Is the Doctor ever fun to play against?

Underwear_Model Member Posts: 97

My poll to see the communities thoughts on what I consider by far the least fun aspect of the entire game. Worse than No One Escapes Death bad!

Is the Doctor ever fun to play against? 84 votes

No, he is a living cheat and allows low skill players to win through mechanics.
Underwear_ModelVikingWilsonSpeeddemonsaifObnoxious207MeltingPenguinsDhurl421BrodieDBDPuffyGGSlushycalorictrack391ScoopsTQTakletIamVoiceOver 13 votes
Don't care either way. He's just like every other killer.
HermanTheDoctor SnakeSound222kodiaky_Morbi_Yoshman2523TapeKnotkaeru[Deleted User]MrPenguinPennosukeGeneralVInsaneCoasterRoboMojoCritical_Fish[Deleted User]TatariuMaxwellChurchofPigcalemglitchboi 39 votes
I live only to see his beady eyes looking back at me as I hallucinate!
GibberishSeiko300Mat_SellaGcarraraSacrilegeGGzacktbhmusstang62kinFilthyLegionMainAwkward_FiendJay_WhyaskSpookyPumpkinPiezRattiussteponmeadirisGannTMKajdanKiPSPTrickstaaaaaGazgemauchH1GHLVND3R 21 votes
I play Doctor so I will always vote in his favor. Stop looking at me like that!
RescultirVolantConch1719InnCognitoTerrorUnleashedMattie_MayhemOGDwigthtbrubligetuy45u4iuGuiltiiUnderdawgFeelsBadMan 11 votes


  • MrDrMedicman
    MrDrMedicman Member Posts: 303
    Don't care either way. He's just like every other killer.

    calm spirit kills his main ability, and is super useful for a starting player anyway

  • KajdanKi
    KajdanKi Member Posts: 219
    I live only to see his beady eyes looking back at me as I hallucinate!

    Doctor is one of the balanced killers. He has some crowd control you can avoid and he is not a "hold W and run straight" killer, you need to see exactly what he does , sometimes you need to drop this pallets faster, sometimes just loop etc

    The most ######### example is trickster

  • Gruul
    Gruul Member Posts: 130

    I think Doctor is miserable to play against but I wouldn't call him low skill. The amount of players that don't know how to time shock or overuse it is kinda surprising.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    I actually really like the hallucinations/skill check altering mechanics and constant chases.

    So even if I am just gen jocking against him I still have more gameplay then normal.

    Also he's also a killer people can't be immersed against so people do actually stop being immersed when they find out its the doctor. So I get teammates who will actually bloody help instead of crouching in a corner/bush all game.

    Ps. If you want people to agree with you on a poll make the options not actively insulting others.

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,264
    Don't care either way. He's just like every other killer.

    The first few times i played against him i found him fun to play against.

    Not anymore, he can be annoying with certain perks and not fair when he prevents you from getting a distance.

    But to tell the truth, i would rather play against him than other hated killers.

  • GamerEzra
    GamerEzra Member Posts: 941

    I'm not going to vote because i don't agree with any of the answers.

    But i'm fine with playing against the doctor.

    I also really enjoy playing as the doctor.

  • Underwear_Model
    Underwear_Model Member Posts: 97
    No, he is a living cheat and allows low skill players to win through mechanics.

    The amount of options for each side are even. Obviously I don't like him, but the poll looks fair to me.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611
    Don't care either way. He's just like every other killer.

    I don't particularly like going against Doctor, But he is definitely not low skill.

  • TerrorUnleashed
    TerrorUnleashed Member Posts: 497
    I play Doctor so I will always vote in his favor. Stop looking at me like that!

    The fact that people chose the first option is hilarious, but unsurprising.

  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462
    I play Doctor so I will always vote in his favor. Stop looking at me like that!

    I kinda hate to play against Doctor as a solo survivor, but like to play as Doctor, so fun!

  • ScoopsTQ
    ScoopsTQ Member Posts: 5
    No, he is a living cheat and allows low skill players to win through mechanics.

    You're right about that, more like intermediate to high skill. That's my biggest problem though, high skill players don't give you any room to breath, and unless you have sprint burst or get a map with a lot of stuff to break vision he will destroy you.

    I personally like maps with a fair amount of stuff to break aggression with, like having more than one building to work with is really helpful.

    I'm also a Legion main so maps with a lot of stuff on it is actually really fun.

  • IamVoiceOver
    IamVoiceOver Member Posts: 24
    edited September 2021
    No, he is a living cheat and allows low skill players to win through mechanics.

    Almost every single match against a Doctor I go into always ends up with me getting hooked three times. There's only been maybe one or two matches where I get out, but that's only because the person playing the Doctor is either new to the game, or new to the character.

    EDIT: I voted the way I did not based on killer skill, but just experiences playing against the character.

  • FeelsBadMan
    FeelsBadMan Member Posts: 570
    I play Doctor so I will always vote in his favor. Stop looking at me like that!

    I main Doc (beside a few other killers) and he is really fun to play (can also be pretty frustrating sometimes if the survivors split up and or the map is big). He is also really addon dependant. Green range addon with iri queen is my favourite combination.

    As survivor I haven't encountered one since like 1 week. It's always the same 5 killers (Nurse, Spirit, Blight, Bubba and Nemesis) 😔

  • InsaneCoaster
    InsaneCoaster Member Posts: 305
    Don't care either way. He's just like every other killer.

    It takes time to learn to counter him, but once you do, he's quite a balanced killer on most maps. Even pretty good Docs can be countered well.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    He's not fun, but he's not easy either. Not even remotely.

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380
    Don't care either way. He's just like every other killer.

    Im not bothered by him, he's also pretty rare so its kinda nice to see a doctor when they DO finally appear. I kinda like the madness mechanics and his theme is a banger, plus hes got cool cosmetics. Im only really bothered by doctor PLAYERS since they tend to be a bit cranky and have a short fuse, which means lots of tunneling if you outplay them. Otherwise doctors aight.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,218
    I play Doctor so I will always vote in his favor. Stop looking at me like that!

    He's annoying to go against when you don't know how to deal with him, but once you understand his limitations, you start to realize that he's a solid mid-tier Killer. Seriously, play him for a few hours (if you can access him, of course), and you'll start to see where his weaknesses lie (this goes for EVERY killer).

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,603
    Don't care either way. He's just like every other killer.

    He used to be.

  • Underwear_Model
    Underwear_Model Member Posts: 97
    No, he is a living cheat and allows low skill players to win through mechanics.

    Behaviour's own data they released on their 5th Anniversary showed he was the 3rd most played killer in the game.

  • Ladybird
    Ladybird Member Posts: 12
    Don't care either way. He's just like every other killer.

    As far as "anti-loop" killers go Doctor is one of the least frustrating. The only thing I dislike about him is the visual clutter when he shocks you, otherwise I don't mind playing against him at all.

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380
    Don't care either way. He's just like every other killer.

    Of all time. They specified the statistics were of all time, i basically never see doctors nowadays.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789
    No, he is a living cheat and allows low skill players to win through mechanics.

    Least favorite killer to face is easily Doctor, followed by Hag, then Spirit/Trickster. All others are fine for me.