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Well 100% killer main
I used to play 50:50 but now I'm gonna play 100% only killer I can't handle teammates anymore they seem worse than bots and it's frustrating and I'm just done with them if I lose as a killer blame on me but I'm not depending anymore on teammates who can't use logic to save their lives and get me killed all the time thanks for listening to this rant now which killer u reccomend the most?
Depends on your playstyle really. Each killer, for the most part brings something different to the table and makes you change how you play.
But I was told when I first started out playing killer, is to pick up Bubba (Leatherface) cus he is a blood point farming machine.
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People really need to give SBMM a couple of weeks to place people properly before they complain. Of course it wont be perfect right off the bat.
That said my favorite killers are Nemesis and Pinhead. Huntress is good too, or Ghostface if you like being sneaky. Wraith is a lot of fun as well. Oh and Pig... and Deathslinger. And Doctor. Basically all killers are decent, it depends on your playstyle.
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Only nurse. Other killers 100% trash.
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Like they always say, if you want good survivors, play killer.
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Ok then. I am still a 50/50 - have only seen improvements as both killer and survivor @ Iri1 with sbmm.
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Blight. He's a monster if you're good with him in a chase.
Wraith if you're good with mind games.
Freddy, even with the nerf, is still good.
Really, any killer is good except Trapper, if you know how to mind game and end chases fast. Problem is that a good team of survivors would trump any good killer unless they're a really good Nurse.
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I guess it depends on how experienced with killer you already are.
If you're new, I'd recommend Pig. She's mostly just an m1 killer, so you'll still have to learn loops and be aware of how closely good tiles are spawned.
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Jokes on you, now for some unknown cursed reason every survivor you get matched against will be 20x better than every one of your teammates combined
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Oh damn but I play trapper the most 😂and I 4k most of times but I do understand what ur saying about him
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Are you new? SBMM should make it so that your teams skill level is around yours and the killer. After you get some wins under your belt you should get away from the potatoes.
I think you should just take a break from survivor. Even if you become a killer main then becoming really good with survivor will help you be a better killer.
I play every killer at a high level and i find variety keeps this game not boring for me. I dont understand people who only main 1. So 2 things I would consider when learning killer. 1 If you are wanting to eventually get everything or Aim for the most bloodpoints you're going to want BBQ and Chilly. It doubles your BP for the match if you hook every survivor. So Bubbas not a bad place to start. 2 You are best off learning how to mind game as an m1 killer because all killers benefit from you knowing how to play like that. With that in mind I think Wraith Trapper Myers doctor freddy legion or clown would help you learn that.
If you're looking to just have fun then watch gameplay of all killers and decide based off that. My personal favorites are Oni Doctor PyramidHead and Huntress.
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It's not that he is super weak, he is actually my favorite killer to play, but you can't show mercy with him and it's very hard to direct good survivors into his traps. Unfortunately for them, when I play him, I make sure to haul their booty into the basement and seal it shut.
He's just outdated and needs some adjustments.
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If u played trapper I recommend hag.
She has a similar mindgame style with traps and good addons plus a high sbmm ceiling .
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Yes definitely agree but I just love playing him a lot no matter the outcome he's so fun
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Oh no I'm not playing "lemme put this trap right here cuz I'mma a bit**" 😂 I just hate her too much to play her but I do see ur point
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Well I think it's not doing it's job and I'm not new I might be average and not pro like jrm etc but I'm skilled enough to not be matched with self caring corner teammate with urban evasion and refusing to heal anyone
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Spirit is best girl so go for her
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It might take time to adjust? It's literally only been released.
If you're still in the same boat after a few weeks or more then I get you not believing its doing it's job.
Once more people thinking it's like magic and pretty much works straight off the bat😂
I'm not judging until it has been a little bit then I'll make a valid complaint if things are going horrendous and not working as intended. Not gonna get on a day after it's release and complain it's not working lmfao
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well ill take them at their word until i see otherwise. Considering thier history I do agree that i think that it wont work as intended, but im just working with the info i have
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She has fun meme builds like her bodyblocker builds you dont have to go full on sweaty with her🤣
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It's the whole I outsmarted you and a satisfying snap of the trap catching a survivor🤣
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Definitely when I outsmarted Claudette by putting trap right behind pallet she tried to pallet save and she got trapped and the other came from other shack doors and got trapped too 😂 so satisfying
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Awesome those are the best moments 🤣
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A game should never take a couple weeks to be fun to play
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Definitely with you there. In descending order of killers I won't play because I hate playing against them so. damn. much: Doctor, Hag, Spirit/Trickster.
I can't stand the constant location detection from Doctor and constant zaps.
Hag is the camping queen.
Spirit because her counterplay is largely luck.
Trickster because, damn, he's annoying as all hell with those knives. "Just get it over with," I find myself saying.
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Scratched mirror Myers or Amanda's letter pig 10/10 best fun in game.
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Pretty much same I hate trickster, hag and doctor too and spirit eh I dislike her but don't completely hate her
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Well if that ain't just the truest quote. Fug.
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When I play killer I often wonder “why can’t I get matched with the same potatoes I get as a survivor?”
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mine are a couple of minutes at most. whats your old rank? your placement in their system might have effected your wait times