This is an acceptable "known issue"?

It is possible to stun The Nightmare using a Dream Pallet.
I mean they released a whole chapter with half the perks not working before so yeah it seems acceptable for their standarts.
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one of the dev's must've watched dream warriors. Now the survivors can control their dreams! /s
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I'd have higher expectations if the game was developed in some third world country with 0 quality control and known for slave labour to be quite honest.
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No new maps, no new survivor perks, no changes on maps, nor Freddy, seems like a normal issue to me, i mean they could just release new cosmectics for Meg and all of the sudden The Plague's puke could just stop working for some unknown reason... *facepalm*
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Ultimately they fix what they can and release what they have. They're not going to delay a chapter just because they found a few bugs at the last minute they didn't have time to fix. There's money to be made on the new DLC.
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It’s been 5 years of the same. Why are people surprised at this point?
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This was the most hilarious thing I read in the patch notes. I was amazed.
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They really ought to slow down and try three chapters a year instead of four, it's long been evident they bite off more than they can chew. Rushing does not make for quality products.
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Again, money. They've set a precedent now. Doubt they could make do on only three paychecks a year instead of four.
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They don't even need to do it every year. If they just spent one chapter to fix things that alone would help significantly.
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The sky is the limit when this is a “Known Issue”