'Why is that on the list of censored words' collection thread

Post the words that the chat's censoring just left you baffled with.
My top 4:
IRL/In Real Life
you litterally cannot say meyers, it censored gg for me one time.
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"Piece of #########" wasn't censored. "Words" was tho.
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It censored the word "HELL" for me.
It'll be fun to see them censor Pinhead too at some point, lmao.
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It had also censored when survivor said "I like your cum head" when I ran a specific jelly-like head cosmetic on Demogorgon
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Lol I've had "GG" censored randomly like 30 percent of the time I've used it. XD
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I had the word “you” censored. :)
Also Bond, you know the actual perk that’s in the game, and Hawkins, the map.
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true ! when i talking about myers .. i got banned ! from making discussion topic
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"Yun-Jin" also had the words "hooking" and "didn't know" censored once
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-Sexy men
All censored for me
Not censored
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The german word for german (deutsch) is censored.
Why is this word censored?!
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lmao that is whack. My best guess is that it kinda is spelled similar to douche?
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"Deutsch" and "Frank's" have been blurred for me, while "Nazi" was just fine.
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I seriously don't get why is everyone called nazi these days. Do people even know what nazi is?
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no sadly alot of people dont remember the nazi's or their attrocities and just bandy the word about like communist in the 50's.
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I guess because I was playing with my bf and he's German? So the person with a very clear "UNITED KINGDOM" in their profile must also actually be from Germany?
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You can't say "Porn" even tough there is literally an add-on called VHS Porn
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Wow. Sorry you had to go through that.
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We both laughed it off at least lol
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censored faq but not #########
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In a recent game we were not allowed to write "David" or "Jeff" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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A streamer typed gg to me once and it showed up as ##