Who would you say is the most fun killer to go against?

Every survivor has a favourite killer to go against either because of how they play, how easy they are to win against or just simply how weird they can sometimes play.

Personally I like going against Legion's because a good percentage are unable to not hold down M1 making them swing at literally anything, pallets, grass, bugs, termites.


  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267
    edited September 2021

    The cowboy guy 🤠

    The one with chainsaw however

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854

    Funniest killer to go against







    Spirit (now that stridor is fixed)






    Fun killers (need some changes)

    PH (need to add a stun when stopping the judgement on purpose)

    Blight (need to remove the 90 - 90 turn rate when rushing)

    Booba (kind of, depending is he camps or not)

    All other killers are boring.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    For me it's Blight. His chase is very unique and fun to versus

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    I like going against Twins and kicking Victor 😂

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,897

    Mikey for me. Always a fun match against the boogeyman.

  • DaWeezerd
    DaWeezerd Member Posts: 256

    I like playing against a Deathslinger, Spirit and Nurse since they all force me to play differently which makes the game much more enjoyable to me

  • Ladybird
    Ladybird Member Posts: 12

    Billy 10000%

  • SPADESinst
    SPADESinst Member Posts: 84

    I just LOVE going against Nurse. Even when my chase barely lasts long. Idk the idea of having to change my entire playstyle to be unpredictable is very fun to me.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    It's the Twins for me. Hearing a little gremlin in your vicinity and watching everyone scatter can make for a pretty funny and entertaining encounter! LOL

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,303

    Baby Nurse - Makes me feel like I'm a good survivor with epic jukes, even though I know I'm bad.

    Hag - As long as she doesn't run MYC and tunnel

    Bubba- Contrary to what people here claim, I've rarely had them camp unless they were meme-ing or we rushed gens.

    Average Nurse- They're fun and not hopeless to face, unlike the top tier Nurses who have become one with her.

    Twins- even though it sucks when they camp and slug, its so hilarious to have victor chasing after you and listening to the sounds he makes.

    Demo- He's strong in a good players hands. Not too OP but not really weak. Lots of jumpscares when played right.

  • TwitchyMike
    TwitchyMike Member Posts: 759

    Most fun for me to go up against would be... Executioner

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    Bubba is the best one, so fun to loop him and you rarely find bubbas that don't bump into every single branch from that 1 damned tree.

    Nurse is another one (but without blink range addons then it's at the bottom) because she is so unique in chase, you have to constantly mindgame and try to lose her sight to confuse her, and i usually run DH and Iron Will wich are godly against her.

    Oni is also fun if i get into a chase with him first, so i can make sure he eats every pallet and delay his power for as much as possible, and when he finally gets it, it's fun to hug tight corners and disorient him.

    Huntress is allways fun, being able to loop her so many times in a simple unsafe pallet loop because of the 50/50 "will she wind up or lunge?".

    I've just realized that i mentioned killers that are countered by iron will and deadhard...

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    Mediocre Nurses. The killer players that have become good enough at other killers that they finally want to climb Mount Everest.

    Legion-I enjoy the basic chases

    Twins- I don't mind a clean Twins player slugging as much as I do Nurse tbh. If anything, I hate getting insta hooked by Twins

    I kinda don't mind Freddy these days.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,568

    Old Freddy. Always was, always will be.

  • DontNerf
    DontNerf Member Posts: 990

    Honestly i find killers who are fair more threatening in chase to be more fun. Killers like trapper, pig, wraith hag and shape just dont get my blood pupping (well Myers does but for a different reason)

    Thats why i love killers like PH, nemesis, blight and almost evey other killer with a unique chase potential.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Truly depends on what I’m feeling sometimes I enjoy certain killers other times I don’t.

  • GenJockeyNance
    GenJockeyNance Member Posts: 687
    edited September 2021

    Pyramid Head is becoming a favorite to go against. It's satisfying being able to dodge his waves and loop him for longer than 5 seconds. It's just satisfying to me because he used to be the killer I dreaded going against because he always tunneled me to death. In hindsight though, I was probably a very easy target. Now after he leaves me and downs someone else is less than 5 minutes if he can't get me after a second gen pops I just stand from afar and be like, "I used to be you." To the downed survivor across the way. Mad respect to the Pyramid Heads that destroy me. You gotta respect a good Pyramid Head or anyone actually good at the killer they're playing.

    Hag is another one I actually do like going against. I'd rather go against her than Trapper. I respect a good Hag that has good trap placements and know when to chase and corral you to the trapped area. My friends and I went against a Savage Hag who destroyed us that had a nasty build and while they were salty, I was actually saying it was such good stuff man - her traps were placed perfectly, she predicted movement and pathing well and defended her totems damn well (she did us dirty with the Third Seal + Knockout combo) and it was just good. #########. Stuff. Legitmately love to see it. Especially as a lover of that combo myself.

    Demo is another one I like going against but lately I'm burnt out on playing against him. I get it though, so many people including myself want to play him now he'll be soon exclusive but man am I burnt out seeing him.

    I've also been really getting back into Legion, I forgot how much I really love playing them and they're the closest to a main I probably will ever have but here is where I'm also a bit of a hypocrite. I hate going against Legions. They drag the game out and while I know it's best to take the frenzy stab and not drop pallets, I don't know if I get more annoyed with my teammates who drop pallets like no tomorrow anyway with a Legion with Iri Button of all add ons or Legions who can drag out a game for longer than it has to (me as Legion though I try to make the game not drag out because I know as survivor that's a bit annoying). Plus it's always kind've tedious to always be mending especially if the little s.o.b wants information where your team is lol but I love playing them. So much man.

  • RenDesune
    RenDesune Member Posts: 246

    Probably Pyramid Head, Demo, Myers. Basically any killer with good chase music

  • Satelit
    Satelit Member Posts: 1,377

    Legion and Demo

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I personally like going against Doctor and Freddy, but I rarely see them. I like Doctor's laugh especially!

  • Tricksters_Wife
    Tricksters_Wife Member Posts: 545

    Most fun killers for me to go up against are probably Pyramid Head or Doctor. My favorite is Trickster (obviously) but just for simping purposes and so I can give them my item and follow them around.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616
    edited September 2021

    Demogorgon, Nemesis and Pyramid Head are probably the most fun killers to go against for me.

    You have to dodge special attacks instead of only looping and running and they doesn't feel as oppresive as Huntress or Deathslinger, less unfair in open zones/low walls as Trickster and doesn't have instadowns like Billy.

    I almost say Pig too, but I hate the jump scares.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814


  • Torsti56
    Torsti56 Member Posts: 259

    Billy is most fun to go against. It gets even better if there is player who handles him good and give more pressure than casual players.

    After Billy there is Bubba and Demo (Well when Demo uses shred attack it makes my game drop frames so at now he isn't that fun to go against)

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    PH and Huntress for me

  • Foxy_Teltac
    Foxy_Teltac Member Posts: 277

    Doctor, his power feels really oppressive and threatening and it makes me think more about the chase. Rather than just "Use the window, wait to see what happens", I think about if he uses his power, where he's gonna use it, what he's anticipating, how I can dodge the shock, I love Doctor whether I'm against him or playing him, the way he changes the chases is always fun