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SBMM is a huge QoL for Survivor, Massive Negative for Killer

Can anyone honestly say they are having fun playing killer since SBMM hit? I swear that gen speed despite no changes has gotten worse, because there is 0 incentive to ranks now literally meaning absolutely nothing and the fact that you can't derank your rating I'm noticing that survivors are ending matches so quickly with top scorer getting less than 20k points.

If you are escaping and getting less than 20k this means in terms of actual gameplay you got less than 15k points worth because 5k alone is escaping.

For some reason killer queues have gotten longer again and when you wait 5+ mins for a match only for it to end in less time is becoming insanely boring.

I like to play all killers, all types of builds but for god knows what reason no matter what you do the games over before you end get opportunity to do anything. Even if you manage to get a couple of hooks by that point theres 1-2 gens left.

Even on the testing stages on SBMM high level killers were getting 3-4 hooks at best into noed. Is this really the direction people want this game to go into? I don't use noed but if it means I manage to get an extra 2 minutes worth of gameplay and a few extra hooks I see no issue in using it. If survivors want to rush gens and ignore everything else in the match then yes noed should punish them, there is plenty of counters to it but instead they choose to run 4 2nd chances.

There is honestly only one positive I can see coming out of SBMM and that is the devs finally realise that not every killer can compete past a certain point and I you really don't want to go against the same 3 every game I highly encourage we try to encourage the devs into balancing killer better to potentially make them viable.

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  • Member Posts: 227

    I can say that I'm having even less fun returning to playing Killer than I was previously to SBMM, yes. It comes down to SWF, in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 1,052
    edited September 2021

    I haven't noticed any real change. Still get paired fairly evenly with baby players and high rank players. Less campers and tunnelers so far though.

    I've had some salt in post-game chat which is pretty new for me, but it's all what you'd typically expect.

  • Member Posts: 3,786

    I just got in a team that managed to get caught in every beartrap in the map. The problem was that it was an "ash" Trapper who didn't even try to hide his traps.

    As a killer yesterday instead I only got pleasant matches.

  • Member Posts: 1,959

    My experience has not been good so far with the MMR. I'll try another night of playing with it, but if it doesn't improve, I'm no longer playing killer until substantial balance changes are made.

    For context, I was a variety killer player on PS5 that was at rank 1. I play every single killer, but some more than others. I do watch a lot of streams so I know what the best killer players do in theory, but I can't be as good as them because of console/controller. I try to go for as many hooks as possible and almost never camp or tunnel. I'm not against the strategies, I just don't employ them too often. I don't like tunneling because it's too annoying fighting through BT and DS. I only camp when I'm protecting a 3 or 4-gen and I have someone hooked in the middle of it.

    My matchmaking before was all over the place, but it made the game more fun. I had a lot of games where I would get a 2k but 9 - 10 hooks or a 3k/4k where the gens got done or 1 left. I would get matched with the extremely efficient death squads, but it wasn't every game, and I just accepted that I had no chance against them.

    I had a daily with Hag last night for my first experience. I recognize that she's strong and I know how to play her, but I don't play her very often at all unless I have a daily because I don't find her that fun. My first game I played against a death squad and I didn't get one hook until all of the gens were done. The rest of the matches went the same way where I wasn't getting a hook until 4 gens are done. It was not fun at all. It's one thing to have a challenge, but it's another to know that you absolutely cannot win no matter what because of the way the game is designed. It's pointless to even play. My MMR should have been dropping like a rock because I was getting destroyed, but I kept facing the same types of teams over and over again.

    I am not happy with my experience with the new system at all. I'll give it one more night's try, but otherwise I'm going to survivor or just quitting until substantial balance changes are implemented. Good thing Tales of Arise and Life is Strange 3 are out this week!

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Individual Killer MMR is a huge QoL improvement for killers. It means you can finally play those weaker killers at a higher level, because your MMR will trend down to a point where they're viable. No longer forced to play Wraith.

  • Member Posts: 239


    as in, before the SBMM went live? you know, the thing that wasnt activated yesterday?

    so you are saying you had BETTER matches BEFORE SBMM?

