Will Twins ever get a decent rework?

I think now that AI is a thing in this game... I believe when Victor is Idle he patrols the map and can also hit survivors. He could also be commanded to stay in one specific area. I would even be satisfied with a reduction on Charlette's base speed to balance the buff. And of course Victor can still be destroyed by survivors as normal. Thoughts? I think this would help Charlette out a lot.
I wish victor would act as a debuff that would invert survivors controls and or work against survivors so that they could not do anything for 8 or 6 seconds if latched on <Think of victor as hindering them heavily till victor is removed from head>.
But i do not agree that victor should be able to move freely that would be way too strong thing a Nemesis zombie on steroids or if he started patrolling a hook.
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I hope they get a rework so they aren't the slugging machine they are now.
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No need for a rework when they are fine as is
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That's a really good idea with the debuff and inverted controls! I'd take that for Twins.
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Underpowered and one of the least used Killer in game. If not the most. I mean do you play as the Twins? You're right about them being Unique. But honestly not that strong.
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Umm that is contradicting TBH what you said. A good Twins player can be beaten by a good survivors. That's more of an argument as to why they need a buff. I mean for those of you who disagree with the buff do you personally play twins?
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Plague is the least played killer in the game.
Twins are very strong if you play them right. There is no other killer in the game that slugs as well as they do.
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They're very strong if played correctly. Slugging is what you must do as Twins.
Doesn't mean I'm not down for changes to them though, particularly changes for their add-ons.
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Well you could still control him and take over him. I think he should at least try to patrol on area where you leave him and be able to go after a survivor in that area.
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Plague is in desperate need of a rework as well. I agree
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No. Plain and simple. Just another killer that'll be abandoned balance wise because a VERY small portion of the playerbase plays them. They are at the absolute bottom of rework priority.
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I agree they are very strong from slugging. But it's not the most fun playstyle IMO.
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I believe that.
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I don't think Plague needs a rework, her mechanics are fine. She's unique and she can he incredibly strong when played right. I just think she needs some minor buffs and QoL improvements- Mainly her puke being so infuriating imo.
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Hey I agree him being an AI would be way too strong! I just wanted his pounce to be stronger and hinder survivors who he latches onto so that they are more encouraged to knock him off quickly or being considerably slower.
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You would have to totally remove Victor, which is what makes her one of the most unique killers in the game.
I would say definitely not.
Slugging might could use a rework, because it's not just the Twins that can slug. You have Nurse and Billy who are also fantastic at slugging. However, I don't think slugging is that big of a problem, aside from the fact that I do believe survivors should have the option to suicide after 1 minute of bleed out time, which would put it in line with the hook suicide timer.
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I've been actively playing Twins lately, and I don't know how I feel about letting Victor roam around in AI form. I mean as an option? Maybe. Mandatory? I don't think so.
Sometimes leaving Victor stationary in a specific location can be strategic, especially if you suspect a survivor is nearby a specific objective, like a gen with a lot of progress etc.
I think what they need to change is the ability for survivors to crush Victor after downing someone with a successful pounce. Why? Because it feels like you are being punished for successfully landing an attack. If Victor misses, then I could see this being a thing. If they want to balance Victor by not allowing him to pounce immediately after, then survivors should also not be able to crush him, immediately following a successful pounce.
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I really like The Twins. They are my favorite Killer. I recently got to Rank 1 playing just Twins.
The mechanics are fine, but their add ons need another rework, particularly the Iridescent add ons. Ire add ons are supposed to change the game and Killer dramatically. Currently, the Ire add ons are one of their weakest.
My ideas for them:
-Silencing Cloth transfers your terror radius to idle Victor, and Victor's grunts to Charlotte for 25 seconds after switching to Charlotte.
-Iridescent Pendant should make Idle Victor Un-crushable, reduce his detection radius while idle and slightly reduce his maximum idle time.
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I dont think they need a rework but twin is only if she get the ability to slug 2 survivor at the same time so playing in pair or medkit retk her
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Twins are strong. Obviously I wish they didn't have to rely on slugging and some camping as much as they do but their design literally lends themselves to it and it would be foolish not to capitalize on. That's why in the hands of a good Twins player they can be devastating.
Even against coordinated groups you can do very well with them, all it takes is one bad slip up by survivors and you can start downing people left and right. I'd say the only things that really hard counter a very good Twins player is everyone being extremely coordinated and on comms as well as running fast healing builds to pick each other up and stay healed against Victor.
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Well it sounds like all killers against your 4 good survivors will always struggle. And no lol I don't need to watch your stream xD I'll take your word for it.
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Maybe less rework and just buffs.
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That's why it'd would be an option to post him somewhere as well.
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Messing with survivor's controls is the worst thing they could possibly add to this game.
That's just a scumbag mechanic and it's completely non-competitive.
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I'm really starting to like the twins a lot too. Just wanting to see some good skins, and some good tweaks.
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I guess overall feedback I realize that the twins aren't as bad as people make it out to be. But most people look at them and laugh and aren't afraid of playing against them. So they definitely lacking with new player base or below average killer players who will never touch her.
But I very much enjoy playing as them. Just find myself losing often. And people even say after my matches.
"That's what I expect to see from a trashy killer like twins."
