What do You Think of Spine Chill?
***WARNING: I like putting detail into posts like these, to talk about what I believe is valid points, and try to see if anybody else shares my same thoughts, or might provoke some better ideas than my own. If you don't want to read through what I discuss and point out, skip to the last 2 paragraphs (and small closing statement at the bottom) for my concluding thoughts about Spine Chill! If you read through everything, maybe you'll understand why I propose those things better, and thank you for checking out my post!***
I've been thinking about this for a while, and I'm wondering if anybody else shares my same thoughts about it. So, Spine Chill, what I think about it. Against Killers, it's great for warnings and utility. Such things are incredibly useful in terms of survivability. However, is it balanced? Playing both Survivor and Killer, I have things to say about it for both sides.
First, the Survivor side. Spine Chill is such a great perk to have for multiple reasons: faster action speeds and early warnings for a Killer coming towards you. I personally think it is an INCREDIBLY strong perk to have. Faster gen speed, vault speed, and gate opening is enough to make a HUGE difference in your games. Not only that, but it causes more skill checks for gens. If you are a good with your skill checks and hit a lot of greats, this could make you fly through gens. Admittedly, when I am playing Survivor, I love having this perk, and think it provides such great utility, that it's hard to justify taking it off, because it can bail you out of so much.
Now, we get to the Killer side of things, which means we also get to problems I have with the perk. So, with a normal Killer, or a Killer with high mobility, I don't think I mind the perk all that much. However, my issue with the perk lies in the low mobility Killers, and the "stealth" Killers. Chasing a Survivor as a low mobility Killer -- 110/4.4 Killers for reference -- can be significantly harder, because of Spine Chill's faster vaulting speed. On top of their slow speed, which gives Survivors extra time to get out of dodge before you get there, it completely nullifies smaller terror radius', which is a gimmick that is supposed to help slower Killers get to Survivors without being detected too early, and lose a lot of distance on a Survivor because of it. Not only this, but with Survivors that know how to fully utilize this perk, gens go faster, as well, because all you have to do is look in their general direction for them to get this benefit, without regarding verticality, which means they can benefit from your gaze while you could be chasing another Survivor.
That isn't where the troubles end for Killers though. The early warning can completely counter "stealth" Killers. I mentioned this before, and what I mean is this: when playing Killers like Myers, Ghostface, Pig or Wraith, one of your primary gimmicks is that you are undetectable, which keeps your terror radius from giving Survivors early warning of your presence. This, of course, means that Spine Chill removes the primary gimmick that stealth Killers have for utility. The problem with this, is that such an important tool for those Killers to get the drop on Survivors is completely negated because of one Survivor perk. Some Killers say that you can play around it. If a Survivor makes it obvious that they have Spine Chill, you can look away from where you're approaching to avoid giving them an early warning. To an extent, they're right, and it CAN work, but this doesn't mean it always will. This won't work if you're on an open map, and the Survivor can see you coming, it won't work if Survivors are on comms and see you going towards one of their friends, and not fully looking at where you're approaching means that you won't always see if a Survivor leaves or not.
So, what do I think of Spine Chill? It's a really strong perk, with a lot of utility. Maybe even TOO much utility. If you ask me, I think that Spine Chill needs a bit of rebalancing. Here are some of my proposed changes: first, make undetectable counter it. A while back, they changed Object of Obsession to be countered by undetectable, because knowing where a stealth Killer is at all times was too strong. Likewise, I think having an early warning to a stealth Killers whereabouts is also too strong, in my opinion. I don't like a perk countering the whole gimmick of stealth from Killers. If this change is unfavorable, then perhaps make it to where verticality matters, and looking down or up counters the perk, rather than looking to a side. This would also help you see a little better when sneaking up on Survivors. Then -- this might be a bit more controversial -- remove the utility from the perk. Doing gens faster and vaulting faster is unnecessary and gives too much power to Survivors because a Killer is looking at them. In a chase, this is not counterable on the Killer side, or else you'd lose chase.
Not only does the utility make little sense, but it dips into other perks' territories, too. Faster gen speed, Resilience and Prove Thyself. Faster gate unlock, Wake Up. Faster vault speed, also Resilience. These are just to name a few things that I think Spine Chill should not have within its utility belt, since other perks already do these things. And the infamous Spine Chill+Resilience combo is also very strong, because they pair very well together for vaulting and gen speed increase. At the end of the day, Spine Chill should not have so much utility for one perk slot, and I think it countering stealth Killers is unfair, and its counterplay is unreasonable and unfavorable if you need to keep track of Survivors. Perhaps we could also change its sibling Premonition to detect stealth Killers instead, so Spine Chill doesn't cover so many bases? It's rare to see Premonition nowadays -- at least, when I play Killer -- so maybe that would be a better role for Premonition to play.
What do you think? Is what I say reasonable? Do my arguments make any valid points? I'm curious to know what everyone thinks.
It is mostly fine, but I wish stealth killers, as in stealth built into their kit directly (Myers, Pig, Ghostface), should have immunity to it while undetectable via their power. I still think it should counter undetectable from perks and whatnot.
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No look sideways. Simple counter for killers. When I play a stealthy killers such as myers I usually test the waters to see if they have spine chill, which is pretty easy to tell if they have it or not. If you come behind a wall and they're hiding before you show yourself then it's pretty obvious they have the perk. Thus next time I walk side ways to where I know they are doing a gen.
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It’s a good, solid, survivor perk. It is okay for survivors to have strong perks, and while it may make things more difficult for stealth killers, it can be countered and easily identifiable. It’s no different from strong killer perks like Tinkerer.
