Just got a 15 minute ban after the match crashed and I got disconnected

Shouldn't there be a system that recognizes voluntary DCs from unvoluntaries? That is extremely annoying.


  • Yurik
    Yurik Member Posts: 6

    If you're involuntarily D/Cing often enough that you get to a 15 minute D/C timer it might be worth investigating why you're crashing so frequently and solving that before you queue up again.

    Whether you leave the game intentionally or are just crashing you're still ruining others players' experience by leaving early.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    If you got a 15 minutes ban, it means you've disconnected a few times during the last day. Either you have potato internet, or some of those disconnects were on purpose..

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Oh and as to your question, which is a legitimate question..

    Yes there should be a system that recognizes it. But it's impossible to tell from a legit "internet/pc/game crashed" VS "player just turned off their wifi/disconnected their internet cable from their PC"

    So that's why the penalty is for everyone. If you had a legit crash, by the time you get back, the 5 minutes for the first offense will have gone by so you won't get affected.

    If you crash more often than that.. get a better PC or Internet service, otherwise play a different game. Sorry to tell you this but people with bad systems that keep crashing are bad for the game, for both sides. It sucks as survivor to have someone DC randomly and, honestly, it sucks as killer when someone DCs randomly (easy to tell if they do it mid-chase, it's on purpose, if they're nowhere near you, it was a legit crash)

    Either way.. if your game crashes more than once a day.. yeah you need to get that fixed before complaining about the penalties.

  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 768

    These penalties are annoying indeed. I was crashing many times today, my web.co has been down each time but I had no penalty for these unvoluntarily DCs. Just a common depipe instead. I am convinced that the DbD game exclusively produces these crashes since the last patch. It never happened BEFORE it. Many players are complaining about this recurrent/random crash since the last 48 hours.

    So the Devs should remove these DC penalty until they fix these epic crashes bc THAT it is ruining players experience.

    When the killer has DCed because the game has crashed, all players are considered as escaped and they are rewarded for that.

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857

    Pinhead still making game freeze, so I closed app on ps5. Got a penalty lol.

  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 768
    edited September 2021

    Steam randomly going offline only on dbd :


    Sadly, DbD is & will ever be a broken game...

    And btw I have forgotten to add about this: "But it's impossible to tell from a legit "internet/pc/game crashed" VS "player just turned off their wifi/disconnected their internet cable from their PC" is finally totally wrong BECAUSE my internet is always shutdowned during these crashes/bugs (I was playing as killer). My Steam is down and I have no DC penalty. So IF steam shutdowns itself, the game crashes & it doesn't penalized me.

    Apparently the game & server can easily make a difference between a intentional DC & a lost web connection. It just should check if Steam is still on...

    "get a better PC or Internet service" <= as everyone knows rn, this bug certainly produces all the crashes (especially for the killers & lobbies). Your internet service isn't guilty...

    Please @White_Owl don't be foolish but some hazardous explanations.

    Post edited by n000b51 on
  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    1. I think that if the game crashes and you are able to report it, you should not get any timeout.

    2. All other scenarios have to be punished because else some people abuse it.

    3. If you got a 15min ban, you DCed at least once recently. I am playing this game very often and frequently and the highest ban I ever got was 5min when the game bugged or my connection was bad for some reason.

    Just don't rage quit and you should be fine.

    Oh, BTW, the increasing ban time is for notoric DCers who just do it because something did not work how they wanted.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    To answer some of the questions:

    • long story short: my internet sometimes drops, but never happens more than once per day. That's enough to keep the timeout at 15 mins, so no, I'm not a serial rage quitter.
    • the game didn't crash and it's not my PC's fault (which I built less than a year ago). The match froze and I got kicked out out of the blue. I deduct it's due to the last patch because it never happened to me.