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General Discussions

Pinhead is similar to Pig

Member Posts: 2,533
edited September 2021 in General Discussions

Pinhead specializes in game delay, with some anti-loop potential. He is probably more similar to Pig than any other Killer (an upgraded Pig mind you). He forces Survivors off generators with his box and chain hunts. Finding the box yourself or downing someone with the box is even stronger and gives some tracking too.

Pair him with at least one Hex and the Survivors aren't gonna be gen rushing anytime soon they'll be pretty busy. I think some people are underrating Pinhead because his anti-loop is weaker than other Killers, but in my opinion his slowdown potential more than makes up for it. He's easily a mid-tier Killer that can start to approach high-tier if you can get consistently land his possessed chains and have the awareness of which loops they're most effective on (hint they're awesome at long wall jungle gyms).

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  • Member Posts: 239

    you can completely disarm and take pinheads power hostage by holding the cube and never solving it.

    survivors have full control over if pinhead can use his power or not.

    the only killer that bad is... well trapper but even trapper can get some cheap traps in using vaults or delaying the gate

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    I mean, I would argue Pinhead's chase potential is much better than that of Pig though.

    Pig has stealth, whichi is somewhat good. And in terms of slowdown they seem both quite effective.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    Woih the chain hunt starting on the survivor who is holding the box hostage. It makes it easier for Pinhead to locate that survivor, down them, and once he downs them, Pinhead gets to activate the chain hunt immediately.

    I feel like the downside to holding the box hostage is enough now.

  • Member Posts: 239

    the chains only really make sound at less than a whimpering injured survivor and isnt buffable, arent "super obvious" on indoor maps or well lit maps and over all can be juked pretty easily, i'v been getting games back to back where the surivors just take the box, go hide for a short bit then do gens, the moment i try to take the box from them their hivemind comes to the rescue, bye bye box i wont see you for another 2 minutes when all the gens are done... oh the gates already open?


  • Member Posts: 2,065

    My comparison went to Freddy, given the ongoing gauge that triggers their power stopped temporarily by the puzzle box/alarm clock combined with the ability to teleport under certain conditions and chains/snares that serve to allow down fleeing survivors.

  • Member Posts: 2,533

    Pinhead's Box is probably most similar to Pig's Bear Traps, but yes, his anti-loop and teleportation have similarities to Freddy.

  • Member Posts: 2,533
    edited September 2021

    He's like Pig with automated Bear Traps that activate all game that Survivors have to disarm and Freddy Snares for anti-loop with occasional teleportation.

    Basically taking the best parts of two mid/low tier Killers and putting them in a single Killer to make something mid/high tier.

  • Member Posts: 2,533

    A full two health state chase with Pinhead with plenty of resources on the map for the Survivor using just his anti-loop is 30-50 seconds. At least in my experience.

  • Member Posts: 1,360

    Actually not true, while they hold the box hostage, they basically can't so gens, making it a 3v1, and it doesn't even disable your m2 ability like other characters that can have their power taken hostage. Plus, they actually have downsides while holding the box, it is super easy to down a box holder and then once you do, you get a hook, and chain hunt begins.

  • Member Posts: 1,360

    So you ignore his main ability which is chain hunt, which is incredibly powerful if you actually play to defend the box and keep it going like you should as the character, and you only use his m2 (which still isn't as bad as people say) which by itself isn't as strong as it is combined with chain hunt? No wonder pinhead is getting so much #########. You people keep playing him like a basic looper killer lmaoo if you want a killer with no depth that does mediocre slowing than yeah, go to clown I guess, pinhead still out performs him if you play like you should.

  • Member Posts: 2,533

    He's definitely better than Clown mainly because his power forces slow vaults (not medium vaults) and prevents dead hard. His chains also have a longer duration than Clown's slow.

    Also, people really overrate the cast time on his power. If you play him like Nurse/Deathslinger and insta-cast instead of taking time to aim it has much less counterplay and a much shorter animation. Accuracy and animation canceling totally matter with him you can seriously minimize it with a precise blink and quick scope.

