How sweaty have your killer matches been?

I was always really hesitant to play killer given how lopsided matches could be for a casual player like myself, especially if I'm playing a killer I've never played before. From what I hear SBMM is supposed to change that. I hear that it's more beneficial if you're a casual player. Has anyone been able to confirm this? I really don't want to sweat while I play.
Pretty unenjoyable. I don’t mind good players but when I’m forced to bring multiple slow down and proxy camp just to have a shot at winning I don’t feel very good. Hopefully this mmr will highlight the issues with the game’s balance and they’ll make some big changes
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I haven't played killer with the new SBMMR until tonight and had a few rounds as Plague. Matches were tough but not typical sweaty Friday Night SWF sweaty. I managed to 3k several times and not feel hopeless like I normally do when playing on Friday night (which is why I stopped playing killer for a long time). If matches remain as they have been tonight, I'll go back to playing killer more since solo is getting boring.
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more fun than survivor
survivor has been disgusting and not fun at all
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I just ran Hex: Plaything, Hex: Retribution, Lightborn, and Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain on Trapper.
I got no kills. They did gens very fast, but it was fun because I kept catching them off guard. Yes they had a full entourage of sweaty meta perks, but as a Rank 1 Killer I didn't lose anything by losing, so I don't care as much as I used to.
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Yeah I played four survivor matches tonight, and after getting decimated in the first three matches, it's almost like the game threw me a bone in the last match. My teammates were rather competent and we managed to all escape. Again I'm a casual player, but I do play survivor more than killer but I'm no means a veteran at this game. It was definitely a sweatfest, so much so that I almost want to play killer Non-Stop.
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Sweat & bully squads are the only variation I'm seeing. Even with killers I have been stomped on repeatedly, still getting high skilled swf.
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For some reason tonight's have not been sweaty at all. Last night I had to sweat so much I could have built a swimming pool lol.
Bhvr needs to make so swf are matched with the highest sbmm rating and not averaged out amongst them all.
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I played a killer match one of the worst maps in the game for killer
I had 100% more fun than any of the survivor matches I've played tonight
This MMR system is a joke.
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For me: My killer matches have been about the same. I haven't seen as many clicky clicky survivors, BUT I mean I could go a week or so before without really having any - so three days with very few isn't anomalous.
I don't play any different as killer or survivor.
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If the system works as it should, all of the sweaty players will rise to higher ranks, and it will be more relaxed at lower and mid ranks, but since the system was just put into place, it might be rough for a while until that happens. Some people don't seem to get that it will take time before the new MMR systems will give them balanced matches. Everyone was starting from zero, good and bad players, alike. It has to establish a baseline for each player, and that takes time when starting from scratch.
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Feels like the same as before, but more drastic. Instead of a few potatoes and a few sweat lords, it's all mega-tatoes or mega-sweaters. Not getting anything in between. Had one match where two Survivors could barely run in a straight line correctly and were running into walls while the other two were running perfect infinites at the house of pain.
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Played a few Killers tonight. Here's how it went:
Hag - Couple matches. All were pretty fun, but it seemed no one knew how to crouch or considered where traps might be placed. Got quite a few downs on people that shouldn't have happened if they were paying attention. Lery's match was fun AF though. I love that place.
Huntress - Have not played her in quite a while other than a couple matches for Challenges here and there. Really low ranked Survivors. Went extremely easy because it was pretty messy. MMR seemed correct given how much I have played her since they started keeping track.
Doctor - 1 match. Competent Survivors. Was a fun match on Midwich. 2 Escaped, 2 Died. Felt about right given I've played him a reasonable amount lately. Felt appropriate because I tend to run Doc for BP and making people scream.
Nemesis - 1 match. Have played him a bit. Faced.. not really sure? They felt semi-competent, but they 3-genned themselves and 2 of them weren't very good in a chase. On Haddonfield fwiw. Ended with a 4k due to "If I run he can't see me! But damn he can see those scratch marks!" Felt reasonably appropriate.
Going to finish working through my Cakes from the Anniversary, and see how MMR feels. So far, not too bad really. It "feels" like it is separate for each Killer. Won't really be able to tell til I start max'ing and running more though.
