RIP trapper thanks for the memoriesš

Since he is the killer i used the most.
I know his sbmm is going to be super high (usually get 2k to 4k). I hope when they see that he needs buffs it will finally happen now without excuses.š¤
Going to move on to hag since i don't really use her and her playstyle is the same.
Are there any killers you are saying goodbye to or are you ready to go on high losing streaks while they are "settled"?
Edit: hag is pretty fun with a make your choice and stbfl buildš
I'll still be playing my mains as usual as I don't care who I face, just as long as they're not toxic (and I mean the definition of toxic).
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I play as everyone except nurse,blight,spirit and hag. I will still be using my main doc and doing a lil bit of trickster on the side.
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I'm preparing to lose a lot of games on Legion, I barely lost any games on him lately. Not going to drop him anyway.
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I mainly play Wraith and Doctor. Wraith will rightfully have a high MMR, but my Doctor will probably start off with a higher than suitable MMR. I don't intend to stop playing him so I'll probably just play with him for a few weeks without his best add-ons/offerings until he settles.
But I'm looking forward to being able to play Demo and Plague without getting stomping on now. Plague maybe a little less so, but she's a ranged killer and I'm on console so I'm inherently worse than average with her.
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I'm not worried about killers all that much. Yes many of us are very likely to go on quite a few losing streaks (which sucks) if the MMR works properly but eventually even the weak killers will settle around same mediocre survivors.
The people who are in most danger are the best killers and best survivors (SWFs ofc) who will only face each other so for the survivors it's never ending spam of only spirit, nurse, blight and these killers will only play against 4 man SWF, DS, BT, DH, unbreakable + best items.
It will be a show I'm certain. I'm looking forward to the "appreciation" discussions that will start poping up tomorrow and later on.
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Well at least try some matches with him on the new system before deciding it's a lost cause...
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Will still be playing my main. My ego isn't that fragile that I would be giving up certain killers if I happen to lose against a group of strong survivors.
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You know that the SBMM is going to adjust as long as you continue to play right?
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Damn, giving up on someone before they might be dead.
He could have the highest rating of all Killers, i'll only play Wraith.
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I cannot abandon Mikey. We've been together through thick and thin.
I usually 3-4k with him so his MMR is going to be high. I actually did well for the most part with him during the last SBMM test. The matches were tougher for sure but I managed to do well in most of them. It felt very rewarding beating competent teams repeatedly.
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In my opinion, you should include the add-on Iridescent Stone in your base kit. That would at least save a little time. I would also like to see the return of traps under the hooks. Since you can hang Survivor from all sides, that's no longer so tragic anyway. Traps should also no longer lie around randomly somewhere on the map. If he can carry 10 traps at the beginning, that's great.
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thnks fr th mmrs mr trapper
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There were times when I fought swf where I was lucky go get my 2k in the evening.(I know trapper is low tierš¤£).
I cant imagine sweating that many games back to back and having any kind of fun. More fun to move on to a new killer or just play survivor til I get bored and move on to another gameš¤
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I don't know dude, there's nothing funnier to me than winning a game against Rank 1 Survivors saying: "lmao this'll never work" to myself the entire game.
And if you lose? Well, you did play a Trapper so who really cares.
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I play all killers (depending on my mood) at an extremely mediocre level of skill and somehow still have decent kill rates at red ranks, so Iāll continue to play in the exact same way and hope for the best.
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No I'm gonna play however. Because I enjoy the content of the game, winning does not mean I had fun. I can win games by slugging, but I'm not having fun doing that. I enjoy chases I had games were I get 0 sacrifices but a decent amount of hooks, yet I still had fun. I'm not one of those who definition of fun is getting 4 sacrifices each game, or having having to escape each game.
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It's not an ego thing...I just don't find facing high level players game after game to be fun.
I like to think my time is more valuable than to be told no you cant play this game unless it's on red rank mode especially when they refuse to buff a low tier killer.
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Like the Billy bug from.the last testš¤£
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It's the mentality of you know it's going to be unpleasant and weighing is it worth it to go through that unpleasantness for the end reward?
Especially when there are other killers i haven't touched that wont have that high sbmm already?
Maybe when they buff trapper finally I will care but knowing bhvr that could take years.
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I would be happy to just carry extra traps not even starting with them. It's just sad his better add ons are purples and reds.
Some trap placements are in dead zones where they pretty much stay because it makes no sense to waste that extra time.
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I feel ya, Trapper is insufferable when survivors have eyes and can look around midchase or follow you around as you set up and as soon as you leave *Snap snap snap*
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Yeah whispers almost becomes mandatory to stop thatš¤£ it is how to counter play good trappers and hags though so I cant blame them.
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They didnt buff him in years so good luck with waiting for a buff after sbmm
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That was one of the points to this see how to make the game more balanced.
Buffing lower tier killers, managing map sizes, nerfing those moris againš.
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Yeah you believe the devs are gonna buff killers? Keep in mind the head of the balance team literally says that PIG AND CLOWN aren't low tier and we just play them wrong cause they have a hidden skill factor or something stupid like that.
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Aaaaa I have been playing clown the wrong the whole time š¤ yup I thought purple was for anti loop and yellow to traverse long maps...I hope I get tips from the developer how to play him betterš¤£
Pig is oppressive remember that Japanese tournament was all skill not rng helpingš¤
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I'm still gonna play Pig. I don't really care if I get some high MMR that makes her harder to play for me. I find her the most fun and still will. I never really raged at this game playing killer. Yes to raging at survivor because y'know, solo q, but never killer. If anything, I'll learn more about playing her.
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š¤£ pig needs some love as do clown Myers ghostface legion and trapper
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Well I get to retire trapper at a rank 6 at least...I tried buddy but I know you will lead to such a losing streak tomorrow I will swear off this game altogether š
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Everyone who isn't Nurse or Spirit needs something done to them balance wise. (Blights needs to stop being lubed up every damn match (
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Well that was what was going to be focused on with sbmm balancing the game but it might just be another broken promise like optimizationš¤
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Well of course they're lying, I don't expect the devs to make good on any promises.
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Maybe if enough people complain but I doubt it š¤