Why can killers see everything from the Survivors, but they can´t see anything from him?

Why can killers see everything from the Survivors, but they can´t see anything from him?
Its literally unfair, that a killer can say: "ok 4 items, let me use franklin´s real quick"
Why can they check the profiles of the survivors, check if they are SWF or how many hours they have?
Would be way better, if they couldn´t see items and names - so they can´t edit their perkbuild. The other choice would be, that survivors can see, which killer they face - but this would be completely unfair.
Also just delete the names from the survivor or the possibility to check their profiles, so there would be no more dodging of SWF-Lobbies (childish behaviour btw) or Streamsniping.
Why is this still a thing? There is literally no reason why killer´s should have more information than survivor.
Your thoughts?
One killer vs Four Survivors. The Killer needs more advantages to prepare with.
Killers are all unique and rely on their unique powers. Survivors not. This makes killers very easy to counter.
- ie, back before it was patched out and people used programs to see what killer the killer was playing so they can set up beforehand to counter the killer. No [BAD WORD] fun or fair at all at all.
People wouldn't be dodging SWFs if the game was balanced around SWFs
and the Killer is the killer. The killer is literally stalking the survivors at the campfire in the main menu. Makes sense the killer would be aware of things beforehand.
Post edited by EQWashu on49 -
Killers are supposed to be somewhat oppressive and have the upper hand versus survivors. Why shouldn't they be allowed to equip Franklin's or Lightborn, in order to counter an easily acquired item that can undo all of their hard work with a simple press of a button?
It is unfair that survivors can bring in items to flashlight save, sabo a hook or rush generators and the killer not be able to counter it. They only have 4 perks versus your teams 16 perks.
As far as swfs, why shouldn't killers know they're going into a match against a premade group with coordination and comms? The game isn't balanced around it and they have an unfair advantage, so why shouldn't killers be able to prepare to face them?
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It makes sense that the Killer can see the Items.
I agree on Names and Profiles. Those should be hidden, gameplay-wise there is 0 reason to see them before the Match.
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Do you want another fishing rod as backup?
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Ok i see the stalking thing with the campfire, you want to go the realistic way. Did the killer find their driver´s licenses or where did he get all theat informations? If he can see them, its fine (thats what i said before). You can argue like that with the items, ok. But he definetly gets no information by stalking them at the campfire.
Still it´s unfair imo, because you can literally prepare yourself. Taking 4 unique perks into this game is kind of a Roulette. You can have luck and completely counter everything OR your perkbuild doesen´t count anything. Seeing the items is like seeing the cards of your opponent in a Pokergame. It´s stupid and people would say it´s cheating (not in DBD of course because it´s a mechanic). I don´t see why the killer should get that much information.
And yes i agree, SWF is a completely different thing, while 4 randoms barely have chances against a good Killer in Redranks. There is definetly more potential in balancing this. At least give the killer more points, if he faces a SWF-Group.
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
I don´t have no clue, what you mean?
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You probably the same person who use YouTube tutorial to beat a game, do you feel satisfied having everything handed to you? What’s the point of this?
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Maybe i slept under a rock or i missed something but i really have no clue what you mean.
Also the guy above me, why can´t people just normally discuss about an issue instead of insulting people or claiming that they know you or your reason to write texts. What is this general toxicity? Do this sort of guys feel good after posting such crap?
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I remember when survivors were using a tool to see who the killer was in the lobby and made it some killers much more difficult to play because survivors would just equip counter perks like calm spirit vs doctor.
There's 4 survivors vs a single killer. The killer deserves to have some kind of advantage before going into the match.
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Just because some idiots use third party programs or cheats or whatever doesen´t make a reason, to affect every normal-playing survivor.
Imo the killer doesen´t need additional information ( i am a casual red rank survivor, clearly not the best but not garbage imo) and i play mostly with randoms. Since Randoms in Redranks can be everything (a literal god or a trashbag), it´s pretty unfair imo to give the killer any more information. Maybe i play with 3 other redranks which absolutely have no clue about the game (because ranking up in DBD as Survivor is literal cakewalk) and then it´s over before it began. Because the killer goes full nuts with all the information he got and this is just bullshit in my eyes.
What i want to say - for all you professional gamers (it may sound like sarcasm but it´s not meant like that) it might be possible, that killers are in an disadvantage in the top tier of ranks. But for casual gamers like me, it´s a sweatfest and mostly impossible to escape, if the killer has more than 3 braincells. There is no difference between good and bad players in red ranks (thats why i am rooting for the new MMR) and Survivors shouldn´t be put in a disadvantage from the beginning.
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The killer is a single player vs 4. IT's fine that the role that is suppose to be a threat to the 4 survivors to have some extra information like what items the survivors are bringing into the match so they can prepare for it.
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You may think the killer have an unfair qdvantage but you could just last sec swich like most of the survivor who bring a key do. If you last second swich you just ######### the killer over so this is in your advantage not the killer.
Dont forget the game is heavily in the survivor favor for the only reason its a 4v1 and every survivor have the ability to 1v1 the killer and the majority of the map are in the survivor favor.