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Awful. The least enjoyable experience I've ever had in a video game and I've played Overwatch recently.
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RIP @Pulsar and same here
I mean I do have fun in this game but that's when I don't know what perks the Survivors/Killer are running or I get Camped/Tunneled but somehow it's still fun (Don't ask me why cause I myself don't know)
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Well I main huntress and my mmr is pretty high on her honestly. I feel like gens are pressured quite a bit more even with survivors than aren't the best but overall thus far, nothing out of the ordinary for me.
Most my games have consisted of optimal, good teams which is what I usually face anyway.
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Makes sense
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Some are difficult, some are chilly and most of them are balanced. I would say that I played 30 trials and 3 maybe 4 I got stomped, 2 or 3 easy and the remaining were balanced.
Be patient, it's been three days only. Let it balance more.
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It depends, you still face the SWF trolls that you would have faced before.
As survivor, same, you still face the face camper that don't know how to play and just use this high reward "strategy" to win.
I think that BHVR should do two differents queues : soloQ/duoQ and SWF with different rules for both queues.
TrioQ should be removed as the 4th survivor is never included by the trioQ (they think they are pros and better at the game blabla).
BHVR is "banning" and taking care of people on the official forums around questionable rules but they do nothing about the toxicity in the game that has been growing more and more everyday since release.
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Seems like you got pretty boosted with the bad Rank-Matchmaking.
It is alright so far. I played Trapper, Billy, Nurse, Huntress, Myers, Demo, Nemesis and Pinhead so far just to check how it works.
Every Killer was a 4K, except for my very first Pinhead-Match and my first Myers-game, but this was my own fault (I messed up my first Chase, so that one was clearly on me... Could have had a down after 5 seconds of EW3, but instead I had to let this one Survivor go because I messed up and only got a down near the end of my first EW3..).
Granted, I play Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer on Cenobite, so a very strong Build which I usually dont run (but thats what I got so far...) and it is pretty easy because of that. I play casually, so it is not unlikely that the Survivors are way too weak to compete with this Build and I will get some harder Matches later.
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Ye well, those stats just show that you only had ez trials with the old matchmaking. 90% 4k and around 90% kill rate was a joke man, especially with Legion.
Trials you have now are tougher and still you manage to get 70% kill rate and 50% 4K with one of the worst killer in the game... Let's see the stats you will bring in 1 week as everyone will have a more accurate skill rank but if it remains like this, game is then unbalanced and favors killers.
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Gen rushers, DS abusers, and key users.
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Not very, I've found them pretty chill while still being exciting.
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Because you had a much higher Winrate with Ranking System. 120 games with over 90% Killrate? With a Killer most people consider not that great?
You went against opponents which you should not have gone against, because Rank-based Matchmaking was terrible. And those games boosted your SBMM-Rating up. Now, with SBMM active, you get much stronger Survivors, according to your Rating.
(And even those stats you are complaining about are not that bad...)
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This is my very exact problem. I try playing Nemesis with a Nemesis-esque build (I try to get Enduring/Spirit Fury at least, but I'm PIII'ing him) but gens just fly if I don't have any slowdown. I haven't been blessed with ANY Slow Down (at Level 50 now mind you), and I just get bullied into the ground. I HAVE to play dirty as hell to win and pray that they are overly altruistic to win. The first few matches I'll admit (when MMR came out) I basically stomped the Survivors, they all were just not that great and one was even very new, but it's outrageous that I have to sweat so hard to win without using a meta build. Killer's just not fun when you face the same Survivor Builds and you're forced to run the same builds on 80% of your cast to have a chance at winning.
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Honestly they should've done that from the start. I have a friend that rarely plays the game, so he's never gone past (going from old ranks) yellow rank. Every match I played with him has been the easiest Killers I've faced (someone who as Survivor almost always got to Red Rank). If I play with him with the new MMR, I feel it'll be the same thing, me playing against baby Killers and just... unintentionally bullying them. Even though he rarely plays, I taught him myself from his very first day playing, so he grew in skill very quickly, so he SHOULD face Killers at my skill level (he played on my account for a day and he won 60% of his matches at Red Rank), but because of the MMR and how little he plays, it's just terrible.