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Sucks for killers who have to look at survivors to use their power.
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Very much so, yes. It is a hard counter for Myers and Ghostface.
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I do agree that it is counterable, but it is still unfavorable. For Killers like Pig and Wraith, it's not a big deal, but Killers that NEED to look at Survivors -- Myers and Ghostface -- they are not afforded that luxury.
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No, just turn to the side. It is great and acceptable counterplay as seen above.
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So, you can turn to the side when you are stalking?
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I am just being facetious. It is a problem.
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Oh. lol. Apologies. Yeah, I do think Spine Chill is a bit strong for stealth Killers, but it is even stronger against the two that have to stalk.
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I am not saying anything here. It will just get my favourite perk nerfed (for good reason ;-) )
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I seriously doubt anything posted here will get enough attention to be considered by the balance team, this is just a conversation on what everyone thinks of the perk. No worries. :)
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Spine chill is in a great spot.
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I don't have the time read all that (at work) I think it's fine as it is. Really strong vs stealth killers fine imo. Overall I think it's a noobie perk that cause the player to lack off a bit when being aware of their surroundings. I used it a bit when I first started playing, but after I quit using it I my awareness to little things and watching out for the killer gotten way better.
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It's great for newbies, yeah. It's probably one of the best generic perks in the game. However, my issue with it is that it counters stealth Killers. That's probably what bothers me the most. Why, is because stealth Killers aren't all that strong, and a single perk completely counters one of their primary tools, which I find to be unfair.
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I used to think it was fairly strong but the more I played killer, I would rather have survivors use Spine Chill over any exhaustion perks or some other meta perk.
I think it is fine atm. However, Myers should receive his old Tier 1 (Pre-Undetectable update). Where no perk would work on him, mainly spine chill (it now does), I think he suffers the most, being very slow. It was unique to him.
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He definitely needs something. Poor Myers. I hardly ever see him when I play Survivor, and it's not hard to see why. When a perk can counter him, and he's slow in tier one, and his stalking can take a while, it's a rough life with him. Ghostface can get away with a bit more, because his stalking goes much faster, but the early start a Survivor can get because of Spine Chill can hurt both of them, almost equally. That, and yes, I would prefer them using Spine Chill over exhaustion perks, but what happens when they use both? That is where I think the problems come in.
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Mindbreaker :D
In all seriousness, it would sound weird to nerf Spine Chill. Maybe it can be turned down to 24m? I don’t think anybody would really run it it’s any lower. It would probably need a compensation for the loss of meters though, so I am not sure.
If you think about it all stealth killers (except Wraith) need to be looked at anyways. They are mostly on the weaker side. Pig, Ghostface and Myers. Hopefully they get the buff they deserve in a future update.
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I hope they get looked at, too. I love Pig, in particular. However, I don't think it really needs compensation. As I mentioned in the post, Spine Chill dips into other perks' territories, with some of its benefits, which I think is unnecessary. For instance, Resilience already does everything Spine Chill does. I don't think Spine Chill needs the utility that it comes with, because other perks already does it. For one perk, I think Spine Chill is TOO useful.
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Underrated perk. Except when some killers say it's "OP" or something.
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I definitely wouldn't call it OP, but I do think some Killers suffer more from it than others. Mainly stealth Killers.
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Yeah that's perfectly fine, I agree with you
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To nerf spine chill, they would need to expand it. If they reduce the radius, it would make it easier for survivors to know the killer is still very close and they need to move before they get caught. Expanding it would make it more difficult to know how far the killer is. But, they would have to remove at least the gen speed. Doors open fast enough as it is, but I would say remove that too because of the expansion. The only thing that would then matter is the vault speed, which, by then, the killer is already on you.
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It's a bit of a slippery slope, for sure. I feel like undetectable countering it would be the best change I've suggested. I don't think it would be unfair, or make the perk weaker. Spine Chill hurts stealth Killers a bit, but there's only really 3 of those in the game, and you don't see them much in high ranks, because they are pretty weak.
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Spine chill is definitely strong, way too strong, you can’t even stalk as Myers or ghostface lol, I usually blast music on my headphones and play with spinechill. I still can win lol
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Lol. A true chad using perks.
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One of my favorite killers is pig, I would gladly trade perks, remove spine chill, you can also have noed. Seems like a fair trade
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I love Pig. Though, I don't really use NOED. I run a wholesome Killer series on my streams, where I try to play in a way that's fun for both sides, and I know NOED isn't really fun to play against for most people, so I don't use it. Admittedly, I play too nice for what Killers have to put up with. lol
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It's alright - I use Alert though.
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Fair. Alert is fairly underrated for the information it can offer.
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Oh, I rarely use it, but it's complained a out a lot, that's why I offered it :)
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Spine Chill doesn't give you the direction that the killer is coming from so that leads to survivors running into the killer (Yea I have done that before)
As for the other benefits it's small enough to complement the other perks you've mentioned
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I think spine chill is an okay perk. I just wish it didn’t work if you’re stealthy.
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I personally dislike that spine chill hard counters ghostface and myers, it shouldn't be like that.
I think either spine chill shouldn't counter undetectable status or should not work against stealth killers.
But the problem is perks in my opinion, tinkerer is extremely common these days, so they should probably change it to oblivious or something like that, I honestly have no idea.
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I think before we start addressing perks that counter certain killers more than others, we need to do the same with items. Toolboxes can't sabotage Trapper's traps anymore, but yet flashlights can burn Wraith and destroy Hag's traps?
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its alright. the 5% vault speed can help in certain situations sometimes, and its a good counter to stealth killers.
though, theres still better perks than it