Fired Up/Rancor as Killer Basekit. NOED…

- Fired Up is useless as is unless you combine with a second perk. Make Fired Up basekit for the weaker killers?? As the gens get done the killer gets faster… Because… They’re losing! In any movie the killer grows more aggressive, and faster as the survivors manage to escape them. This would also punish “Gen Rushing”. The killer would grow fast enough to destroy everything in a certain area quickly. Say where the generators aren’t finished yet. Leaving survivors with less/no options. It’s fair because Fired Up isn’t even barely useful until 3 gens are completed. I noticed that with Fired Up you can do this if you play your cards right. Possibly even make it so that high mobility killers like Nurse, HillBilly, Blight, and Spirit don’t get this boost.
- Rancor… Lets you kill the obsession at the VERY END. ONLY when every generator is done! So if you close hatch no Rancor!!! You also get to see survivors for a second whenever a gen is done. It’s hardly ever useful. I only use it on Mini Mori Trickster. Make all of this is as basekit. Then nerf Rancor to give the obsession Exposed only after everything is done. It’s so that you can insta down an unsuspecting Obsession, and get the kill even when they’re healthy. That would be the difference in wearing the new Rancor. The problem with Rancor now is you know they have it at the very beginning. It isn’t a surprise. It isn’t even like the superior NOED, where you THINK they might have it so you remain alert. This is fair because if you survived that long enough as obsession you’ll pip, or be safe.
- NOED? When survivors finish all the generators all Dull totems remaining on the map will become Hex totems... The survivors can’t power the exit gates until they break every Hex totem that was lit this way. Because you “Gen Rushed” the punishment is that you have to find any existing totem you haven’t broke, and break it! So if you can’t find them, or use a key to get the hatch. You die. The real definition of NO ONE ESCAPES DEATH. As in you can’t leave! This gives the killer time to find, and catch people even after the match ended. This encourages survivors to do all objectives before leaving no matter what. This would definitely change the core dynamics. As players would be more enticed to breaking dull totems. Killers are encouraged to protect even their dull totems. You’ll see perks like Counter Force. Because you break totems faster, and another totem is revealed. Etc.
If anyone is intimidated by Bamboozle and Brutal Strength with Fired Up as basekit the devs can easily tweak both perks a bit to balance it.
Provided that change to NOED isn't basekit and remains a perk, I think I'd prefer it to current NOED. Though it would make No Way Out kind of outclassed in a lot of ways, and we'd still need solo buffs for totem coordination, but it wouldn't be so despised in my eyes.
But no, fire up cannot become basekit. I've clearly proven that fire up singlehandedly carries games
Fire up is too OP and deserves a nerf immidiately, if not sooner.
?gg nerf fire up
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Fun fact: On its release, Fire Up was so weak, that people thought the perk was bugged. It hasn´t significanly improved since then.
Making it basekit wouldn´t change much. Since its so weak.
Rancor: i suspect that Rancor (or something similar) will be the planned change to moris. Since the devs want it to be something that feels natural and that the killer has to work towards to.
NOED: this could end in a hostage situation when the killer just stands in front of the last totem and goes afk.
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If that team lost with all those boosts you’re either insanely good, or they’re really terrible. Possibly even both. Most matches Fired Up doesn’t ever make a difference. If you’re able to apply enough pressure later in the game. BEFORE they finish the last 2 generators. Yes. Any time before that it’s not even noticeable.
NOED could definitely be changed to what I suggested. It doesn’t work like No Way Out. With new NOED the moment all gens are done the survivors are notified of its effect. The gates remained unpowered until they’re all broken. As if the 5 gens weren’t finished. You gotta break up to 5 totems. Then after breaking every totem a survivor could touch the door, and trigger No Way Out. Then after opening a door the killer could trigger Blood Warden. In that order.
So NOED literally becomes what the name suggested. As the perk gave the killer extra time to ensure no one got out… NOED as exposed is just dumb. The only reason people die with NOED… Is because they got caught right when it had activated like Haunted Ground, or the cocky person wants save the sorry sap that got caught. You can escape death at any time. By exiting. 😆
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The fire up part was a joke dw, that team was fresh garbage lol
I like the idea of noed working like that, but it can easily lead to hostage situations. Totem spots can be blocked by the killer standing in the way, and usually you can just progress the game in this case but if you are required to cleanse all 5 totems then the game cannot progress without the killer moving.
And yes, this is a bannable offence, but that doesn't stop at least one game being completely ruined
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That is easily mitigated by breaking all the would be blockable totems prior to finishing everything else. You should leave the one lone totem that’s open in the corn in Cold Wind. Unless the killer is such a loser they’ll stand on top of the would be god totem the WHOLE match, doing a absolutely nothing. In this case they gain nothing. Lose everything.
