We deployed a fix to solve an issue preventing players from unhooking, healing or picking up Survivors. Players will need to reboot to see the change reflected in-game. Thank you for your patience!


Tristan_ Member Posts: 2
edited September 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hi everyone.

as the title says, I’m here to suggest some changes to “the Pig”. As a pig main in the past, I can say that she is definitely not one of the best killers in the game, and playing her at purple or red ranks can be frustrating, since her main power is kinda clunky and situational, while her traps are totally RNG. As someone who plays both roles, I can also say some add-ons, while making her traps more useful, are really boring to go against as survivor, especially since they are meant to slow the game down, not to kill survivors. So these are changes I think would make this character perform better in chase, and her traps not as annoying. I’d like to hear your suggestions as well.


-increased movement speed while crouching from 3.6 m/s to 3.8 m/s

-crouching animation is moderately faster

- charging an ambush is slightly faster

-standing animation is slightly faster (this would increase her stealth potential, making grabs easier)

-dash speed is slightly increased from 6.9 m/s to 7.1 m/s

-when bumping into a pallet or breakable wall during dash, Pig is able to break her obstacle with an animation just like the demogorgon would do. Pig will also get out of crouched movement


-finding the right box will now be based on a percentage of success. The first box will have a 0% percentage of being the right one. Second box will be 50% of success and so on

-timer now stops while a survivor is looking for his key while the looting animation does not reset when you leave a box

-survivors with an active trap are not able to use a key, nor to escape through hatch


-“Crate of gears” is now an iridescent add-on and affects Pig’s hidden blade power. Hitting a survivor with a dash attack will put them in the dying state. Pig’s crouching animation, crouching speed (3.5 m/s), dash charge and dash speed are slightly reduced (6.8 m/s). Bear traps are reduced by one

-“Tampered timer” is removed, and the new purple add-on considerably increases pig’s crouching speed to 4.2 m/s. She is now able to exit crouching movement moderately faster and gets 2 additional seconds with Undetectable status effect

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Danyonetta
    Danyonetta Member Posts: 98

    The only thing I really agree on is the increased movement speed while crouched. The rest don't seem particularly right to me personally. Her dash should not break pallets or walls. And although the RNG of boxes can be annoying, its what makes the traps interesting. Knowing you're not getting your trap off at the first box makes it seem trivial - why is the box there then? Timer should continue to go down while searching - it adds to the intensity and urgency to escape. The traps should rarely kill survivors anyway so I don't think they need nerfing like this.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Knowing you're not getting your trap off at the first box makes it seem trivial - why is the box there then?

    To increase the average amount of time wasted searching boxes, naturally.

  • Tristan_
    Tristan_ Member Posts: 2

    My idea was to make her stronger in chase, rewarding players good at mindgames, with traps only being a waste of time for survivors. That's also the reason why I'd like those add-ons I mentioned to be changed. With those you rely to much on a passive ability, and that could be frustrating for survivors, dying because of the shorter timer or having to lose a lot of time on a box, then hide and doing it again because an allie is looping near you. On the other hand, if they all remove traps on first try, you're basically screwed. Not being able to remove on the first box would make traps more reliable, but you could make it so the first one has like only 20% probability, not 0. I think that in 2021 a DbD killer should have a really strong chase ability, or good map control. Some have both (like nurse), some barely have one of them. That's why I wanted those hidden blade buffs (including the pallet one). Pig's main power would become useful in many situations, while right now you can basically use it only on some unsafe pallets.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Idk if you nerf her or buff her its more like trickster treatment

  • Raihje
    Raihje Member Posts: 72

    I think something simple like making combat straps base kit and spawning the key after they've searched at least one box would be simple enough to implement and at least slightly reduce the RNG of her traps so people aren't popping their trap off on the box right next to the hook.