  • Member Posts: 239

    beat me to it, camping the box is literally holding up a sign saying "gen rush me please" as it gives the player an artifical third objective to defend.

    the only way pinhead can find his box is with an addon, which removes his ability to force a chain hunt early. GREAT addon.

    otherwise the box is 100% just laying in the world with no way to find it beyond roaming and having RNG bless you in finding YOUR OWN POWER.

    his looping is abysmal, his chases require survivors go full potato and run in the open and oh yeah, he has to STAND STILL to use his slow.

    the only reason pinhead is above clown atm is due to his scouting potential and RNG chains

  • Member Posts: 624

    Something you're forgetting: The chains force slowdown if the Survivors ignore the box, and a Survivor typically has to be taking care of the box in some way so their team can reliably do gens.

    I would say that, while a Survivor can hold the box, they get punished for doing so. Chain Hunt WILL reveal them if they try to hide, the chains will fly at them and reveal where they're hiding, and chai hunt will ALSO slow the Survivor down for injures and downs. A Survivor who holds the box mid-chase runs the risk of being in a constant disadvantage. Even if they dodge the chain hunt, a simple perfectly placed, random chain can be enough to force the Survivor into getting hit.

  • Member Posts: 2,533

    You're also forgetting that if you down a Survivor holding the box it immediately activates a chain hunt and reveals all the other Survivors locations.

    Which doubles your map pressure because one Survivor has to save, while another has to get the Box to stop the ongoing chain hunt.

  • Member Posts: 479

    I think Pinhead has pretty good natural slowdown and it only gets better when there's less survivors. I suppose a good example is a match I had in Haddonfield. There were 2 gens left, all of them localized on one end of the map and 3 survivors left. The game managed to get dragged out for a seriously long time because one survivor would have to find the box, take it to the other side of the map where nothing's there , solve it then run all the way back to whatever they're doing. That by itself can be pretty strong and wastes a tonne of time but like pig it isn't perfect and it really depends on the survivors and their level of team cordination.

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    And yet you still won't post your damn video showing this magical way that you play him that is so different than everyone.

  • Member Posts: 508

    He's whom Pig aspires to be simply do to the fact that the slowdown is not dependent on mediocre chase abilities. That being said, it's not hard to be better than Pig, and we'll have to see how he is over time.

  • Member Posts: 2,513

    I highly recommend this build:

    Jumpscare pinhead: (patent pending)

    • Devour Hope
    • Plaything
    • Hoarder
    • Franklin's

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    I still think he's a hybrid of Freddy and Deathslinger.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    PinHead is the most unique killer that has hit the game in a while, and for that reason people are trying to make comparisons that aren't really valid. His kit is really well designed in my opinion. He's got built in slow-down, anti-loop, tracking, and mobility (in the form of teleports or using his chains to scout)

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Pinhead is similar to numerous other killers, and in a good way. He has the passive delay of Doctor, Legion and Pig, the mechanics of Nurse and Deathslinger, the sweet, sweet magical animations of Nurse, and the chase potential of Clown (who has much higher chase potential than people give him credit for).

  • Member Posts: 981

    Funny. I think the only things that matters is game delay and map mobility.

    For this reason Freddy is a far better Killer than Slinger or Trickster. Sure he can get his downs a lot slower. But with his teleport he applys map pressure and can chain his chases back to back while chasing survivors off generators. Even with his nerf Freddy is better than most "quick down" killers.

    This is why Pinhead is a good killer: He can apply pressure on more than one survivor with his passive chain hunt.

    I had more than enough matches where the survivors get the box and I find them, down them and get my pressure going. Also with the add-ons for his box it becomes even better.

    Is Pinhead an S-tier Killer? I do not think so.

    Is he well designed and fun to play and to face? Surely he is. Even with all his bugs I still enjoy the hell out of this guy even when I get only 3-4 hooks. I also like facing him as his boxs adds an extra challenge. You basicly paint a target on your back by holding it and daring the Killer to come for you. Mess it up and your team get screwed, do it right and you safe the day.

    Not every Killer needs to be a top tier murder machine like Spirit. Fun comes first and for me Pinhead is fun.

  • Member Posts: 1,360

    it actually takes 8 seconds to solve it, with the addons putting it up to around 12-14 seconds, and the box has set spawns that will usually be the same on each map, I've gotten consistent on knowing the spawns for the box on coal tower, hawkins, midwich, and coldwind. Not very RNG, and you can interrupt the solving with chains

  • Member Posts: 2,752

    I was thinking Pinhead was more similar to Trapper. However, after playing him, he really is unique to himself. I think he is probably a B tier.

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