Tipps for new "Gift of pain" perk?

Has anyone already an optimal playstyle for this perk? Which synergies does it have, on which killers it does work best? Is it even worth using it?

Seems like the strongest new perk for me, it's kinda a lose-lose situation after an unhook, either stay injured or heal through mangled and then have a 9% malus. I don't like the new gen blocking perk because i can't do anything to regress it, it has only informational value and Tinkerer is stronger in this regard.


  • Timeman63
    Timeman63 Member Posts: 185

    Pairing it with Agitation allows you more opportunities to hook survivors on scourge hooks. Pairing it with Thanatophobia puts survivors in a lose-lose situation where their repair speeds will be slowed whether they're injured or not. While it can be a strong perk, you kind of have to commit to using scourge hooks when possible to make any real impact, and remember that the debuff goes away when you injure the survivors again. About Deadlock, the other perk you're talking about, it's a good perk as well, but not very effective on its own. I recommend bringing Pop Goes the Weasel to capitalize on the information, or Thrilling Tremors to ensure other generators will be blocked.

  • Soulpaw
    Soulpaw Member Posts: 290

    Honestly anyone that doesn't benefit from sloppy butcher can use this effectively

  • DbD_Enjoyer
    DbD_Enjoyer Member Posts: 459

    His strongest perk is by far Plaything, on every build you used Undying, just replace for Plaything (except Devour Hope) and enjoy their suffering of running around the map clueless about your presence while also looking for totems and not doing gens.

    Gift of Pain is a better sloopy butcher, you can use it as a Staple to fill any slot, but it wont do much for you, you wont be able to trigger it on every down and its hooks permanently breaks upon sacrifices, its not useless, but it isnt super effective either.