Dear Wraith

You never have been fun to play with or against. You never have ever required skill. You never have ever had good perks and you were bad most of the games lifespan. You aren't bad now, but you still are annoying. You aren't broken or busted, but you're unfun. You can be played in many ways, yet it's always the same. In the end, you can be changed.
Ok. I find Wraith fun to play as and against so this sounds like an opinionated post.
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He is writing a letter to Wraith, of course it is opinionated. He has his flashlight ready and wants to meet homie behind the Popeyes, bruh. Its going down.
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I honestly love going against chase-oriented Wraiths. You can beat a hit & run Wraith but it's boring to play against those ones IMO.
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######### now you just made me want Popeyes at midnight now
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I can understand that, but I don’t have much of a problem with it.
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Me neither, I personally don't mind killers that aren't fun to play against in general though, as long as they're balanced. I think Wraith is in a pretty balanced spot rn.
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Same. Only killers that I will complain going against are Trickster and Hag. Twins to an lesser extent.
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*Wraith reads letter*
*returns to sender as is*
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Problem hit n run is how they want you to play him. They sacrifice the fun parts of him a long time ago. He needs a revamp, a change
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A wraith here and there is fine....but it's every other match now. He is pretty common and it gets to the point where I get off for the day.
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Wraith is annoying and unfun to play against, but he is suppppppper fun to play as
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Some do say that...and I understand, but I don't find it fun and that's fine. He still needs something changed to make the overall experience better. Just like Michael does or Legion or Trapper.
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Alll killers required skill
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Let me guess you just died to him?
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Dear Philip
I wrote you but you still ain't calling
I left my DS, My Unbreakable and my Dead Hard at the campfire
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You really don't mind Deathslinger? But this proves that it's just a personal opinion who is fun or not fun to vs. I like going against Hag and don't mind Twins. Trickster yeah I can agree with you there.
Oh and I don't mind going against Wraith.
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I am sorry wraith
I never meant to hurt you
I never meant to make you cry
but tonight, you are cleaning dwight's closet
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Wraith is bae.