  • Member Posts: 1,551

    Just the usual. They implement something that 'influence' matchmaking but turns out matchmaking is just as broken as ever.

    Paired against baby killers and didn't notice any difference with killer experience, just that queues is longer but admittedly new killer just dropped.

  • Member Posts: 424

    As Survivors, my matches have been rather chaotically impaired. For the first couple of matches, I got competent teammates... then, I'd get people that barely stand on the game, but at least 70% of my matches have been against camping Killers for some ungodly reason.

    As Killer, I get rainbows on Survivors, no death squads or anything of the like, but I get very bad Survivors teamed up with great Survivors.

  • Member Posts: 1,452

    I'm having way more fun with both sides.

  • Member Posts: 2,752

    I'm enjoying playing Killer. Been playing Pinhead since his release and I'm doing amazing with SBMMR. Usually when I pick up a new killer, I get slaughtered, now I'm getting survivors which seem a lot closer to what I would expect to get with a new killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,380

    The sweat has increased a ton, but im not having the worst of times. The patch was pretty rocky and dissapointing but at least SBMM isn't that terrible, you'll just have to learn to sweat a bit harder as killer if you care that much about it.

  • Member Posts: 5,922
    edited September 2021

    Not when you play all killers and your MMR is high on all of them. Every game is taxing. I have given up at this point and am protesting SBMM by playing facecamping bubba every game until they either remove it, or actually balance the game.

  • Member Posts: 570

    I honestly see ZERO difference in my solo queue games. My teammates still suck, and play like they just bought the game. Its infuriating...

  • Member Posts: 1

    It feels pretty "normal" as a killer.

    I just played different killers and it looks like i´am getting the same typ of survs every match!

    If I chose a "main killer" i get 2-4 kills and with a complete new killer (first time playing as Hillbilly) the survs are quite of the same skilllevel and playtime.

    For the "normal" matches, with my main killer(s), the game feels quite normal, but there should be a (huge) difference between that expierienced gameplay compared to a new killer. Perhaps it will reset the different killers at the 13th or the promisses are some kind of a "paper tiger" 😂

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    To answer the OP first question: Yes I am having fun as killer with SBMM. My kill rate is still the same...matches seem more balanced. I am a 50/50 player and have been rank 1 for 4+ years with approx 2100 hours as killer and 1900 as survivor.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited September 2021

    Or you can keep playing those weaker killers until your MMR settles at a lower level.

    MMR won't get better if you don't play. It takes time for the system to adjust to your level of play.

  • I can say i've been having fun, i've been getting lots of brutal killer and ruthless killer. It's working good for me.

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    It's not about it getting better. It will never get better because once i drop low enough i have to try to not win. The reality is the game is no longer fun because there is no point. Why play and get better when the reality is only nurse is viable at high level. I'll enjoy facecamping bubba as a protest for now and once i get bored of that we will see.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited September 2021

    If you specifically have to try not to win, then you should be at a higher skill level. Otherwise you're only winning because your opponents are potatoes and never stood a chance against you.

    If players at your own skill level aren't fun to play against, because you have to 'try' to win, then it means all of your previously 'fun' games were against low level survivors, who couldn't beat you by virtue of their low skill. This means you never won any of your games, the matchmaking won your games for you by giving you potatoes to slaughter.

  • Member Posts: 1,169

    MMR will always feel weird, you'll win then you get high MMR then you obviously lose, then you get lower MMR then you win... it will tbe his over and over, there will never be consistency. DbD doesn't have that manny active players to warrant a consistant flow of results. There's not enough players in all skill levels to warrant consistant results. Win/Lose/Win/Lose isn't consistency. There will never be a chance to win every match, especially on killer. SWF's might have a chance at winning manny matches in a row, just like before. SWF not only is advantageous in coordination but it also breaks Matchmaking so as long as SWF exists survivors can always break matchmaking and make it favourable to them.

    My matches as killer are weird AF. On Console so far my matches are crap, Console Killer can't compete agains PC Survivors and i've faced soo manny PC survivors. My PC Killer matches are more Balanced since playing killer on PC is much better compared to Console but my matches are harder aswell so in a Console vs PC it's frustrating on different levels. I guess i can use Console to play killers like Trapper, Myers, Clown , etc the killers i play the least so i can have some matches where i won't have to try as hard and frustrate myself or i can take a loss with less frustration. But even then i start towin too much MMR will skyrocket and then i won't be able to win cause i'm using trash killers...

