It seems that Spirit wants to ask the Devs

Developer Update | November 2019 — Dead By Daylight

Window vaulting animation

Although The Spirit appears to climb through a window from the Killer’s perspective, a Survivor currently sees her stand at the window briefly before phasing through it. This left the Survivor with very little time to react, leaving the Survivor to guess whether she’s actually vaulting the window and hope for the best. The Spirit will now play a window vaulting animation from the Survivor’s perspective.

Then watch Pinhead's lovely vaulting animation.



  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Yeah the thing no one really complained about r.e. spirit back then

    See also remember me needing to be nerfed because of the endgame collapse before releasing no way out. Balance decisions are just a spin of the roulette wheel mostly.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,055

    dude.. come on...

    Pin Head may phase through the window, but survivors can CLEARLY see as his entire bottom half just disappears

    Spirit just looked at the window, paused, and then was on the other side.

    Try harder next time

  • TruffleTurtle
    TruffleTurtle Member Posts: 614

    That's the difference . Pinhead has an animation while Spirit didn't from the survivors POV

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    There is a major difference between the two. And I would know, as I played with Spirit before she had a vault animation and was one of the folks who constantly complained about it to my buds because I thought that her not having an animation was really, really dumb.

    Pinhead has a very clear vaulting animation. Just because he doesn't throw up the legs doesn't mean it isn't clear- the bright blue lights and him having a walking animation through the window while his legs disappear is very clear and easy to understand.

    Spirit would literally stand still at the window, stare at it, and appear on the otherside. No lights. No movement. Just staring. Then boom, Spirit's on the otherside. (While also having a power where she literally leaves a husk just standing still... yeah, the problem is clear there.)

    Saying Pinhead doesn't have a window vault animation would be wrong unless you want to argue semantics. (Such as calling it him 'Phasing' through the window instead of 'Vaulting' the window.) He doesn't just stand and stare and appear on the otherside- he walks through it, with a bright blue light around his waist and his legs disappearing.

  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,030

    I'd prefer the devs going back to spirit and give her an animation similar to Pinhead. It's not fitting that she climbs over the window with her ethereal power.