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Sweaty to the max on my main (Clown)
I have to resort to proxy-camping and 3-gen standoffs pretty often. They all use meta perks and think they're hot #########, so I have to play dirty to stay in the running
Still about 50/50 winrate, so I guess SBMM is working as intended, but playing nice is impossible now.
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how enjoyable? uninstall levels of fun
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I only face bots and I'm afraid that even with 4k every game, I will never see bully squads again. I will miss them, they were my favs.
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Having 87% of 4K and 92% kill rate is normal for you ? Then don't talk about balance.
Even if you would be top 1%, you should face top 1% survivors and get 50% kill rate on average.
If you find your stats fair then no need to discuss about balance with you.
And now you don't play against high rank survivors yet. You play against considered high ranked survivors that have been misplaced with the old broken matchmaking.
Wait some times, like 1 or 2 weeks and then you will only face survivors that have the same skill rank than you. And redo your stats. If they are the same then the game is unbalanced and favors killer.
If i take a perfectly balanced coin, and i threw it 1000 times, i will get 50% one side and 50% the other sides.
A Kill rate around 2 =/- 0,2 means the game is balanced. A kill rate that is away from this margin means the game is totally unbalanced for one side or the other.
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Killer MMR is dependent of the killer you play. Each killer in your roster has its own MMR.
So a good player using a F-tier killer will have a MMR depending of how this player performed with this specific killer. If the killer is too weak he won't manage to go high MMR with it.
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I only play nurse now, any other killer has no chance with the MMR level I am at.
I hate it
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I dont know I haven't actually found a killer match yet.
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Yeah having your rate of 4ks drop from 91.4% to 65% is an extremely brutal punishment
Edit: I didn't read the rest of your comment and it somehow gets even more witless
I think if you're the type who likes SBMM in video games, that means you are not a good player. You have no drive, no confidence in yourself, no work ethnic, and probably aren't successful IRL.
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Very mixed. I am a Mikey main. Some games have been chill with 4k's. Some I had to sweat to get a 2-3k. A couple I only got a 1k. But I also factor in the maps I had those games on (Cowshed, Red Forest etc).
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I hear what you are saying. i mean, i agree that if someone is top 0,1%, he will beat most of the teams but IF the game were balanced, he wouldn't be able to have 3K+ 87% of the time with a working MMR matchmaking.
For exemple, on Overwatch, even pro players have a win rate around 60% in ranked matchmaking. So top of the line players win more than the 50% balanced objective but not 90%. For top of the line killer mains, i think they should get 60% of 3K/4K then the rest mostly 2K.
Well i'm the type of ppl loving ranking and SBMM system, i have played competitively in some games, have been top 3 in some well known old school tournaments, and have been considered the best EU pistol player on Halo PC for a long time. And well, i'm successful IRL but sure i'm an elitist and i despise ppl that don't want to invest time in something to get better.
In every other games, when you are high skilled it means you never have easy game and many players are finding satisfaction and enjoyment to play like this. But most games have two queues, one competitive and one casual.
To my mind, having two queues is a terrible idea as it splits the playerbase and then it takes ages to find a game.
The problem is not the SBMM system and facing strong opponents. The problem comes from the DbD game design. Everything is frustrating in this game, as a killer and a survivor.
Sometimes, i play against good survivors, i get a 3 or 4k and still i'm frustrated because the map design is bad or because i slided against an object instead of bouncing etc...
And as a survivor, i'm also frustrated at times where i had no chances to survive a chase cause i had no option against a killer (PH or Nemesis for exemple), killer that has a terrible win/win design for chases.
I mean, for exemple : you are PH, in a chase, survivor starts to loop, you loop, when you are close enough, to avoid the pallet drop, you can fake your power = the survivor drop the pallet, release the power, you get a free hit; if the survivor doesn't drop the pallet, remove your power and M1, free hit also. It's exactly the same with Nemesis.
