiting should take away 50% of the XP and BP gained during the trial, aswell as giving a Black Pip
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This is actually a great idea. I've had so many games where survivors just want to taunt at the gates or the killer just wants to gloat over your body. Obviously you'd give the other side their points for the outcome (kill or escape), but I like this. It should only become available after a certain point though, like when all gens are completed or 3 survivors are on hooks or 2 are dead
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Seeing as how this is only a way to escape potential toxicity and save time, I don't think there should be a BP or XP punishment. Take chess for example. Forfeits aren't stigmatized at all there, they're just part of the game. Should be the same here, don't punish people for not delaying the inevitable, especially in this case where it can prevent toxicity
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Considering how salty DBD players tend to be, a forfeit button would be the worst choice the dev team could ever make. Gens going to fast? Match ends! Ds'd once? Match end! Go down to early? Lose a teammate! Go down to a weird hitbox? Lose a teammate! People would be forfeiting left and right. Its a baaad idea.
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But chess are a duel game not a multiplayer one. Forfeiting at chess only takes you away from the game while in DBD it takes 5 people out.
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Just wait until you see a survivor "Forfeit" from a good Huntress or Twins.
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Hence why it should only be enabled at certain points, such as when all generators are complete. I meant to touch on that, apologies
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ooh yeah i also think it should only be enable on certain conditions, like 1 or multiples DCs, not before 3 minutes, etc.
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it can work for survivor, however there needs to be a consequence. Like you lose all blood points and double depip, similar to dc except you dont get a timer also all 4 survivors must agree to be able to forfeit. Killer doesn't get to forfeit.
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I mean I don't think you should have to have someone DC so the rest can forfeit. Just let people forfeit when the game is lost, whatever those specific conditions turn out to be
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You're overlooking the part where I said "unanimous", you wouldn't lose a teammate unless they DC, forfeiting would be every survivor deciding that the game is lost.
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A forfeit in Chess also takes the opponent out of the game...
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I said unanimous in the original post, but why shouldn't a killer get to forfeit? It would only be fair to allow both sides to accept defeat, why should killers have to stay in games where they're getting stomped?
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yeah but the opponent already knows he has won. While in DBD a 3 man SWF could decide to forfeit because the killer is not playing a character they like or because they don' tlike the map and they would win the vote because they have the majority.
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so you would let people be able to forfeit because :
- killer : survivor last second switch to a key or other item
- killer : don't like the map (ex : Lery's as Hillbilly)
- survivor : don't like the map
- survivor : don't like the killer character
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unanimous implies the majority, which could mean 3 votes out of 4 for exemple , i am saying everyone (alive) must agree otherwise it just makes solo Q unfun when matched with SWF trolls.
Because its just going to end up into a forfeit fest. If all gens are completed the Killer can open the gate if they want to concede.
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Hell no. That's why I said only enable it at certain points, like when all gens are done or maybe 2 survivors are dead
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Unanimous literally means what you are saying...
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Bro, I said unanimous, it would have to be all four survivors, and if the other side forfeits it counts as a win for you and vice verse, that's the point if forfeiting, saying "You win, I lose".
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RIP Spirit, Trickster, Hag, and Doctor
I won't miss you, either. [Voted to Forfeit]
I don't believe this is something you actually want in practice.