Which is the worst map in DBD?

Which is the worst map in DBD? 144 votes
Raccoon City Police Department
The only map in the game that's universally hated by all non-RE fans.
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Raccoon City Police Department
And many RE fans, due to poor performance.
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None of the above (Specify Below)
I was going to say the Disturbed Ward, but I noticed RPD after I voted. That #########'s repulsive
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Raccoon City Police Department
All the licensed maps have issues but they keep getting worse. Midwich is tolerable now that we've adjusted but RCPD is so much worse.
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None of the above (Specify Below)
Dead Dawg Saloon is disgusting.
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Raccoon City Police Department
This nice looking but ugly infinite labyrinth wins by miles.
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Raccoon City Police Department
Looks cool but that is literally the only positive thing I can say about this abomination
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Raccoon City Police Department
I was trying to decide between RPD and Haddonfield, But RPD takes the cake with this one. That map is atrocious.
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None of the above (Specify Below)
Springwood is so boring
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I’m still having a hard time understanding why people think RPD is worse than Haddonfield.
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None of the above (Specify Below)
Personally both Pale Rose and Grim Pantry.
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Raccoon City Police Department
I am a Resident Evil fan from the first hour and i absolutly despise it. It might look great, but it plays horrible - for both sides.
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Raccoon City Police Department
I play Hillbilly, Blight and Demo the most. The Police Department is ######### hell for Hillbilly and Blight, and I refuse to play it even as Demo, who could theoretically actually be decent on it.
You won't catch me even hating on Haddonfield really as someone who mainly plays Killer (I love Survivor but I'm stuck in low rank hell), but this map? ######### this map. It's awful in every way except appearance. The aesthetics are nailed as per usual, I must say, but everything else is a failure of map design.
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Raccoon City Police Department
Nah the maps looks beautiful. It is amazing concept. I like how it looks. But the map is unplayable. It is too big, corridors are too small, finding anything there is nightmare, run from the killer or chasing survivor is nightmare, there is so many dead rooms which are there only for the aesthetics. I straight up DC, unless it is split into two or drastically changed, I ain't wasting my time there.
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I have a seizure everytime I read "Lampikin Lane - Haddonfield".
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Family Residence - Yamoaka Estate
Sorry, I clicked the wrong option!
The RCPD is really terrible for killers.
I hope behavior realizes that this really needs to change.
The map should be split into 2-4 parts.
Survivors are really taking advantage of this map.
This really needs to change!
Post edited by GamerEzra on0 -
Raccoon City Police Department
Haddonfield takes some basic amount of skill, which is incidentally why it hasn't been changed (precious, precious stats). RCPD is a default win a la The Game where survivors accidentally bulldoze the killer just by holding W.
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Raccoon City Police Department
I feel so bad for not liking the new map because people work hard on stuff, but it's terrible. It's a narrow maze and feels very claustrophobic
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Raccoon City Police Department
I like RE games but this map doesn't fit to DbD... At least how they reworked it for the game. It's garbage for both sides. Hate it.
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Shelter Woods - Macmillan Estate
It's just so boring!
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None of the above (Specify Below)
Cold wind Bright Farm I just can't see! lol
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Based purely off win rate as killer Haddonfield will always be the worst to me.
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Raccoon City Police Department
It's bad. It's a indoor map, and some people REALLY hate those already (not me though). But look at maps like Lerys or Gideon Meat Plant. They're pretty tough for fast running killers like Blight/Billy, BUT THEY ARE DOABLE! And Haddonfield is at least doable for survivors. And some killers already got used to it (STILL NEED A HEAVY REWORK, BHVR PLEASE.).
But RCPD is something different. I get lost there easily both as a Survivor and as a Killer. It's great that they've kept the aesthetic and the layout and all. But damn, it wasn't designed with DBD gameplay in mind. It's just awful to run from the killer and run after the survivors on it.
