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General Discussions

Either temporary disable Legion to do a rework or delete Legion from the game



  • Member Posts: 105
    Playing as survivor against the Legion isn't fun at all. That's everything.
  • Member Posts: 1,559

    @GodDamn_Angela said:

    @alivebydeadight said:
    ahm, exactly what I told orion, "okay, legion is a killer that is strong against big groups of survivors, ruin is a powerful perk on legion so that will help, when you land a hit with legion and no other survivor is nearby, try to hit them again or go in front of them to block off there path to take them down, with legions ability to vault pallets you can apply great pressure inside of the chase, blood hound is another powerful perk with legion with the inability to see scratch marks when inside off feral frenzy, allowing you to track survivors inside of the feral frenzy easily, STBFL is amazing on them due to multi hit capability, 4 perk can be anything but bbq due to poor movement speed"

    Alright let's just break this down just a little.

    1. Ruin is strong on every killer. So this is a moot point.
    2. Bodyblocking any half decent Survivor with Legion is next to impossible. No one is going to let you run past them, then stun in front of them, and then let you hit them. This is absurd.
    3. STBFL on Legion might be a good idea, mainly because they can't kill anyone so the Obsession will always be alive.
    4. More than 75% of the perks are basically useless on Legion, including any "exposed" perks. But yeah, sure, the 4th perk can be anything since nothing available will really help them out.
    5. BBQ could be taken for BP farm, but Legion rarely gets hooks so I agree it shouldn't be taken.

    open my account on xbox, I have done bodyblocking before, my account is ToxicFengM1n, I have clips of me doing a finale lunge and several bodyblocks before as legion, so these work fairly well, the perks that are on here I use well, bloodhound is a powerful perk on him but nobody runs it because they depend on scratch marks

  • Member Posts: 7,162

    @Megaris said:
    Playing as survivor against the Legion isn't fun at all. That's everything.

    Yeah, but not because he's a challenge. Its because he's boring. Too easy to survive against, which makes for a dull match. Plus the constant mending/healing combo is just time consuming and tedious.

  • Member Posts: 4,299
    I understand what @not_Queen is trying to say but I dont think the simplest of concepts is being grasped and that is the killer simply isn't very fun to play or verse.

    Yes he has some fun mechanics when you are legion but it's more like a free running simulator vaulting windows and pallets for myself they don't feel like a killer but more of a very tedious gameplay as a troll killer, the6 just don't fit into the game for the role they are given imo.

    Playing survivor it's like you wanted a killer to be an anti gen rush one but in reality doing gens and getting out it what you want to so, the chases are boring as there is no outplay no frenzy if you are found, mend is not a fun mechanic and doesn't waste time it just makes it a very tedious experience and one where you just want out the game asap to get a killer which is fun.

    Freddy is in the same boat, it's not that he is bad or hard to play versus it's just an unfun experience, learn from the feedback, rng is not fun, making something tedious and annoying is not fun, its why I took a break from the game as I am not having fun waiting in a queue as killer for 20 minutes or having to play survivor and getting constant legion games which I dont enjoy, I love this game but right now I am not enjoying playing it.

    Please think more about future mechanics and don't rush into things to meet a deadline, I would rather you broke the schedule of releases than to make something which saps out all the fun.

  • Member Posts: 1,742

    But I guess the main objective of this killer has been accomplished....

    Selling Suzie outfits.

  • Member Posts: 531
    I dont like what i see on ptb so i dont buy this and rather i dont play this for now i regret i buy 2 killers freedy and clown.
  • Member Posts: 32

    @Michiko said:
    Orion said:

    @Michiko said:

    Constructive criticism and an ultimatum are two different things. Nice try though

    In my experience, people who complain that they're being reprimanded for "constructive criticism" have never given constructive criticism. It's always insults, orders, ultimatums, etc..

    Pretty much. 

    While his title sounds like a demand it is not he is not demanding anything he's giving an opinion. Nice try though trying to ignore the obvious and pretend like he was demanding something.

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