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General Discussions

Yet another debate I need settled

TL:DR- Is this game survivor sided or killer sided? Or not sided to one side or the other. Please try and keep it civil in comments guys, we all want what’s best for this game.

Give me both sides of the coin here. So when I first started playing, it was with a friend. We did duo and sometimes even three stacked with survivor and had a grand ole time, I capped at rank 3 and then I went to try and play killer around the time deathslinger was released. I’m going to be honest I let my FPS knowledge carry me to rank 2, when I stopped playing deathslinger and found more joy in ghost face, pig and wraith I reached rank 5 and was able to hit rank 4 for a single game before deranking XD My friend today decided to say “This game is so killer sided it’s not even funny, the amount of tools they have to win just can’t be played around by the survivors.” I went on to say that survivors have the same perks and both sides can be countered in their own way. I personally feel this game isn’t very sided one way or the other as long as there isn’t a sfw. Some maps cater to other killers sure but it’s like that for a lot of games. What’s the communities thoughts on this? (Yes this is the same friend in a previous post who told me nurse can reliably get a 4K without using her power). I feel like this one incident just makes a lot of their opinions a little skewed.

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  • Member Posts: 5,279

    It is DN sided

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    It is really simple math, man. 4 versus 1. Gen speed versus chase speed. Hook states versus gen counts. There is no debate. Like, I know it is easy to play killer when you get survivors who don't know how to win. But that has literally nothing to do with the inherent design.

  • Member Posts: 556

    What do you mean? The game is beyond fairly balanced for both sides!

    (Sarcasm btw) lol.

    I would say it's subjective, honestly it depends on a lot of factors.

  • Member Posts: 3,127

    I feel like that won't be the case after MMR.

    Since I hope I'll be matched up with survivors who knows what the ######### they're doing.

  • Member Posts: 649

    I'm going to say it depends... À lot of people here say killer is easy and survivor is way harder... But in my personal experience it's the other way around, I reached basically rank 1 playing solo yet with killer was never able to go beyond rank 8, even now days struggle to keep up with a random team of green ranks.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    On lower ranks its killer sided.

    On higher ranks its survivor sided.

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    There is no answer.

    There are already numerous threads claiming both sides - all of which are simply opinions usually filled with vitriol and hyperbole.

  • Member Posts: 131

    Imo it depend on a lot of factor, what killer, with which perk, on which map, against what type of survivor?

    If you have a full slowdown nurse on a map good for her against an average solo team, probably killer sided.

    If you have a meme build clown on the gideon meat plant, against a 4man swf, probably survivor sided.

    But hopefully, if the new mmr system work as intented, the only think that will come into play balance wise will be the map and if the killer changed his build from his usual one.

  • Member Posts: 886

    SWFs that sweat sit at the very top.

    Then Good Killers.

    And somewhere in the depths of the abyss is SoloQ.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    It doesn't matter.

    Not only does it depend on a ton of different elements but the fact that this game is a asymetrical game with a ton of variables in killers, perks, maps, rng within those maps,... means it will always be sided to a side. There is no magical balance.

    Most of the complaints about the balance in this game are due to facing players who are more experienced then you are

  • Member Posts: 778

    I mean, it depends a lot on the level of players you're talking about. Weaker payers think killers are super op and against weaker survivors most killers can do well consistently.

    Assuming you're talking about pretty good overall players the game is pretty balanced in terms of who can do what. Most killers can do something about what survivors do. Some killers are too weak to win at certain skill levels.

    I think the problem is that both sides have bullshit ways to stop the game for the other, for one.

