Who thinks they need to at least give us 6 new survivor perks seems how pinhead is overpowered
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Pinhead is one of the worst killers in the game, so I don't have any idea how you came to your conclusion.
I also don't want any more garbage survivor perks to take up room in the shrine. Desperate Measures and Smash Hit still have yet to make an appearance.
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explain how pinhead is overpowered
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You think this is that bad? There is no mercy kid.
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We don't need more survivor perks. I'm glad Pinhead got good perks, at least there's something redeemable about him. And if you think pinhead is op (he isn't), how the hell would adding more survivor perks fix your problem with pinhead? 😂
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Pinhead so strong he kills the servers. Adding free perks to the ridiculously long grind won't help.
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People who need over powered killers to win as a killer only think he's not.....How isn't he ? Let's see you can't outrun him he can just throw chains at you eventually injuring you.....you have to keep finding his box which he can teleport to. That's if he doesn't have bbq and chilli and ruin and you have to chase a totem specific to you for his perk. . On top of gens healing and enerything else. Your opinion doesn't count if you're playing losey bronze or silver grade I'm talking about level 1 red grades.
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Personally I wouldn't say he's one of the worst, but he definitely isn't one of the greatest. He's in the middle somewhere.
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April fools was months ago...
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6 is not enough. I would go for 26. Let there be even more grind.
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Maybe 3
I'll say maybe 3 because that answer made me laugh. But nope
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i think hes quite balanced. a few tweaks sure. but he does alright.
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Pinhead is not overpowered but why dont you explain why you think he is overpowered?
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Remove the box & you've got a solid killer
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I am quite happy that there is a Chapter without a few meaningless Survivor Perks nobody will use anyway.
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Geez in a world where Pinhead in DBD was overpowered, surely I’ll get a beautiful girlfriend 💀
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Solid bait.
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Best thing I've seen on here today lol.
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Pinhead Op is the equivalent of telling me that I am never hungry
And trust me, I never not hungry
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Pinhead Op is the dream.
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Maybe 3
Maybe 3.
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Is this bait?
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im losing my mind with these posts.
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Yeah guys speak when you are red. Not like everyone can get there. Only pro gamerz.
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Go play some killer yourself, Pinhead is not even near a powerfull killer.
But i don't think you ever played killer.
I am a Iridescent 1 killer if you are wondering, so no bronze or silver.
You are probably one of the survivor mains that teabags at the exit gate and get salty in the endgamechat when you lose.
Please, just stop complaining about a killer being OP when you lose. Just have FUN!
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Ya cuz I said anything about pro players..... Stfu 🙄 I was referring to the fact silver and bronze are easy to beat regardless of killer... You must put words in people's mouths alot 🤔
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Would you like to bet I've never played killer ? PayPal me money when I prove you wrong. Most my killers and survivors are 50 with like 3 or more with all 7 pages of perks for survivors and 6 for killers full. I just don't use alot of the killers cuz I play survivor more. I've been red rank before the switch to grade countless times with the executioner, the pig, the hag, legion, and nemesis. I don't use huntress, Leatherface or hillbilly or Blight. They are some of the worst killers for noobs who can't beat people just normal chasing them and capturing. My point still stands he is one of the worst killers they need to alter his powers or stop him from seeing box or teleporting to it or picking it up and revealing everyone's position. I've been playing this game since year 2. I still have Chinese firecrackers on some people. I'm not new to this he needs his powers and abilities adjusted.
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all of these have simple counters lmao
- do the box near a ledge, he will always spawn behind the survivors
- chain hunt and possessed chains are super easy to dodge
- environment and pinhead can break his own chains
- you are incapacitated when chained, vaults and pallets still work
- compared to all of the killers that slow down survivors in a loop, he is the only one that has to stand still
- you basically need the add-on from deep throat (thats actually the female cenobites name apparently) to make him any good
bloody clown is easier and more rewarding than him
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I think that settles it.
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Learn to play or some....