Maybe make Borrowed Time work the other way around?

R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731
edited September 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Quite often, I'll have idiots in solo q run up to me and unhook me right in front of the Killer, without Borrowed Time, and also without making any effort to take a hit for me. Resulting in me immediately getting caught again.

If Borrowed Time instead gave you endurance when you get unhooked, rather than giving it to someone that you unhook, this would make these kind of situations impossible, as running Borrowed Time would guarantee this won't happen to you, whereas how it works now you have to hope someone else is using it, which could end up not being the case, causing you to die.

Alternatively, this could be a completely different perk with slightly different effects, if people really want BT to stay how it is. Since there is Resurgence, which is basically a We'll Make It that instead applies to yourself, and stacks with We'll Make It.

Post edited by R1ch4rd_N1x0n on


  • Raihje
    Raihje Member Posts: 72

    This is a pretty solid suggestion, doesn't really make the perk a whole lot stronger or weaker, and helps solo-queue survivors while not really adding anything "more" to the already often oppressive SWFs so I'm for it. Too many times I've been farmed in random games -_-

    That being said I love being able to unhook in front of killer, BT takes a protection hit, I take a hit for them if the killer is still tunneling them and I don't know whether they have DS.

  • R1ch4rd_N1x0n
    R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731

    Yeah while there is Decisive Strike, that's only one use per game, and they can just slug you until it wears off, if they really want you that badly.

  • Raihje
    Raihje Member Posts: 72
    edited September 2021

    Where there's Decisive Strike, there's Unbreakable or Soul Guard or Adrenaline or whatever. Or a team mate to heal or with We're Gonna Live Forever lol. It's never just one perk :/ Survivors can really shut down the vast majority of options killers have for generating or keeping pressure with little effort, even if DS and UB are one use a piece, the fact you're forced to play as though every survivor has them is still an impact on most games. Besides, there's 4 of them and one of you, and god forbid you "tunnel the whole team" somehow, or desperately accrue pressure via slugging because that's one of the few ways killers have to "snowball" mid-late game.

    Stuff goes both ways, really.

  • LegionMainsRCute
    LegionMainsRCute Member Posts: 25

    This is why the person with Endurance is supposed to take a hit which is also the reason I wouldn't recommend trading with BT in low rank solo cue against a face camper.