General Discussions

General Discussions

Supporting bhvr

Member Posts: 2,119
edited September 2021 in General Discussions

So how many of you are happy with the game as it is that you keep buying cosmetics or anything that gives bhvr money?

I see people complain about optimization issues, mmr, toxic behavior, lobby queue waits, qol changes for killers, the key rework, end game bullying,etc. that seem to take low priority but you keep buying the cosmetics...just doesn't make sense🤔

Post edited by latinfla4 on

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  • Member Posts: 2,451

    I did not pay any cosmetics. I only bought the battlepass once and licensed character. But bc of the console problems i skipped Resident Evil.

    But i think it doesnt matter. The most money comes from "whales", who spend hundreds or even thousands in the game. If they dont stop, nothing changes. And i know some who will only stop, when they quit the game. And they spend so much money, so they dont want to quit.

    And there is probably many new players and they dont care about the problems. They have just fun with the "new" game.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    *looks at pyramid head and legion* too

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I'm loving the game and thus i want to support it.

    Most issues (except for performance but being on pc it doesn't bother me) are grossly overexagurated anyway

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Haven’t bought anything in a while mainly because I don’t like the majority of the new killers (trickster and nemesis especially) but I think dbd is heading in a decent direction atm

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    I'm overall happy with the game as I can launch it and play whenever and have fun with it. I'm not even someone that buys a lot of cosmetics in the first place to be fair, an outfit or outfit piece really has to make me go "Hey, I really like the look of that" to make me want to buy it.

    This doesn't mean I'm ignorant of objectively problematic things (like performance issues people experience, especially on different platforms or with a weaker system than mine) or that there's a lot of other stuff people aren't happy with. But I'm happy with the game, so I'll keep playing it and if they make something that hits the mark when it comes to appealing to my rather picky taste for cosmetics and such I won't hesitate with picking it up.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    I haven't put any money into the game since the Silent Hill chapter.

  • Member Posts: 2,119

    I haven't even put money in to the rift passes.

    I just bought a gaming PC to take advantage of my gamepass ultimate and guess which game doesn't work right? I have to put it on the lowest graphics settings with 80 percent resolution to even play the game while I can play anything else in the gamepass library flawlessly🤑.

    Quit giving bhvr money until they fix their game it's not that hard.

  • Member Posts: 2,119

    At this rate they rather spend resources on mmr and new chapters which I almost guarantee will break the game again.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    I only purchased one cosmetic since the Stranger Things chapter and it is only because I've wanted an afro for Claudette for a long time. Other than that, I only use shards.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    I don't. I spent remaining ac's I had and that's it.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    The last cosmetic I bought was with a xbox gift card from Microsoft rewards so i dont Care

  • Member Posts: 3,142
    edited September 2021

    I don't buy cosmetics. And the last DLC I bought was Blight.

  • Member Posts: 1,003

    I'm back after being gone since a little after Silent Hill release and I'm only planning on spending money on the pass so I can buy cosmetics with the earnings (using the cells from pass). I used to spend a decent amount on cosmetics but now I can't justify spending money on just outfits. Completing and buying the pass is more suitable for me since you get oodles of items and your cells back to spend on cosmetics!

  • Member Posts: 336

    I've not spent any money since The Twins came out, I bought the All Kill characters with Shards and haven't bought the Resident Evil DLC.

    I spend Auric Cells on The Rift Pass when I reach the level where I get it all back anyways and haven't bought any new Auric Cells since my initial purchase when I first started playing.

    I am refusing to give them any more of my money until they start being more honest about things and doing actually good changes for game balance and performance and am encouraging other people to not spend any more money either.

  • Member Posts: 56

    Same, i dont buy anything anymore too.

    Fully client-sided game (no server validation), Trash optimization, No important reworks / changes to perk & item.

    You wont gain anything from me, not this time.

    P.s. I bought the game from a key reseller for 3$ (Not the overpriced 20$ on the store lmfao)

  • Member Posts: 348

    I only put money in for the characters

    I did put some in because of the stranger things sale but other than that I use iridescent shards for my cosmetics

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    I simply cannot resist those hot n cute outfits tho 😌

    ...have my moneyyy, phenom cosmetics team❣️

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    Just let people buy cosmetics if they want to. Someone buying a cat girl feng skin doesn't make their criticisms of the game any less credible.

    Bhvr is a multi million dollar company, individual people not buying skins cause of moral or balance reasons isn't gonna effect bhvr at all so it really doesn't matter.

