same build every game

Am I the only one getting bored of corrupt, ruin & undying ?
ever single game it’s the same stuff ZzzzZzzz which YouTube or streamer put this out and now everyone and there nan is running it
i would like to say thank you you’ve just made the game even more of a snore fest
I mean you always see only 10 perks at best. Most perks are just bad.
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Im getting equally as bored of
always iron will
usually dead hard
borrowed time, all the time
and then decisive strike or adrenaline (which is way better btw)
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Killer role has been taken far too seriously. 4K is considered a "win". When the game really should strive for a 2 and 2 balance. Meaning that it should be difficult to pull a 4K but, with the meta makes it possible to 4k consistently and, Youtube taught them, that's a win.
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Iron will is a must as it’s anoying to hear your character screaming all the damn time it’s louder then a gen,
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Don't blame players for using the perks. Blame the dev's for making 80% of killer perks awful.
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No1 has their own brain nomore I see, I miss the old times where people didn’t go to YouTube to learn to play a game
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I'm sick of survivors complaining about the same perks killer use and killers complaining about the same perks survivors use.
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As someone who has tried to play around with "bad" perks for fun, it's borderline impossible to even get a feel for them when you face sweaty killers and survivors lol
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I love playing risky builds as Survivor. Breakout / Sabotage being my favorite combo but, more often than not, I feel like I just throw the game.
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I barely see ds anymore since it was nerfed, I wish people used adrenaline & bt is a must when half the killers just camp & when I play killer I dont get hit with bt but then I don’t go for the person that has just been farmed in my face i go for the unhooker for farming their team m8
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No they don't you are right. I have 4 kids and sometimes I feel I could get them to understand life easier if I make a youtube clip of my lessons. The generations get dumber each time (no offense to those in the newer generations) but it's true for the vast majority. At least from my POV.
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Much like survivors are allowed to use good perks so are killers
most of the time the effect of the good perks are to counter the time bought by the other sides good perks
but its also potentially in retaliation to treatment in a prior match
killer A tries to do a fun build against survivor team A, Survivor team A is chocked to the brim with strong perks and items that trounce killer A's build
next match killer A decides they didn't like how they were treated that last match and in retaliation equips strong perks and addons and matches into survivor team B, survivor team B isn't as stacked as killer A as they were a more casual group and they now get trounced instead, now survivor team B is frustrated they got trounced and pick up strong perks and items (sound familiar yet?) and go against killer B who is trying to do a fun build.
Its a cycle where one side bringing strong stuff for the upper hand leads to most average players just bringing similar strength stuff 24/7 so they don't experience a harsh defeat again because they were out perked by the other side while they were trying to have fun
You can't blame either side in this scenario for their actions since its a very humane response
nor can you stand on the side lines and complain while you are above it that other people can still just be a part of the cycle, its just how it is
if you want your casual experience make some friends and do it with them or accept that some people have been too damaged by the current system to care way too much about doing fun builds 24/7 when their goal has more shifted to having fun because you are winning from the same system
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Oh and to the main point I personally don't run Corrupt, ruin, undying since most try to hide out the corrupt......meaning totems don't survive long with corrupt. Lethal/corrupt on the other hand is sexy along with 2 others I'm in the mood for.
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Killers struggle with gen control. Once that isn´t an issue, you won´t see any more gen slowdown perks.
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I've never heard of a more brutal and shocking injustice I've cared so little about
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Can you really blame both sides?
Since 80% of perks are useless or niche. I tried different builds but I would hardly get to use the perks. That is why I'm not a fan of perks being nerfed.
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It's not about gen control or anything else. It's about the 4K mindset. Killer mains think they need to 4K every game to be good, when the balance should be a more consistent 2 and 2.
The mindset has been set in and any attempt to reel Killers back in will not go over well within the Killer main community.
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I highly doubt that’s going to be the case 😂 one can wish
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This is what happens when the most fun builds are locked behind the grind. Man, it took me sooo long to get that shadow born on Nurse. And as of now I don't have any killer with enough perks for me to make cool builds, so I just stick to the META.
If I want to make endgame builds, I'd have to get NOED, level up Oni to 40, Spirit to 40, Trickster to 35 or 40 (can't remember NWO unlock level), Freddy to 40, Plague to 35, get Bitter Murmur etc. And after all of that I have to grind to get those perks on the character I want them on.
I'd love spicing up my loadouts, but I don't have what with.
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Fair enough the grind is long!
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It's boring, but you have to learn to live with it because at the end of the day is a competitive game with a ranked system, and like 80% of the playerbase wants to win and bring perks the most meta combination of perks instead of having fun.
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I can live with only getting 1k on a match, but at the end sometimes even getting 1k will gave you an entity disspleased (spirit's rancor or myers's tombstone).
