Can Wraith's all-seeing add on please have a drawback

I keep seeing this combined with the silent bell.
Why is wraith allowed free Wallhacks with 0 drawback while Meyers and Amanda have similar Iri add ons that are so gimmicky you only ever see them on joke builds?
I wouldn't mind this add-on if it actually had a price for using it. Right now there's no reason not to run it. Plus, it's only a purple. Why?
his should be nerfed and pig's buffed
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Cuz it's not his best addon.
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Ah yes thank you for reminding me that his "Blink" add ons still exist, the most op set of add ons in the game
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It’s closest relatives are scratched mirror and Amanda’s letter which both have massive downsides so it is weird that this one has none
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Wraith is fine he's C tier just play better and be by a window and have a flashlight and run Spine Chill and make surzzzzzzzzzzz......
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I'd rather it be changed into something else entirely at this point. A lot of Wraiths hit and run anyway, so they can always just run Nurse's if they miss the aura reading.
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Wraith doesn't have a base kit instadown or instakill mechanic. Maybe that's relevant 🤔
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So don't heal, let them hit you and when they go away go back and slam that gen.... Stop camping pallets, as long as he is invis he can't attack, just make him waste time and don't give him 50/50 opportunities.... Shift W is literally as EZ as Shift + W and Wraith can't do anything about it.
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Damn what happened to DBD. Wraith was a joke and now he suddenly turned into a God 2 years later.
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He can swoop in front of you and bodyblock while unstealthing.
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Only a Purple? oOu must have manny purple add-ons on your bloodwebs then...
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Its not, because wraith had his addon changed when he was buffed. When the time comes for Michael and Amanda, i would expect the downside for said addons to go away as well.
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No he can't, he slows down massively while uncloacking, change your direction and he is forced to stay in cloack to catch up. Do you people really need a tutorial on how to Shift W? You know Survivors can cut corners faster than killers and vault faster than killers right? Don't mindgame a vault, just vault it and keep holding W to the next loop. Throw the pallet down early don't stop and camp it, Wraith will 50/50 you and it's your fault if you get hit. Minutes ago i just saw a so called Wraith Pro waste ######### ton of time not catching up to Shift W'ers Kate and Feng...Wraith can't do ######### while cloacked and he sucks ass when uncloacked, he's just an M1 killer. How people keep dying to Wraith is a literal mystery to me.
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You're talking to somebody who has 500 hours on Wraith, and regularly uses the body block tactic to stop chases.
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For starters, I think Blood and Spirit should be swapped around. Seeing survivors auras even within 12 metres is way more oppressive than being able to vaguely track gen progression.
Then I would give the now Ultra Rare "All Seeing - Spirit" have an additional effect of "Slightly increases The Wraith's reappearance time" and the new Iridescent "All Seeing - Blood" have an additional effect of "Slightly increases The Wraith's reappearance and disappearance times"
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Neither does Pig but she has an objectively worse information addon.
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Pig's bear trap is an instakill mechanic. What?
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And you're facing bad survivors. No Survivor worth their salt will go in the same direction while being bodyblocked UNLESS they intend to get the speedboost from the Hit to make it to a super safe area, that's the only logical scenario where you'd let Wraith get a hit during a chase. I've played Wraith pre changes, post changes, pre MMR tests, post MMR tests and guess what he only worked against bad survivors. 1 whole month playing Wraith on PC account, cause i don't have that much DLC on PC, and before the 3rd MMR test i was getting 4k consistantly, why? because i was facing bad Survivors. when the MMR tests came it didn't work anymore, i could get maybe 3 hooks an entire match...Wraith is not viable against good survivors, SWF or SOLO. Wraith is like a Call of Duty Pubstomper, it's works in public matches where the average skill level is quite low and when the skill level is higher the killer borks just like PubStompers bork when facing actual pro players.
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Not nearly as consistent as Meyers. You're comparing apples to grapes at this point to justify this addon.
Unlike Shape, Pig doesn't have control over whether or not the survivor escapes her trap. It's quite easy to do actually compared to a tier 3 Meyers.
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consistency doesn't change that it is an instakill mechanic.
Ok you're right. Just hold W I can't do anything 🤡
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Because most of those addons are gimmicky and not worth it. Addons are supposed to make you stronger. If anything, just make all seeing have a smaller range, but using an addon to make you stronger is by definition how they work
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Huh? No I was talking about blind warrior - white. It's free slowdown. Swift hunt is also a contender.
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It's an ultra rare, it's fine. Unless you mean seeing auras, in which case.. it's only 12m, if you're running all over the map looking for auras just for them to SB/DH away anyway that's so much wasted time lol. 12m is just enough to see into an adjacent room on Lery's basically.
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Problem is that Wraith can move pretty fast around the map while cloaked. Not as fast as something like nurse or Billy but still enough to where this addon can easily be abused
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So spread out like you would any other killer and congrats, he just wasted at least half a gen's worth of progress finding one of you and by the time he ends that chase 2-3 gens pop.