    As survivor, it's honestly the same thing on both Platforms. I can't complain about anything, it's been way better. It's a Net buff for Survivors. There's very little drawbacks for Survivor. You need very low player count in game for MatchMaking to start making very random matches and pair low MMR with high MMR and whatever killer MMR.

  • Member Posts: 260

    I believe I'm in a high MMR bracket because I got 8-12 death swfs in a row on my twins after taking a long break from DBD (which i believe is understandable) and went about 50/50 with a lot more 4 escapes than I'm used to. What I've learned is that map choice is a lot more brutal/impactful than I remember (basically was impossible to win on Ormond), that I'm not as good as I thought I was since a lot of people in the past would just give up the second they saw the twins, that playing meaner gets better results, and that the twins really need some love from the dev team. The 5 second successful pounce nerf should be reverted, Charlotte needs something when Victor is taken hostage, something. I might have to go back to Spirit at this rate just to feel like I have a chance Killer side.

    Oddly enough, the survivors I did go up against at what I believe is higher MMR were all a lot friendlier than I'm used to. None of them hanging around being toxic at the exit gates, actual GGs at the end game chat, etc lol.

    All in all I think it's a positive change but it's really highlighted the disparity between killer strength and survivors for me. It's basically the Goldlewis vs Axl matchup in Strive for any killers other than spirit/nurse/blight I think.

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    You are missing the point. The point is, if i play anything that is not nurse and a meta build, i get completely destroyed because this game's balance is terrible at a high level. Nurse is the only viable killer. I don't like having to play like that every single game, i want to play other killers, i want to have fun with goofy builds. If i do, i get completely stomped, then the next game i play is a complete stomp from me because i get potatoes. Then it repeats. I don't want either, i want fun, close matches with a back and forth, not a complete stomp one way or the other. At least before i would get matches that were actually closer in fairness when i didn't play top tier nurse/meta #########.

  • Member Posts: 3,786

    Yesterday when I played killer SBMM was already active.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    You're missing the point. If you play anything that's not valid at a high level, then your MMR will reduce, until you're at a level that it is valid.

    What you're describing, is the problem with the OLD matchmaking.

  • Member Posts: 17

    Games have been enjoyable for both sides for me. Killer; I get more casual matches with killers I normally meme with, and more serious matches with my mains. Not really any different than before, aside now I can decide to sweat or not. Its chill, I like not stomping 80% of matches anymore. Its so much more enoyable when survivors feel like they have a chance.

    With surv, its the same thing. So much better.

  • Member Posts: 5,922
    edited September 2021

    Literally please just read what i wrote.

    My experience with SBMM when not playing my main, is as follows.

    1) I play a game, and i get 4 megheads who don't know what a pallet is, i 4k at 5 gens in less than 3 minutes.

    2) I play a second game, and i get a 4 man SWF sweat squad with full loadout of meta perks, Brand new parts, syringes, on coms and i get 2, maybe 3 hooks while i lose 3-4 gens during the first chase where they just shift + w and drop pallets (this is how high level is).

    Obviously i lose the second game terribly because i'm playing pinhead, or something. Then, my next game is like the 1st game again. Rinse and repeat. It's not giving me "balanced" matches, it's giving me a "50% winrate" at all costs, but not in a fun way for either side.

    Previously, i would get less of both of these style of games. Yeah, they existed, but the SWF sweat squads would show up maybe once out of every 50 or so games. And the 4 megheads would happen maybe once every 50 or so games (usually it spikes during a new rift level where everyone is focusing on doing challenges instead of playing the game). My matches were more balanced when i didn't play my main.

    This is also all occurring after playing around 50+ games at this point with SBMM, 50 games should be more than enough for it to figure out my "proper" MMR and not match me with games like this.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    I love it as killer, I get to finally experience a 4 man slug victory as Nurse with less than an hour on her. All thanks to sbmm.

