Do the Devs Listen or Just Hear?

People can point out the clear issues of bad design perks or killers and they will forever be ignored so they can focus on the redesign pallets or loading screen change they want to make.
I get you want to change the look of the game, but can the game work first? From bugs, unusable perks, frame rates, spirit, etc...It's just sad we keep going through the same issues every chapter.
Implying they do either lmao
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They don't hear, neither listen.
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They use to have the livestreams reading feedback so they did one of those things at one point.
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The devs listen but i doubt the business people do. They often acknowledge all of the issues that occur but their priorities don't align. The moneymakers comes first in this game.
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Well, let's look at this objectively - whenever they make changes, are they more harmful or beneficial for the game's health? What is their history like? There's your answer.
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Its like you talking to someone who doesnt care. You tell them something, they look you in the eyes the whole time and nod as if they understood. But in reality they werent listening at all but thinking about different thing. BHVR in a nutshell, especially since the last 1-2 years when they changed completely and turned their back on us.
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They do both. But people on this Forum fail to realize that "listening" does not mean that they change something, just because someone wants it that way.
We have this with discussions like Exit Gates regressing - people claim Devs dont listen, meanwhile, they already tested it and are actively against it.
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Big emphasis on USED to. They USED to come on here a lot too, they just don't anymore. THey have become exceptionally alienated from their playerbase.
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The dev's have something called selective hearing.
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They do they just choose to ignore.
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"Gens are popping like crazy, this has to be worked on."
*buffs Prove Thyself*
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Just like every other big corp....sell out the player base for profit everytime. They never learn. Eventually everyone leaves and then they are never trusted again by the time.the sequel comes out. Look at Rainbow Six. They were trusted, but then ignored the community and now here is a new game. Majority of people don't want to play it cuz they know.
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Well, clearly they don't try the right things. I had posted a survey year ago with over 300+ votes and majority wanted the game to be fixed over anything else. No they still work on chapters, they still build all this lore, they push out bunch of skins....for what? For a game that doesn't work? And if it does, they keep making it easier for survivors to win?
They listen to survivors...specifically the same 30 twitch streamers or close affiliates. They are all they ever listen to. They rather rework Legion despite everyone has kept saying TRAPPER and PIG need something. It's not the community the listen to. They listen to a small few they like.
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Fr I can’t believe how little they buffed him from ptb