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General Discussions

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I for one am excited for SBMM…I’m tired of the inconsistency of the matchmaking today… One match you’ll get the most chill solos/team.. the next you’ll get hit by a 4 man death squad that just wants to take advantage of killers wanting to have fun or meme..

have fun with killers you should be versing, rather then going against killers that enjoy the gear head and shadowborn life.

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  • Member Posts: 2,719

    Yesterday my games were all very chill. And no, to those who are cynical of survivor mains, "chill" doesn't mean "easy wins" to everybody who plays this game. To me a "chill" game is simply a game where neither side is sweaty: The matches go for a good ten to fifteen minutes with good balance, no clear winner for most of the trial, lots of saves and chases, etc. In other words, no INTENSE WIN AT ALL COSTS ACT LIKE A JERK SUPER PRESSURE. Just a game that' know, FUN.

    This was the same way that things were for me during the SBMM. Yet today I noticed (possibly because I rose in rank just as I stopped playing last night, I don't know) that everything was a totally mixed bag again. Bubba spawning within fifty feet and downing me within twelve seconds then camping me until dead. A Spirit that rushed back and forth between everybody forcing a game of musical hooks with no one (but Spirit) reaching 10,000 BP. A meta build Nurse who slugged everyone four or five minutes into the match. Multiple superkit Wraiths. All the master Blights I've been reading about but never experienced before. Ranks that were something like 10, 10, 10, and 4.

    I don't know what happened between yesterday and today but today was a reminder that yeah, I'm looking forward to the SBMM too.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    When I cross the rank threshold between 6 and 5, I have the same experience as you, only as killer. Everything goes from be being that chill killer ######### having fun and losing and winning and just going against the most fun, chill, extremely good opponents... Into the unsolicited quagmire of mediocre players trying to dominate me completely and utterly with the same perks, builds, and W-focused tactics.

    Doesn't happen with Survivor. Not sure why. Possibly because I haven't been above rank 7 in months (I don't actively try to rank up, which means I also don't often accidentally pip as survivor).

  • Member Posts: 185

    I am personally nervously optimistic for it. The first two tests were bad for me. I never did the third because I was on a break from DBD but hear really good things about it so I am exited to give it a try.

  • Member Posts: 3,142

    Bring. It. On!!!!

  • Member Posts: 185

    Ya and that's why I am eager to check it out I have heard almost only good things about it.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    I am very nervous about it.

    Every MMR test has been a terrible experience for me plus, there are so many issues and unanswered questions.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    I've heard from a lot of people that survivor stops being fun after about rank 10, that anything higher (meaning a greater number) is a more comfortable game. I can't speak for that since I took their advice and deliberately avoided trying to get sweatier players than I was already experiencing at that level, lol.

    Same here. I won't speak for everybody because some have reported worse games but for me it was a massive improvement. I also enjoyed the lack of visible ranks, to be honest. In addition to matches themselves being less sweaty, the missing ranks lowered the subconscious concern of sweat as well.

  • Member Posts: 2,811

    I'm excited to start learning killers like Nurse and Demo who I'm not good at.

  • Member Posts: 3,647

    That’s another thing I’m excited about… no more having to wait like 2 months to depip low enough just practice a difficult/new killer at comfortable level of play..

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