If you’re caught in that situation it’s no different than a 3 gen triangle against a good Blight, Nurse, or Spirit. The team made a bad play, and finished all the wrong gens. You put yourselves into that bad situation. You had a whole 10 minutes to bust totems, but decided not to. Now the killer can just punish. Especially if they’re sporting enough to play along.
Keys would also counter such foul play. If killer wants to be such a loser and do a sit-in on their precious totem just hatch escape on them. Bring keys. Leave them somewhere safe (I do this in case of Franklin’s). There’s always a way around things in this game, which is what keeps me playing.
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Saying "Just cleanse the totems earlier to counter the hostage situation" doesn't change the fact that the devs are implementing an easily exploitable perk, neither does "Just bring a key". What if the killer does stand in front of one of those totems all game, and no key is brought or found. What then?
Likewise with bugged totem spawns, like on Lèrys and Asylumn, where specific totems cannot be cleansed. What are survivors supposed to do then?
It's not that much of an issue with all other hexes, because all other hex perks do not prevent any possible progress of the game. This iteration of NOED would, and that's an exploitable issue.
Personally, I think NOED should gain stacks for each survivor hooked, and every time you insta down someone it consumes x stacks, making it no longer a hex perk. Make it a perk which rewards playing well, rather than taking a gamble and hoping you gave solos.
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The answer to that doing totems before that hostile situation happens, or find/bring keys. There’s nothing wrong with keys. Especially when you use them after everything has been finished. There’s an achievement for this. It becomes the failsafe in case killer would pull nonsense. It also makes that achievement easier to attain. If a killer sees you with a key and a ritual to spawn the hatch to a certain spot they cannot sit there. If you can open the gate and leave you keep your key. If they decided to do something so lame just leave through hatch. Then they sit there salty, with entity displeased as you got everything done. Still escaped. Would be very satisfying knowing they wasted their time doing that. Imagine the salt. The chats. 😭
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That would require the whole hatch/key mechanics to change, just because a perk changes.
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Well bugs don’t count because they shouldn’t happen.
Foul play? Exploits? Like camping? Tunneling? More shenanigans we haven’t dealt with? The only way a killer could exploit this “New NOED” is if they physically found a would be god dull totem (The killer can’t even see dulls, nor are they notified during cleansing) and just sat on it. Like literally took a squat right when the trial started. They squat. Because if the killer is doing anything else during the trial the survivor could’ve broken those totems. This hostile situation could’ve been avoided when someone was being chased, downed, or hooked. See now you have something to take your eyes off those gens. You’re worried of what COULD happen. So you take the extra time to make it not happen. Giving the killer opportunity to actually catch people without 3 gens just going off. Which encourages tunnel/camp. It’s sad. As killer even if I 4k I see 2-3 gens pop in 1 chase. In want people to die faster now even if it means proxy camp, etc. It’s because I don’t have any lit totems, and survivors have no other objective when that is the case. New NOED ensures that you will fear totems even if they’re lit. They shouldn’t be ignored. You see one you break it.
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And what if the killer does exactly that? What if they stand in front of a totem and AFK and ensure the survivors can never leave the trial?
Bearing in mind totem spawns aren't that hard to learn and are pretty easy to find.
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That's what I was thinking. They should make key spawn in chest basekit too which hurts balance even more.
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Have you played survivor in a minute cause I can run the killer, complete two gens, and escape and still barely safety pip and now you want to basically give the killer a free kill?
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Rancor already gives you a free kill if you got caught as obsession. It happens AFTER everything is done… So nothing changed other than it’s now basekit. Also if you aren’t the obsession that can’t happen. It makes sense that the killer can kill their obsession. A perk shouldn’t be necessary for this.
So I’m guessing you complain about NOED too then? Huh? “I ran killer for 3 gens and he NOED me. Free kill.” 😆
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Then they get reported, and banned. You can easily record a player doing this with your friends and have them penalized. I’ve seen players exploit glitches and features whenever they could. So it’s not the game’s fault, but the sour person who plays that way.
Perhaps make New NOED so that for each totem remaining that’s how many extra minutes the killer gets before the gates are to be powered. So if there’s 5 dull totems and they all light up that’s, say, 5 more minutes given to the killer. That’s enough time to catch as many people as you can. Breaking the totems chops said accumulative time down, and gives extra bloodpoints.
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Why would I care about noed? I just break totems a) for blood points b) ######### hexes. As far as making rancor base kit imagine that WITH a perk like noed for survivors that don't do bones. It's practically a free kill which can snowball into a 2k OR 3k easily