Those killer designs are crap. When you do your power and fake it, when you stop it you have to be stun and to not be able to "insta" hit just behind. Giving free hits to artificially make the game more balanced is a bad choices. If the survivor has no chances in chases, it's then unfair. If the killer has no chances in chases, it's unfair.
That's why killers' design is really important.
But we can also talk about some map designs. Indoor maps are terrible for some killers, there are way too many pallets/windows/walls, it's impossible to play properly there. For Blight, Nurse, Huntress etc it's terrible...
Some maps are way too big also... If you play a slower killer you need ages to cross the map, it's bs.
Well, overall, BHVR has to work on some maps and some killer powers.
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They haven't! The killers have balanced well against me in I think all bar one match. Likewise, as killer my opponents have been skilled but I also have noticed a bit more variety in perks being used. There are people using the default picks, bit a lot more come in with different perks.
Basically, the games have become tough but fair. I do wonder whether these games are reflective - as in I always randomize my setup every game and try to score high in all emblemic categories, so I'm probabpy being matched with like-minded players.
As a tip, make sure you play all roles: gens, heals, saves, be chased within a trial. That seems to be a good way of being matched with more fun players.
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If you are truly casual, you are about to meet survivors that may very well be blind, or deaf... Or both. My low mmr killers feel like I could 4k while playing a different game at the same time.
High mmr? I have to tunnel to secure a 2k with Ruin... Like, they don't care about Ruin, they aren't even cleansing it, they just hammer the gens so hard that I get no value from it while I am busy tunneling whatever poor soul got unhooked.
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For Killers I main it's been a sweatfest, but that is to be expected. My MMR ratings on those killers are most likely inflated.
But for Killers I have not played for a while, it's been really fun!
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I'm a good Doc player. Not an expert, but I get told that I'm tricky pretty regularly. My matches with him have been roughly the same as they were before SBMM. As survivor I'm enjoying SBMM more, as killer I'm finding it about the same (which is to say, mostly casual with at least 2 kills if I wanted them). Haven't gotten a sweat squad yet but I've only played killer half a dozen times so far in SBMM.
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No seriously, this is a copypasta or something right?
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This has to be a copypasta.
No one seriously talks or behaves like this. There's no way someone lacks this much self awareness.
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Played a couple of matches 2 days ago to test this new system after several months of not booting up the game.
First match ever in my life as Wraith I got a sweaty full meta SWF.
First match ever in my life as Trickster I got the same kind of Survivors as with Wraith.
Never touched the game again after those 2 horrible experiences and I don't plan to do it any time soon. Actually at this point, I might even straight up unistall.
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"When I was a child, I knew the only way to get ahead was to crush the other children beneath my feet like the l worthless chaff they were. As in life, so in gaming. So I will use the blue shell in mario kart EVERY TIME. And the communists can't do a thing to stop me"
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To be honest they've been normal but i've seen an incredible amount of afk killers that give up in minutes and go stare a wall, it's so sad this race to the bottom.
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Idk... I have really been enjoying it on both sides. Are my games harder? Absolutely! It feels much more rewarding when I win. Winning (before the new MM system) because I kept going against potatoes wasn't fun to me. I'm sure your rating will go down if you're having trouble. Just hang on :)
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It won't go down because I keep winning.
The matches have been frustrating, infuriating and downright miserable, but I've still won.
Except on Blight, the one game I actually managed to play with him.
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Eh, that's unironically how my parents raised me, so it's certainly possible, not that it's healthy.
"You're capable of beating anyone when you set your mind to it, and we expect you to live up to your potential."
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Way better than before. My kill rate must have dropped from 90% to something like 75%, but my matches are always a thrill now. There are no more 4ks with 5 gens up or 4 outs with 3 hooks, almost every match I feel both sides have a chance of winning and it's a struggle until the very end.
I also haven't changed my playstyle. I still do very minimal tunneling and camping and I'm still running a single slowdown perk (Corrupt Intervention) on all my killers.
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Holy ######### that's edgy af. Of course it had to be a Legion main.
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I play at the top of the top....every damn game has been damn near a tournament. At least every other match. Can't speak for anybody else, but the bleeding edge players are taking advantage. NGL I kinda miss the chaos of solo survivors.