  • Member Posts: 1,218

    I support the game because I enjoy it. I really don't care what BHVR says they're going to do because to me it's all some sort of lip service anyway and I've known this even before BHVR existed-- since all gaming companies I've been involved with have done this. So, I just take any game for what it's worth, play it and it just so happened that this turned out to land in my top 10 favorite multiplayer games of all time.

    Once I start to dislike a game, I don't ######### around for too long. I won't make a post about it and say I'll quit, I'll just quit.. and I'm not there yet. So until then, I'll be here supporting the game by playing and posting... and buying some stuff here and there.

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    Ehhh. The only thing I've bought recently are chapters. I haven't spent money on cosmetics since like Blight's release.

  • Member Posts: 538

    I like spending my money on games I play frequently

  • Member Posts: 1,378

    Outside of me buying the Blight Chapter when it came out, the Blighted Skins of Ghostface & Legion when they came out (which has been awhile) and just now the Spunkogorgon Skin on sale, I haven't really monetarily supported this game all that much.

    I DO want to get Nemesis & Pinhead, maybe Twins...but just holding off for now. Mostly because the state of console play is awful & still in dire need of help. I feel the game is still fun and has potential to be better.....

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    There are quite a few complaining threads, but people on these forums are only a very small part of the overall player base, and it's common knowledge people will more likely write to vent or stress something they don't like than write something positive.

    It's likely many more enjoy the game than don't. Just that they don't have a negative reason to write anything.

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    From my time here it seems to me most of the posters are on PC, especially the veterans and the much larger killer pool. This makes sense, as the game came out on PC first. But I feel console is very under-represented here, despite collectively being the larger playerbase.

    Maybe in general consolers are less vocal dunno...

  • Member Posts: 854

    haven't spent one cent since June 2020. I'm not happy with the game as it is, so i won't give money to support. If BHVR makes good decisions in the future i will see but for now, no way.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    Yeah, that's a good point too. Not thought about it in terms of platform. Undoubtably, that would have some sort of influence. It's still a comparatively small number compared to the number of PC players though.

    Did we ever get an overall figure on any satisfaction survey they've hosted? Would be intriguing to see, if not.

  • Member Posts: 984
    edited September 2021

    I'll support the game if they make it playable on console (ps4), as right now it's an unplayable laggy mess - much worse than it used to be. The community is fine. The gameplay is fine. What lets me down is the inability to play a game that I've paid for, because it's so laggy and glitchy

  • Posts: 537
    edited September 2021

    I use microsoft reward gift cards to buy cells and dlcs, just bought some for the rift and with the ones I get back I'll buy Pinhead


  • Member Posts: 15,095
  • Member Posts: 655

    I haven't spent money since the Resident Evil Chapter and I won't spend more money until they add Pinhead to the game!

    Wait a minute....

  • Member Posts: 3,171

    LOL my kate is like that too......Along with most of my killers and survivors. Also very excited for MMR.

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    I found the rough numbers I posted a while ago and took a screenshot. I got them from a very forbidden place, and the UEA'S with the consoles make official numbers impossible to get, so keep that in mind.

    No doubt the numbers across the board have grown since mid 2020 especially with the RE and anniversary hype. But also the RE patch nuking the consoles undoubtedly shrunk those numbers too.

    If anything is useful from those numbers I'd say it's the platform ratios, which I tend to believe.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    Nice digging! You're right to focus on the ratio. I suppose the question now is have Sony or Xbox overtaken with their new gens, or mobile gaming even stepped up, but it's a good example to look at. Thank you for taking the time to find this!

  • Member Posts: 638

    I buy them because I want them; I’m thinking of myself, not other people as it won’t affect them in any way.

    I think the only way to get BHVR to notice is if people stopped playing their game entirely.

    But, most people aren’t going to do that either.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    *awkward silence right after I purchased the cumogorgon skin*

  • Member Posts: 1,521

    I don't buy cosmetict unless I have enough shards i dont buy rifts, and i dong buy aurics for licensed characters or chapters i figured i can buy new game for that money instead

  • Member Posts: 2,119

    Yeah that is the problem why they won't fix what's wrong with the game as long as people keep spending money its just logic🤑

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    I don't think mobile was included at all. Last i heard around 70% of those using a PlayStation or Xbox are still on the proir gen machines, no doubt due to availability & price & scalping.

  • Member Posts: 1,261

    I can't understand either...

  • Member Posts: 2,119

    It might not matter anymore after next Tuesday's patch in all fairness...

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