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I'd say the RPD map but because I played RE2 8 times plus hardcore s+ runs it doesn't effect me at all
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Hawkins National Laboratory
I passionately love Stranger Things and Steve is my second-in-command among survivors, but Hawkins is such a pain in the ass as a solo-survivor and not particularly fun as a range or any basic non-stealth M1 killer. And don't even get me started on how freaking horrendous it is for Nurse.
Midwich is one of my most favourite maps by far. As for RPD, as the time goes I more and more think that it's just a matter of getting used to the map layout - as soon as you understand all possible "ins and outs" it's pretty okay. Especially if your opponent side isn't particularly used to it. Haddonfield should be reworked and some tiles on it are busted, but I don't think it's "the worst".
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None of the above (Specify Below)
I don't have a worst map really. I mean some maps can be very annoying if you play killer, but nice as survivor. All maps have good and bad things about it but I don't really dislike any map. The new map is way to big but ok it is what it is.
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The Pale Rose - Backwater Swamp
I hate this map.
It's in desperate need of an update.
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Raccoon City Police Department
I don't like Raccoon. I've always had maps that I hate playing but I've gotten over most of them and I'm having fun with almost any map unless I get it a lot on any given night. Sometimes I feel like if I see another corn field I'll go crazy.
But Raccoon is too big and too twisty for the competition of this game, imho. It's apparently a faithful copy from the actual RE game but that's NOT a reason to make a map like that. They're not the same style game. Could you imaging faithfully recreating a DOOM map in DBD? A dungeon from WoW or something? Maps need to have the trappings of the license but they still should have a design that maximizes usage in THIS game. otherwise, it's just a museum piece.
In my opinion....
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On a second thought, Raccoon City Police Department. They made a beautiful job recreating it with the added Entity's touch, but that map doesn't work at all with DbD's gameplay.
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Gideon Meat Plant
To all whinners learn the map, get used to it, I voted for Gideon, for personal taste only, RPD its fun, big, You'll have to learn how to play there ...
And I'll take this opportunity to give an idea ..
Make bigger maps ! And for those who will say it'll get harder for killers, make those maps need more gens done ! Like 6 or 7 It would be fun as hell haha
Leave all the others the way they are !
I play both killers rank 10 and surv rank 5
Lets enjoy all and stop complaint for every single thing !
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Gideon Meat Plant
Pig's Pallet Emporium
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Raccoon City Police Department
RCPD is a ######### maze for both sides if u didn't play re2 remake
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The Pale Rose - Backwater Swamp
I don't like any of the swamp maps... I prefer any other map than those swamps map. I don't know why.
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None of the above (Specify Below)
Autohaven by a landslide.
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Shelter Woods - Macmillan Estate
Boring, uninspired, empty, impossible for either side to properly perform stealth in.
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Family Residence - Yamoaka Estate
I've had good games on Raccon maybe because I'm familiar with the map for its complexity I don't blame it for being the most hated but on the oni map my gens go like water maybe because of how easy it is to go from gen to gen and you have that big structure that structure that gets in your way all the time.
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Raccoon City Police Department
Wow I'm surprised at how not even remotely close it is
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None of the above (Specify Below)
By far red forest. at least RPD has interesting scenery, red forest is just boring and unfun for everybody as the killer has to constantly walk miles to interact with anybody and survivors spend most of the trial alone and holding m1.
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Gideon Meat Plant
Not because of performance issues, frustration or it being killer/survivor sided. (Not that it doesn't have some of those problems) But because it's immensely boring and ugly. Its just a billion safe pallets, no thought required. Doesn't matter which side I play this map makes me fall asleep.
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Raccoon City Police Department
Hands down RPD; it is not conducive for DBD. I'm not sad it's still broken because of that, but am terribly disappointed by the BHVR team that it is still broken.
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The Pale Rose - Backwater Swamp
That makes sense. I always loved the map and wondered why people hated it. Then I realized its because I knew it front to back lol