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I think overall the main Issue I see with leaving victor as he is now is that he can be kidnapped. Which is just dumb IMO They should make it that if victor stays on you too long you go into the dying state.
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Twins are one of these killers that definitely don't need slowdown to be consistent at red ranks, even against sweatier teams. They will likely lose against the top stuff but every killer will barring the top three with as much sweat delivered by the player. I do not understand how anyone can call them weak. Like, it just does not compute with me when their power denies loops and is basically impossible to avoid when used by a decent player. Added to that, the snowball potential is obscene and Oni-level with enough chaos.
They are, however, very much like Hag when it comes to solo. Not in the camping department, but rather in the 'without coordination they can't be stopped' department. Should solo queue get buffed, these guys would be less hated. Well, no, Hag would still be despised but Twins wouldn't have as many issues as survivors would be more strategic thanks to more tools being given to them.
They don't need a rework, solo queue does. SWF has the tools necessary to avoid the super slugging. Whether they find Twins 'boring' or not is irrelevant, half the cast is consistently boring to most people.
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You make really good points. But how is going to BUFF solo Ques fix the issue of killers struggling against SWF? So you want killers to struggle against SWF and Solo Q teams? No thanks. But lets keep that out of this conversation I just made a thread for that.
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Madeline's Glove and Soured Milk Add ons have been bugged since Nemi dropped.
The add ons changed from: Increase area of Victors idle shriek.
To now: Increase the area of Victors shriek while charging a pounce.
Twins may get an AI Victor Pounce or AI Charlotte that moves towards survivors in the Shriek radius since they have left the description in for almost 3 months. And they can't be that incompetent... right?
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I would revert a successful pounce hit cooldown on a injured survivor back to 3 seconds, it's more than enough time to kick him if there's multiple around. 5 seconds is way too long and feels very out of place with the animation.
Victor now causes erratic movement while latched on to a survivor, (as if a killer was carrying a survivor) To help with people taking him hostage and holding W.
Charlotte now gains a haste effect once Victor has been kicked or crushed, 6-8 seconds or so like a clown's invigorate bottle while she's out of Victor's radius.
Allow the use of on hit perks and aura perks to work with Victor. Should be able to use Surge for example.
While Charlotte is dormant, anyone who approaches her in lunge range loses a health state.
Allow Victor to pounce down and upstairs on Haddonfield, Midwitch.
Rework her perks;
Oppression - Reduced cooldown , Skillcheck - Failing the skillcheck causes a surge effect on the other two affected generator's.
Coup de Grace - Hooking grants a token, completed gens grant a token.
Hoarder - Same but whenever a survivor uses an item from a chest, their aura is revealed.
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Maybe you can choose who to control and the other one becomes an AI
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Twins are very close to being a strong and mostly healthy killer, they just need efficiency tweaks and for camping to be less advisable.
1. Reduce successful Pounce cooldown to 4 seconds. If a survivor starts to crush Victor, he is crushed regardless of when the animation is performed. (No more half-finished kicks)
2. If Victor is within 5m of a nearby hook when you are carrying a survivor, he will start wailing and will glow red. If you hook a survivor on a hook within 5m of Victor, he will automatically be crushed. (Camping is now harder. Can still be done, but Victor will be closer to a rescuing survivor and crouching in will take less time.)
3. Charlotte wake-up time decreased to 2 seconds. Control can be switched back to Charlotte even if in a successful cooldown animation. (Significant buff to the Twins' efficiency. Downing and picking up people while using the Twins will take much less time, as switching to Charlotte will only take 2 seconds after a successful Victor down rather than 8.)
4. Victor respawn time increased to 10 seconds. (Minor tweak to make crushing Victor more impactful.)
5. Charlotte can re-attach an idle Victor by going up and interacting with him. Victor can pounce back into Charlotte's chest to reattach himself. (Quality of life change.)
The main issue the Twins have is unfamiliarity. Nobody knows how to play against them, and many don't know how to play as them. They're much like Hag in that they have defined counterplay and a playstyle that extends beyond always camping, but few have actually discovered it. If more people played Twins, survivors would have to adjust to facing them and adjust to their dynamic counterplay.
They're very big brain killers. They have a very high learning and skill requirement to truly get good at them, and they require the survivors to be constantly thinking to do well against them. I wouldn't change this, as it is their biggest strength, so making Victor an A.I. or old Legion as I've seen people say is a terrible idea.
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You ever thought about the fact that it would be whomever isn't being controlled would have AI?
Having Charlotte move closer to Victor on her own while he downs somebody would make it so when you switch back you can hook them faster, meaning you won't be forced to slug to win as the Twins.
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I think the solution would be that Charlotte doesn't move towards Victor at 115% movespeed. She should be massively slowed, like survivor-walking-speed slow, or a little bit faster than that.
The main point of it is that Killers wouldn't feel like they need to slug to win as the Twins, because Charlotte would be close enough that switching back and hooking the survivor wouldn't be as time consuming. Survivors hate being slugged, and this would make it so people would be less likely to be slugged.
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#########? No, definetly not lmao, tf is that
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Maybe make it where you can switch between them like how they are now but the one not being used roams around as an AI hunting survivors.