The ability to see the name of the survivor i believe is there in case you have multiple survivor with the same cosmetics but i may be wrong about that.
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If the killer wouldn´t see the items at all, this problem wouldn´t exist ;)
The killer can kill, he can take them out of the game. Should be enough advantage. He can tunnel, he can camp, he can slug. He decides how the game will turn out to be. If it´s gonna be sweaty or chill. He is like a referee. Only in the toptier of the game, the survivors are really able to use the map for their own advantage or have you ever seen a rank 20 looping properly around the map (without beeing a smurf) ?
Imo it´s harder to master Survivor than KIller, because there are too many things Survivor have to have an eye on. Killer just kills, they have some strats for it (like Camping / Tunneling) and they need to master the ability. They need somewhat of understanding, what the survivor will do, but they don´t need it in lower ranks.
Survivors on the other hand need to know everything what´s going on on the map. If not, they are screwed. They will fail skillchecks, they will go down in chases really quick and they will die very fast. Killers can just M1 everything, if they don´t master the killer´s ability. I´ve done it myself, i am a terrible Blight but still i got the adept by just using M1 and the ability for mapcontrol.
Anyway, i don´t want to discuss anymore, because i am alone with my opinion. It´s fine, i just don´t understand it.
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I agree in principle, but I'd lose the ability to message Survivors pre-game and ask them to remove the Key they are bringing.
Also, if names are hidden, can we put an indication of whether they are SWF or not? I don't want to uber sweat vs Solo's.
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There is no point to encourage even further Dodging from Killers. Already bad enough that some Killers cherry-pick their games until they find the 4 Solos without Items.
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Just make the killers name visible
problem solved
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Then can we put it post-game?
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Would be ok for, like i´ve said.
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Yeah but these are legit strats, just like camping / tunneling etc. Killer should not be able to see the strat beforehand AND having the ability to take the strat completely out. It´s just unfair. If i would know for example, that the killer will be a Plague, i would take out my medkit and my We´ll make it because they are useless. And i would bring Calm Spirit for it. Sounds unfair, right? It is.
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Because it's sporting to give the one, single player a very slight amount of knowledge.
And there was a hack a while ago that let survivors see the killer in the lobby. It was broken, despite what a lot of people wanted to pretend.
Edit: Also, the *entire* point is to show the killer what items are being brought in to the trial so they can prepare.
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I am always for displaying this information post-game, but I feel that many Killers will lose their excuse for losing the game. But overall, yeah, it would be nice.
When I took statistics of my games (I stopped doing it, because in the end, I dont care that much and just want to play), I also tried to check if I went against SWFs, just out of interest.
Nah. I dont think there should be more information going out for players to dodge Lobbies.
If the Killer is a Streamer, the Survivors might streamsnipe or simply dodge.
If the Killer has lots of hours, the Survivors might dodge.
If the Killer has a lot of -reps in the profile because of Salty Survivors, the Survivors might dodge.
If the Killer has lots of Screenshots of Spirit-plays on their profile, the Survivors might dodge, expecting a Spirit.
The goal should be less information before a game, not more information IMO. And certainly there should not be any reason for Survivors to start cherry-picking their games.
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And you don´t seem to see my perspective. Bringing a Purple medkit with syringe but losing it after first chase because the killer decided to bring Franklin´s just doesen´t feel right (he might have brought it anyway because it´s in his perkbuild - yet he can simply destroy 4 items with one blow or just don´t bring franklins into the game, because he knew beforehand, that there would be no items. Stupid balancing.
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In my experience the survivor decide if they want a chill game or not they are not on a timer but the killer is.
You feel alone in your opinion because everyone try to tell you why the killer can see the item and you dont like the answer so you trow it in the garbage.
If you only want people to have the same opinion as you you should have said so and the other person would not have wasted their time trying to explain you why its like that. Specially when the only thing they agree with you is why the killer can see the survivor name
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The risk of bringing your own items into trial has always been that you can lose the item.
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Just like it should be for the killer. All these points can be projected on the killer´s perspective. He is able to dodge the lobby because all of the reasons you named before. It´s just stupid.
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What is this stupid argument? The risk of getting your Hex:Ruin destroyed within 20 seconds into the trial is also there, yet so many killermains complain about it. It´s a risk.
But why should the killer know about the items while he can choose his perks? Maybe make the game, so he can´t change the perks anymore after he is in the prelobby?
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Yes, and this is why I wrote that the Killer should not see names or profiles either.
But Items are alright. There are Killer Perks which are designed to counter Items (Franklins Demise and Lightborn, or even Sloppy Butcher against Medkits), the Killer should be able to prepare.
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Just like you are complaining now about the risk of bringing an item into trail.
You just got to accept that sometimes you will lose your item.
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No one should see anything before the match begins
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to be fair, out of those 16 perks, most perks dont even compare to any single perk of a killer. DS 4 times would be a 20 second stun. Assuming 1 second for the killer is 4 times more valuable than survivors, that's still 80 seconds. Pop goes the weasel has up to 20 seconds per hook of regression, meaning 4 hooks will compensate for 4 ds's, and you can have up to 11 hooks before the game ends. Meaning Pop potential alone is almost 3 times larger than 4 survivor DS potential.