But i have seen people getting the 4k in like 3/4 minutes and get an brutal killer, so it seems (in my opinion) that how the game rewards you after a match is badly design so people will always tryhard to get the 4k.
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Just today i saw a streamer come up with a gen slowdown build that contained 4 slowdown perks.
Yeaaaaah, killers are desperate.
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It would be nice if survivors weren't forced to run Borrowed Time and Decisive Strike so they aren't camped/tunneled so much they can't play the game.
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It would be nice if killer weren't forced to run Hex : Ruin and Hex : Undying so they aren't genrushed so much they can't play the game.
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What perks make the game more interactive for you as a survivor? Just curious what kind of builds you would prefer to see.
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Whataboutism isn't helpful.
I'm just as sick of Corrupt (idk about the other two perks) as the OP but also believe DH shouldn't exist.
If you have problems with BT as killer, then it's doing its intended job, and should stay as is. And Iron Will only really allows for mindgames.
And DS is useless at even doing its job right now, so how you can complain about seeing such a rare perk is obscene...and Adrenaline awards doing well, so idk what to say about that one lol (I'd love to see more perks like devour for killer that reward them for playing well rather than for doing badly which seems to be all we get these days)
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Playing without gen regression is terrible. The survivors don't even have to be decent at chases to escape because of how easy it is to do gens.
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I play Killer half the time and don't run Hex: Ruin and Hex: Undying most times. Heck, about half the time I play I don't run any slowdown perks. There's really no Killer perk I feel like I'm forced to play.
As survivor, I definitely feel like I have to run an exhaustion perk and after being face-camped or proxy-camped, I feel like I have to play DS.
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Gen slowdown is a must because it is annoying to lose just because the game is balanced terribly. Like honestly. How do you rationalize you using Iron Will, a perk that is top 5 used for survivor, while you say killers using meta perks makes them sheep?
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You and @Tsulan are perfect for each other. You two balance each other out so well.
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I actually also don't run Undying ruin.
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He and I have chatted back and forth. He seems reasonable. :)
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I mean, I play "Play who you verse" right now and didn't get a single "Ruin/Und/Tinkerer" Killer. In fact, I had a Wraith with Oppression, BBQ, Courrupt and Bamboozle.
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At least survivors bringing much more perks than killers.
"Red rank" Killers: Ruin, Undying, Corrupt, Tinkerer, BBQ, Sloppy.
Every game.
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You really can't blame people for wanting to use the most effective build. The biggest problem is that so many perks in this game are just not very good.
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You depip if you get a 2k.
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I'm getting bored of seeing the same build on both sides of the coin. As killer I see the standard Ds, adrenaline,dead hard and borrow time. As survivor I see sloppy,ruin, tinkerer and bbq/pop.
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Good point, seems the devs aren't helping the situation, driving futher the meta.
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Play no gen regression at high mmr and see the difference yourself.
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And yet Iron Will, UB, DS, and DH in every game is perfectly fine?
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Welcome to DBD where streamers have power to change meta because every person is about as braindead as a graveyard. I tend not to a full set of meta-perks besides 1 like Dead-hard or Spine chill because those are a must. Other than that, I rely on hard loops and reverse mind-gaming the killer.
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Why would anyone 'strive' for an average result?
4k is a win, what else would it be?
0k is a loss
That makes a 2k squarely in the middle, by any non-asymetrical metric, a draw.
A draw is fine, but you don't 'strive' for it.
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My trouble with BT is the freshly unhooked survivor bodyblocking the rescuer.
That's not "working as intended", I'm trying not to tunnel but you're not letting me do that.
BT would be better if it gave the unhooked survivor no collision.
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Both sides each have like 10-15 good perks. What do you expect?
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I mean it helps with the issue where a killer gatekeeps to guarantee a down if someone tries to save, so it still most definitely is doing its job the majority of the time. It had its duration reduced when it wasn't really necessary to compensate for finally working against Oblivious and Undectable statuses effects, and that was more than enough of a change to counter the issue you're talking about anyway.
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Don't make unsafe rescues.
Don't unhook in front of the killer.
If I see you running towards the hook and I'm within range, what do you expect me to do?
"It's fine I've got BT you can bodyblock."
Fine, you give me no choice but to wait 12 seconds and down you again, hope you like the tunnel.
Killers who try to play fair can't, and so they learn not to.
BT should be: No collision for 5 seconds, Endurance for additional 10 seconds.
You don't want to be tunneled, don't bodyblock with BT.
Same goes for DS, don't run into the killer just so you get to use it.
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I complained about how bad killer perks are and how bloodlust is horrid in another thread. Killer needs to be juiced with actual helping perks, then you'd see different builds. If not, you want every game to be a gen rush and for the killer to endure an alpha sweat squad?.
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If you speak loud enough they might hear you and do something <3