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Survivor feels good, killer feels like mmr can only go up

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    My killer experience has been great! The survivors are tough, but there os a balance that matches feel earned. They're never stompfests on either side, and even on one match I got 0k, I had hooked everyone twice, so for me thay's a fair balance. Also, my losses are mainly errors I make, or good play by opponents in terms of skill or mindgames. Games I've won feel well deserved.

    Basically, it's great from both sides for me.

  • Member Posts: 3,127

    Rank doesn't mean anything anymore.

    Soooo, nice I guess?

  • Member Posts: 213

    apparently it does, since you get put against people with ur skill

  • Member Posts: 3,127

    Uhh.. Yeah?

    That's the point of MMR?

    What are you trying to do, brag that you're "Rank 1"?

  • Member Posts: 13,036
  • Member Posts: 9,513

    its because your mmr is skyrocketing one match and crashing downwards in another match. As you said, facing strong teams only worked 1/50 games. Its more that solo matchmaking is pairing up strong solo players together more frequently and your losing to them in your 2nd game hence title of OP post.

    for me personally, I am a bit more used to going against those crazy teams and my typical result against these 4-5 minute gen teams is like 5-6 hooks with some amount of kills(1-2 kills) assuming the killer is high-average killer. it is very unlikely to beat strong teams as killer, but it can happen if the survivors messes up.

    Pinhead has poor 1vs1 and his 1vs4 slowdown is not too impressive. he shouldn't be facing high MMR. he has potential to be a good killer if they improve him drastically in next 3 months but he is not quite there, so you should be facing middle MMR while playing him.

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    its not about MMR. It's about game balance. The game/system obviously knows i should be in high MMR, probably because i main nurse. The problem is, nurse is the only viable killer at that level. Period.

  • Member Posts: 87

    i have played like 8 matches as killer since they added SBMM and i have seen quite some gold and even iri rank survivors mixed with bronce and silver, most of the matches have been people that has an idea of what they are doing plus some potatoes and 3K with some people DC and me giving the hatch to the last on on those cases. The only problem i have seen is th long queue times for playing killer, but that could be thanks to the pinhead release.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

     I'm noticing that survivors are ending matches so quickly with top scorer getting less than 20k points.

    If you are escaping and getting less than 20k this means in terms of actual gameplay you got less than 15k points worth because 5k alone is escaping.

    Let me count how much thing you have to do to earn 15k BP as survivor

    • 1 solo Gen 1250
    • 1 coop Gen 2500
    • Gen skill check 2000
    • 2 safe unhook 3000
    • 5 heal 1500
    • Heal skill check 2000
    • 2 killer stun 1400
    • 2 escape from chase 800

    Total: 14.450 BP

    This is the average actions a survivor "should" do. Note that if you do more than this list, means your team mates have to do less which they will earn less.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    I agree. Its just that they said that each killer has their own MMR. Pinhead can never reach nurse's MMR in his current state. that is why I found it amusing when they said they'll balance for top 5% with new "data" because large majority of the killers will never hit high MMR. Even if they somehow did, they would instantly lose pushing them back to lower MMR.

    I doubt your facing high MMR, your just facing middle MMR where pinhead peaks and does not really pass where as someone like nurse has no cieling, so she just goes straight to the top.

  • Member Posts: 939

    This is what has happened to me too.

    First 4-5 matches were decent. Now? "Red" (Iridescent?) rank Killers, CONSTANT camping and tunneling. Constant. I just gave up today because it's so bloody annoying. So much BM, Idk why it's happening.

  • Member Posts: 424

    I mean in SBMM the colour of the rank doesn't particularly matter. I'm just assuming they managed to climb up due to how the SBMM seems to work. I played a few more rounds and it seems to be a general thing, I keep getting campers or people that play normally then decide to camp after two or three generators have been done so it's a bit weird, but then I get normal matches again...

    My general thing is that, despite the camping, I get to actually play in most of my matches which I'm grateful for.

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    Mmr sucks for both sides. It's just awful for this game in general.

  • Member Posts: 2,986
    edited September 2021

    Games seem WAY more balanced. I don't know why anyone would complain... unless they just enjoy going against potatoes instead of someone of similar skill.

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