Early Game Collapse? Simplified..

Why not just block gens until the first hit? Like a map wide corrupt intervention until someone gets injured (by the killer, not niche stuff like for the people or no mither.


  • Raihje
    Raihje Member Posts: 72
    edited September 2021

    Well originally I was gonna say "until someone is hit by an attack" but that can vary some people have chainsaws, others just have basic attacks. It'd have a max timer so you don't end up just getting deadlocked in an AFK game. Even just 1 minute would be fine just enough to maybe start a chase and incentivize whatever survivor wants to loop to get in the chase. Basically, for 1 minute or until a survivor loses a health state, gens are blocked. 1 minute is just enough time to cross the map for most killers, initiate a chase, and odds are survivors are on gens by the time the first hit happens anyway.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    So survivors would just hide for that one minute.

  • Raihje
    Raihje Member Posts: 72

    Still gives you a chance to cross the map and find one before 3 gens pop.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    I doubt that you would find someone unless they suck at hiding or just want to get chased.

    This would mostly and only benefit killers that have to set up, like a Trapper or Hag.

  • Raihje
    Raihje Member Posts: 72
    edited September 2021

    You can immediately run to the opposite corner of the map where at least 1 survivor spawns, often a couple, and at least start a chase by the time a minute is up. People often get downs (or even more than one hook) before corrupt intervention runs out and it's only 3 gens for 2 minutes vs all gens for 1 minute.

    It benefits all killers, even if it's because they can stop having to run the same perk (Corrupt intervention) otherwise just having even a chance of coming out of the early game with any kind of progress towards your objective as a killer is good without having to rely on the same 2 or 3 perks, or the same 3 or 4 killers.

  • Artick
    Artick Member Posts: 623

    Why isn't the killer blocked from attacking survivors until a generator is being done?

  • Raihje
    Raihje Member Posts: 72

    because that'd be laughably even more broken than the game already is lol. You can't really play the vast majority of killers without corrupt, ruin + undying, pop + tinkerer.

    Survivors meanwhile have build diversity even if they choose to run the same 6 perks overall. Killers are forced to play a certain way with certain perks a lot of the time because otherwise 3 gens pop before you get a down and it's just a nonstop uphill battle from there. The early game is absurdly survivor sided atm so unless you can snowball as killer (which survivors usually have perks to prevent anyway like Unbreakable + Decisive Strike) you're left scraping by the skin of your teeth meanwhile survivors can make all the mistakes in the world and have their perks save them.

    Only "second chance" perk killers get is NOED and it can be deleted, unlike any survivor perks aside from maybe Soul Guard's secondary effect and Decisive Strike is only a one and done.

  • Raihje
    Raihje Member Posts: 72

    Could make it "first chase" rather than first health state if that changes your mind, since you think it's "zero input" from survivors as is. Not like that can spread out and make sure to avoid a 3-gen by picking what gens to start on when the minute is up or send their best looping survivor forward to end the block early.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    This idea should never see the light of day.

  • Raihje
    Raihje Member Posts: 72
    edited September 2021

    It's not zero input, they can cherry pick the gens they want to start on, send their best looper forward, the killer has no choice but to get downs/hooks that's their whole objective lol why act like it isn't? If they afk whatever it's one minute before you slam the gens and leave.

    I think having all gens blocked for 1 minute or until chase is better than just making corrupt intervention base kit for all killers.

    If we just wanna make something "base kit" making Corrupt Intervention base kit, and Kindred base kit, would be a fine trade / improvement to the early game and solo-queue survivor. Realistically though the game is completely stacked against most killers until either 1 survivor is dead, or you have a small area (3-4 gens) to patrol.The killers it's not stacked against would just end the bock timer early anyway.

    Having the early game be a bit easier for killer also lessens the incentive to tunnel/camp to get someone out asap because you have a chance to not start so far behind survivors.

    People usually suggest making BBQ and Kindred base kit, but BBQ is not only super easy to counter, it's just bloodpoints / auras anyway. It's nice, sure, but it doesn't help with the most glaringly unfun part of playing killer.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Yes, let me send my best looper forward as a solo queue player. Is it me? The Xbox player I can’t even talk to or see their profile? Hmmm.

    This is just handing games to killers.

  • Raihje
    Raihje Member Posts: 72

    SWFs are pretty common, but even outside of a SWF it's pretty common to have some super cosmetic'd Ash, Ace, whoever who's confident (or at least wants to be) in chases. Even if your team isn't confident with looping, SBMM would (hopefully) pair you with a killer that's at your level more or less. On top of that, the core game loop is mostly looping and hooking for killer, and looping or doing gens as survivor. Sure stealthy plays are fun but they ultimately don't reward anything. And at the higher levels survivors want to loop because they know if they're looping 2 or 3 gens are being worked on and they can dump pallets and get a lot more bloodpoints in any given game.

  • Raihje
    Raihje Member Posts: 72
    edited September 2021

    I typed up a whole post on mobile and then it bugged out -_-

    Anyway, we agree on the goal somewhat. I don't it's possible to stop survivors from slamming gens without rebalancing a lot of stuff - not just perks but even basic stuff like kicking gens is an utter waste of time 99% of the time without pop or surveillance or I guess Eruption. Oppression was a cool idea but it's useless due to it's absurd cooldown.

    The goal I had in mind was more to have the game "start" for both sides at the same "moment". Right now, by the time you even cross the map, 2-3 gens are gonna pop or will pop as you enter chase. That's ridiculous. And there's nothing you can do about it outside of play an insanely mobile killer a la Nurse, Blight, Spirit, Billy or run Corrupt Intervention. I think that's a massive balance failure.

    By blocking the gens until either a chase starts or survivors have had a minute to spread out you ensure that at the very least the game is starting for both sides at the same time. One isn't getting a massive head start, especially since the side with the big benefit right now only has 5 objectives to the killer's 12. Sure you can camp a little here and there to maybe skip a hook state but ideally you're getting 12 hooks if you're winning and all the survivors have an opportunity to have fun - ie not just get tunneled out because you as killer don't stand a chance if 3 gens pop and no one's dead yet unless you basically play this game for a living or the survivors are.. special.

    This isn't about stopping them from slamming gens, it's just removing their insanely strong head start. In order to stop survivors from slamming gens we'd have to look at a lot more than just the first couple minutes after spawning. I'd rather focus on making the early game a bit more fair in a simple way that doesn't tilt it too far in either direction, then trying to tackle a broad, interdependent nest of balancing issues. I think that's beyond the scope of this forum post.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    You said in this post the main diffrence why you can find survivors during corrupt and you wouldn't during this Early Collapse - Some gens aren't blocked.

    Because gens aren't blocked the survivors can actually do something (and they "reveal" their location if they do). The two things you could do during Early Collapse is totems and chests (which only hexes give a notification of any sorts)

  • Raihje
    Raihje Member Posts: 72
    edited September 2021

    Fair point, Corrupt can often screw up and have 2 gens blocked on one side and 1 on the other which makes it largely useless. So maybe have it block 4 or 5 gens instead of 3 in exchange for the halved duration. That way the survivors are given incentive and kinda know that whatever gen isn't blocked is "the 3 gen" and is worth breaking or even just knowing where it is to break when the opportunity arises. This way there's less desire to just hide in a locker until you get crows XD