So no, its not really unfair that survivors have 16 slots when 1 killer slot has more potential than 4 slots.
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Killers already can no longer change killers in lobby, which is already a big disadvantage. Adding the ability to know who the killer is results in people leaving lobbies and increasing wait times as well, because everyone will simply dodge until they know they're playing an easy killer to beat or play against.
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Someone just brought a healing build and got Plague.
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It might be a hint to you that not even survivor mains are agreeing with any of your points here.
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What's so funny about lobby dodging like this, being so nitpicky about what lobby they want that those lobbies that look harmless are usually the ones that either last second swap to keys, flashlights, etc and are toxic (the only thing I do not like is last second key switches but that's neither here nor there). Obviously not all the time but it's just what I noticed when I used to lobby dodge like that. Then in comparison, last night for example I was in a match versus 3 flashlights and not a single clicky clicky - just following me around for flashlight saves which just helped me. There was one teabagging Bill but he died shortly after when it was time. So much for them teabags, eh? I'm veering off topic so anyway.
It has the same thought I think that people would lobby dodge if it was out there that the survivors checked a box they teabag, flashlight click, spam loud noise notifications. I don't mean it seriously BHVR should implement check boxes but I hope you get the point lol it's just dumb imo to lobby dodge.
I really don't understand the lobby dodging of items. Flashlights being the #1 reason people will dodge. Half the time the survivors wielding them are not that great or kill themselves / the team throwing themselves for that juicy beamer save.
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So that I can put lightborn on and play nice. Without it, that flashlight guy would be getting face camped, beaten on hook and tunneled out while you played a QTE simulator if you were smart. Why would you WANT that?
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And also take the time, that it takes the killer to catch this survivor first time, get DS-ed, and then catch him again
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Oh hey its the Doctor, everyone equip Calm Spirit now
I guess this is enough explanation.
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I will give examples of why not.
Trapper- bring a map.
Wraith- spine chill and flashies.
Nurse- dead hard.
Oni- medkits.
Pig- spine chill.
Myers- spine chill.
You get the point, the reason why survivors aren't allowed to see the killer is because they can equip stuff to counter the killer.
You want killers to be massively nerfed?
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Have you ever played killer? 16 perks vs 4, why wouldn't the outnumbered player get a sense of what they're up against and prepare accordingly?
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
A better argument would be: Why cant we change killers during the 60sec in game lobby? It annoys me sometimes when I see a team come in and im like, oh no, I want to play this killer because they have perks for countering these items. However, completely countering items is not the sole objective of DbD, if it was, no one would ever bring in items or open chests. Knowing what items are in the game can help the Killer manage in game objectives.
Imagine not knowing there were 4 toolboxes brought in... You would play completely differently, maybe chasing a survivor a little longer only to have 4 gens pop in 3 min. At least knowing the items brought in can give you the insight to focus on your own objects and how to apply the best pressure for the game.
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I don't know if you already know but they killer not being able to be changed during pre-lobby was done in accordance with the new sbmmr to give killer players separate mmr for each and every killer to accomodate to being experienced with the respective character and it's powers.
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Oh yeah that great myth where matchmaking accounts for x, x and x.
Meanwhile got matched with a Rank 20 plague against purple survivors. Matchmaking has been bonkers for years they should just stop pretending already that they're doing something.
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Mmr has not been implemented yet. And yes, the bad matchmaking is why they are implementing skill basked matchmaking.
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The Killer can see the Survivors and their Items because the devs intended that info to be there for the Killer to use. to prepare certain perks or addons.
I'm gonna use the same argument i keep hearing when killers complain over all that info survivors get nowadays about debuffs and active perks:
"devs added it, deal with it"
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MMR has not been implemented for a long long time and every time they would pretend to incorporate some sort of matchmaking band aid to magically queue players with their own skills but get debunked that it doesn't work the next day.
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The only thing that would change if killers couldn't see items is that perks like lightborn and franklins would never be used.
If i bring a toolbox and the killer decides to use franklins then that means he is sacrificing on of the more powerfull perks. I see that as a complete win.
Or do you really want to face the same build over and over again?
If i have zero clue if the survivors i'm facing are running 3-4 toolboxes or nothing then i don't know if i can play chill or not and will just mercilessly kill survivors as fast as possible.
Trust me killers being able to see what survivors are bringing is a blessing for survivors.
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Eh, I would put Lightborn on just in case to be honest. I would kind of want it buffed though. Just some generic effect that makes it usable even if they aren't running flashlights. Give me a reverse Blastmine where if I kick a gen and they tap it again, they get stunned and blinded. Lol.
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i would like to see :
- killers cant see steam profiles so no more lobby dodge
- killers cant see items ( as survivor cant adjust perks in lobby )
this seems to be fair .
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If you don't want the killer to be able to check your profile, set it to private.
I think offerings should be seen on the lobby screen.
I also think survivors should not be able to last second switch to bring in different items/offerings/survivors.