Pyramid Head builds.

Sup everyone? I tried out Pyramid Head for the first time (a day before the SBMM debuted I'm bold I know) and I managed to snag Tinkerer on him which I discovered why so many Pyramid Head players use it, it's so good! What are some other good perks for Pyramid Head? I'm in no way good with him... The waves are harder to pull off than what I thought it'd be. Especially on console. But I got some sick shots with it. But yeah! Any tips for Pyramid Head?
So far I'm trying to put trails in looping areas, some general trafficking areas but the survivors don't step in it. Can you offer some dos and don'ts Pyramid Head mains?
I was thinking something along the lines of tinkerer, all ears, discordance, undying. You know, for some sick wallabies... I guess autocorrect wins. Wall bangs. There we go. I did it! I just needed a space.
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I use bloodwarden, disordance, deathbound and franklins demise to absolutely annoy the ######### out of cocky survivors. I think that the disordance perk is really good for pyramid head so you can go for those collats.
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I have a few PH builds, all include I'm All Ears. For me, that's the essential perk on PH.
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Discordance, Nurse's Calling, Dark Devotion and Jolt.
Alt: Lethal Persurer, I'm All Ears, Monitor&Abuse, Call Of Brine.
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Here's my perk build (ignore the addons).
Call Of Brine (The Onryō/Sadako) is just a very nifty perk. It's great for information, makes kicking generators worth it, and synergises incredibly well with both the basekit 2.5% regression we now have and Deadlock.
Speaking of, Deadlock (The Cenobite/Pinhead) is absolutely cracked right now. Not only is it also amazing for information, but provides some wonderful passive slowdown and makes the early game much more bearable.
I'm All Ears (The Ghost Face) is his best perk. Easily, absolutely, hands down his best perk beyond a shadow of a doubt. If you're not running it, you're throwing. It grants you so much information that translates to a free hit, if not a free down. Moreover, you can use this information to learn how a survivor acts after vaulting, so you're then able to adapt your strategy for the next time they do it and can get a free hit without even needing the perk to proc. It's genuinely the best perk in all of DBD for Pyramid Head and I am fully prepared to die on this hill.
Finally, Lethal Pursuer (The Nemesis). Its a great early game perk, allowing you to instantly disrupt survivors as well as waste 2 Distortion tokens which would get in the way of your I'm All Ears plays. Not only that, but it also augments I'm All Ears (and if you choose to use it, Iridescent Seal of Metatron) into 8 solid seconds of aura reading. If a survivor stays at that structure they are downed provided you're semi-competent. I cannot stress enough how valuable that 8 seconds is, on a 40 second cooldown. The best part is that it's actually a 38 second cooldown, because it starts after 6 seconds (the usual length of the effect).
For add-ons, I'd advise Burning Man Painting (range +1.5m) and Wax Doll (range +1m), however duration add-ons aren't that bad either. The Crimson Ceremony Book is unironically pretty good too, after the rework to Haemorrhage.
Funnily enough, I'd actually advise against Tinkerer. The information is nifty but there are perks which give better information for him in particular. He doesn't have a movement ability so making it to the generator is difficult, and the Undetectable status effect is kinda wasted on him since every three seconds survivors will hear a very loud KRRRSCHHHHH. And you can't even use your power for a sneaky hit since the sound of him shoving his sword in, combined with the very telegraphed power location and incredibly audible dragging sound makes it practically worthless.
That's all, if you have any questions feel free to ask. I'm still working on a Pyramid Head guide (by this point it'll be the 2023 edition lmao) so anything you're curious about will be great to know so I can slap it in there.
Edit: didn't realise the thread was necro'd, sorry
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I'm All Ears for sure as others have said. Wallhacks for your ranged attack.
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I try lethal, nemmisis I'm all ears and your choice
Getting stuned gives you enough info for a shot vaults also early pressure
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Best build you can run on PH right now is Agitation, Pain Resonance, Im all ears, Corrupt
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I'm a huge fan of all totem builds on PH. I've had great success with Ruin/Undying/Haunted/Pentimento.
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I don't really play Pyramid Head. But my build on him is: Lethal, Pain Res, Floods of Rage and I'm all Ears
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Holy Guacamoly. I tried this build and it pretty much clicked with me and works so well. I slept on the new and improved Leathal Pursuer, you really feel the extra seconds as they often come into play when survivors would try to mindgame you or something.
Also, you get surprisingly fun early game opportunities: my last game on Father Chambells map I saw one survivor on the fair part of the mapmoving to the very edge of the map. I went over there and saw this big rock, that I had no business checking out: one punishment of the damned later a wounded Yui jumped out and had no where to run and went down. That game was cursed, though: I got 4 or 5 hooks before the first gen popped, because I was right in the action and everyone was scared of getting punished.
At another trial I found a hiding Feng kneeling in a push, thanks to Lethal Pursuer. After wounding her she ran into the shack and I hit her with the most obnoxious, blind punishment through the wall. Absolute money shot, and that generated so much early pressure.
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I've had alot of fun with STBFL, I'm All Ears, Enduring & Nemesis with range add ons. You could really swap out STBFL with whatever you choose.
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Damn who'd have guessed I know my stuff with Pyramid Man 😌💅
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Right? I was totally surprised by that :D
My builds usually revovled around PainRes and Agitation, which also worked, but this build of yours is really, really solid. I had never thought that Lethal Pursuer offered so much value, but it pays to try something new.
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I'm gonna be honest pre-6.1.0 it really didn't but with Corrupt neutered and Lethal buffed to help other perks it's actually really good now
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Same here. I used it a couple of times to get a feeling for the survivor spawns, but after that I only used it on Oni regularly. But this +2s on aura reading is a really fun addition to LP and I might experiment more with it.
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There are many good Pyramid Head builds out there. I think the core Perks for him are I'm All Ears and Lethal Pursuer. This is because they help you land your power in chases more often. For the rest of them, you can throw in some slowdown like Deadlock or No Way Out. Pain Rez isn't as good since your cages don't synergize with it at all. You can find inspiration here. Some of his builds are really unique, such as Plaything/Tinkerer builds.