Eliminating the Concept of Survivor or Killer Mains

Do you think it would be healthy for the game to force players to play a set amount of killer and survivor matches?
The best way to look at a issue, is to look at the issue from every angle. This will force players recognize issues for both killers and survivors. Players who refuse the to play their given role could also be penalized in some fashion.
Any other ideas are welcomed.
Here is a brief discussion on the matter from the devs. https://youtu.be/3-ip1w-FrSY?t=4021
If people were forced to play one side they probably wouldn't feel motivated to play well.
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People should be able to play whatever role they want.
Good players, however, usually play both roles.
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No thanks
I was tired of playing with potatoes, who would unhook near a kliller without b.t
So i started playing Killer, if there is any mistakes it's on me and no one else.
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True. However, I don't think asking for players to play few matches should really have a severe impact on motivation to keep playing.
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Worked well for F13 and that game is thriving!
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Given the changes to MMR, if accurate, it shouldnt be a problem, right?
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No, thank you.
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If you really wanted to eliminate the us vs them mentality, what would have to be done is form teams of killers and survivors that take turns going against the other side.
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I don’t think this is a good idea. People should be able to play what they want to play. Forcing someone to only be able to play one side would be quite annoying and frustrating, and would encourage people to throw matches to get them over with so they can play what they want.
Adding incentives for playing both roles is a better idea, IMO. Carrot vs stick.
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Yes and no, ive seen plenty of boosted baddie survs, rank 2 and eating easy hatchets.
Also surv's just bore me they all do the same mechanics just skinned differently, Killers at least have variations.
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Force is a strong word. Mind you, people have map preferences, but dont always get the map they want. Yet, at most times, they deal with it and play the map they are given.
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I just play whatever has the lowest queue times. Favoring survivor cuz it's easier and more fun, but whatever.
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There are already features which "force" people to play both sides if they want all rewards.
Since the release of the tomes you are "forced" to play both sides if you want all the rewards.
Since the last patch you are "forced" to play both sides if you want more BP rewards every 13th of the month.
I think that's enough forcing.
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They said something about this in the anniversary stream
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They said something about this in the anniversary stream
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If you can find it. I would love to add the link to the top of the post. If youre willing to look for it. It would be appreciated.
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That's right, i deal with map RNG cause i never cared what map i'm on.
I do not want to deal with being forced into a role, it's why i'll never like Friday The 13th.
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I am not sure how such an implementation would work. There is probably a better way of doing it than Friday The 13th though.
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Idk, don't wanna think about a way either. 😜
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Dang it, Bobby.
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That's not unlike asking if WoW players should be forced to play both sides.
A big fat no.
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The moment this game forces me to play solo survivor late at night I'll just close the game and do something else. Not going to wait 5+ minutes on queue to get teammates who bought the game last week.
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Given the nature of the community I full expect people who are forced to play the role they don't like would either troll or afk those games.
The community is too far gone for this to ever work.
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I wouldn’t like that. I don’t find being killer fun- especially losing.
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Are you kidding me? You want to force people to play a role they may not want to and if they don't they get penalized? That is a quick way to kill the player base. Not everyone wants to play both sides. If they do they can, shouldn't force people especially in a game. I play both every now and then however I do not agree with forcing people to play the way you want.
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that would honestly probably reduce long player rates someone new joins and they are forced to play a role? they'd most likely leave
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god no... let people play what they want
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I am sorry but I can't agree with this. If you start forcing people to play roles they don't like it will kill the player base. I play both however I would never force someone to play a role they didn't like nor would I penalize them. You can't force people to play the way you want.
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I like the idea in theory, but if I feel like playing one role and I'm forced to play the other when I'm not in the mood it would just suck the fun right out. I'd be switching over to a different game if it threatened to penalise me for not wanting to play the role it's telling me to
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Here https://youtu.be/3-ip1w-FrSY?t=4021
They talk in terms of matchmaking but I think it would bring that result too
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I think it's healthy for the game to encourage people to play both sides -- both with the systems they already use, like daily challenges, and tome challenges, and with systems they seem to be considering, like rewarding people for switching sides to speed up queue times.
I also think that, maybe in a hypothetical universe where the game had always been designed so that the killer was assigned randomly out of the five people who queue up -- like Among Us -- that would have been healthier.
As things stand now, I think that, if you forced people to switch sides, they'd just get angry, or they'd stop playing because they have such negative memories of playing the side they don't enjoy.
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Force them? Just no.
But if you offer a BP reward or something to play the other side, then yes.
I am for making people play both sides regularly but only if they want to. If its forced then it makes no sense
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I play my daily survivor match, I am still a killer main. Always will be, even if mmr made me finally understand why people have fun with survivor.
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I would like it if more people played both sides regularly but some just don't enjoy one side.
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Well you can still find games sometimes?
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We already have dailies snd challenges to incentivise playing both sides.
It would be nice to have a contextual bonus though. If there's a significant shortage of killers at a certain time, then killer gets a temporary bloodrush event for a couple hours, and vice versa.
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Thank you.