    The biggest problem in DBD for me, is that survivors individually seem to have to put in way less effort than the killer player to win the match. They have the most amount of downtime, and their downtime is productive (holding M1 on gens progresses the game, healing a teammate, they're all essentially downtime, cuz theres barely any interaction, but they're productive cuz they push the game in their favor). T

    he killer role has to constantly, consistently outplay their opponents individually and as a team, and if one survivor gives the killer a mildly decent chase, the game is over. This to me is bullshit, and it's why I don't believe in SBMM. You won't find survivors who can outplay you and surprise you with what they do. You'll find survivors who will stall you with bullshit, they'll hold M1, drop pallets without even playing the tile and then you'll be scraping trying to get your kills.

    It's not that killers can't do anything about it, it's that the effort to reward ratio is bullshit.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    It all depends.

    Theoretically, it is survivor sided. 4 survivor players who make absolutely zero mistakes will never be beaten by a killer who makes absolutely zero mistakes, except for maybe a Nurse player.

    However, in theory doesn't always mean in practice it's true, and there are very very few survivor players who make few mistakes, let alone none. Particularly in solo, with no coordination, the game can easily feel killer sided if they bring their stronger builds or more solo-stompy perks.

    So the answer is, neither. In theory, it is survivor sided, but these perfect survivors are so few and far between that balancing the game around them makes no sense.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    It's a subjective experience, mostly. My opinion may vary wildly from another person's opinion and experiences. Also, you'll see this illustrated from various topics and comments in the past which vary considerably.

    Basically, your subjective experience is right for you. Nobody could argue otherwise, and you couldn't persuade them neither.

  • SWF then Killer then 100 miles down the road you’ve got Solo Queue.

  • Member Posts: 3,647

    The objective is far too easy too complete even on the most difficult maps.... Solo survivor is... arguably the most difficult to play, I am not going to say "weakest" because the game is still survivor sided. I will state that the game is in it's best state balance wise and lot's has changed but I am hoping the devs eventually incorporate their version of "the start" of a match and maybe incorporate some sort of objective that needs to be completed before gens can be, it can't be too difficult but more work needs to be on the balance side too help the killer out and solo survivor out.

    I will say I am still wanting the devs too buff solo and then buff killer... It may be a process for sure but that would be the most rewarding for the devs... I bet the community would have a lot respect for the devs if they went through with buffing solo to then buff killers.

  • Member Posts: 707
    1. 4-man SWF
    2. 3-man SWF
    3. Killer
    4. 2-man SWF
    5. .
    6. .
    7. .
    8. .
    9. .
    10. Solo Q

    Numbers 5-9 is interchangable. 7 might by slightly up.

  • Member Posts: 1,375

    SWF break the game design and any attempt at balance.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    4-man swf




    A cat given a mouse and keyboard

    Then ur average solo queue.

  • Absolutely SWF sided, solo survivor is even more miserable than killer

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    Killer sided for 95% of play, SWF or solo.

    Survivor sided in the top 5%.

  • Member Posts: 1,521

    There's no answer to this in any way each side will protect their own side and all of it are opinions not facts balance is subjective and depends on countless factors in this game

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    There are way too many potential variables. SWF vs solo, the killer you’re playing, the map, your perks, their perks, add ons, items, tile spawns, pallet spawns, gen spawns, totem spawns, RNG of powers (zombies/RBTs/etc.). And on and on and on.

    At the highest level it’s SWF sided since a well coordinated and efficient team will almost certainly win, by design. Asymmetrical games are won or lost by how well the team plays. But in your average game where people aren’t playing for money it’s decently balanced, though still massively affected by the things listed above.

    So really, who cares. If you play better you will win more, but you’ll still lose matches to bad luck. The game is the most balanced it’s ever been, most of the worst bullshit has been reworked so just try to enjoy it. :)

  • Member Posts: 2,752

    If Rank>Red

    Then SWF>Killer>Solor

    Else If Rank<Red

    Then Killer>SWF>Solo

    End If

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    It’s RNG sided.

  • Member Posts: 4,092

    Hehehehe neither

  • Member Posts: 315

    Killer sided from rank 20 to 16 when the survivors don't understand how the game works

    Survivor sided from rank 15 to 1 when they learn how the game works

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