Hate losing to killers

As the title says, i hate losing to killers i know i can beat, we literally just lost to a kid who faked a farm at the end, I'm knowing the way he played and the reason for faking a farm might be because the killer has lost a few times, but losing because of a fake farm and losing because the game mechanics makes using certain killers very easy, it's like why lol
If you know you can beat them, then beat them. If you know you can beat them, yet you lose to them, then it's pretty much your problem lol
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I don't trust farming killers because of this. Irritates me people still go along with it.
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This happens countless times where killer play so bad but ur teammates even worse so u lose because of it unless u taking the hatch and not saving those randoms
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Then don't be nice. Which isn't the same as saying "be a cock". Just don't trust the killer. Ever. I never do. If someone wants me to farm, unless the team is already gone and it's the killer being merciful (in which case they are welcome to kill me at any time) then I'm not gonna farm til we have an unbeatable lead.
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Op was talking about killer faking farming into kill though.
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Oh yeah haha. When I was new to this game I ran into a lot of farming killers and enjoyed it. But then one day this spirit faked it at the end and killed everyone. I wasn't mad because it's a risk you take, but I never trust it anymore. In saying that I do farm as killer if I feel like I've been stomping the survivors, but I completely understand the ones who run away untrusting XD
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You should play a singleplayer game then
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Yea, I learned my lesson a long time ago not to trust some of them. I can’t explain it, but there are some who I can tell are really genuine- and those who are Sus asf.
Hate to stereotype, but I don’t trust farming bubbas for example. I want no part of that. I try to position myself to be on the farthest last gen away from him, closest to the exit. I’ve seen a lot of players get screwed over by him. Another red flag is a killer that was playing for real, doing poorly, then all of a sudden wants to farm. Oh heck no. I smell NOED with a dash of Blood Warden.
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It's part of the game, but I havent been a fan or farming ever really.
Everyone is way too greedy. I prefer to just get out of the match and play normal and quite a few killers as mentioned will fake it so they can 'win' which is meh. Doesn't bother me really.
If you get annoyed at losing to certain killers all I can say is welcome to dbd and you'll have to get over it and learn to cope or just not play.
You can lose heavily due to incompetent teammates in soloq and that's that really.
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You should probably just not farm with killers. Especially if it's a Myers.
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Why did you trust a killer who started off trying to kill you, then appeared to want to farm in the late game?
As a mainly killer player, if I intend to farm, I start making it clear from the start, and its usually because a survivor rage quit early on. So, I let the others get some points in.
A notable exception was when the Gnome was in the EGC. I'd get all my survivors 2 hooked, making it very clear I was winning, then make it clear that I was letting them finish the gens. Then I'd hunt the Gnome, and they'd usually stay late in the EGC. I think we came to an understanding.
In short: if a killer doesn't start off farming, don't trust them.
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You lost because you played stupid, thats it.
Also he is a kid because he won?
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Out of curiosity. How many bloodpoints did you earn?
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I hate losing that way but it is what it is.
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Play better.
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“Hate losing yo killers” is what survivors think without actually saying it. Now you actually admit it.
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Body is 1 character too short.
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You got tricked. 😄
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This is one of the reasons I hate farming and why I don't trust killers even when they're being friendly
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I mean, I wouldn't even take that as a loss. It's someone who is so bad at the game they had to fake farming to get kills. I see it more and more and I no longer interact with killers who farm. I'm just bored with it, and I"m not helping anyone because they're bad at the game.
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You know that the killer is wrong in this situation. They take advantage and get a farm they didnt earn and four kills they didnt earn.
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Never had a killer that fakes farming. Just take it, atleast you got some BP
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Killers are doing this in bad faith and you know it.
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This is an interesting post
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Which mechanics that make killers easy are we talking about? Because killer in general is not easy, especially not at high ranks.
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I played spirit for the first time in a year and was pretty awful, on badham, couldn't find anyone for 5 mins, ruin, devour and haunted all gone within opening 5. I ended up on 1 gen left with no hooks but managed to slug 3 as they got cocky and the 4th was injured. They must have thought I was pretending to be useless but I actually was
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You know you can beat them... yet you lose... you were swindled by business.
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it's just good business
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They don't have a choice if they want to farm. Killer is in control of the farm.
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Yeah been there the situation where u need to save everyone and ofc objective isn't getting done and eventually ur running out of team and ur only chance is to grab hatch if u find it
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Just dont farm, its boring anyways
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You can loop all u want but if u have not ur team ur dead that's the part that sucks playing survivor because ur depended on others u can be pro Player but still lose over most unskilled player because of ur team
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It is part of the game
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"It's just a video game." Like, are you not invested at all in what you're playing?
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Sorry did I miss the state the obvious competition?