Could the devs be reworking totems?

With boon totems coming to the game there must be a new system coming as well... Maybe the survivors can make their own totems? If that is the case I'm hoping the killers can do the same... here's why I say this... what is to come of the boon totem if the killer runs 4 hexes with haunted grounds? and what is to come of the match when the survivors end up getting at least 4 boon totems? Totems have needed an upgrade for at least two years now and boon totems may have given the devs the motivation to overhaul the totem system....
I also wouldn't be surprised if we saw a boon totem that allows for exhaustion to recover while running.
It was mentioned in the in-game desciption that survs can use full totems to create boon totems. So i guess if the killer runs 4 Hexes (one of them Haunted) the survs can’t use their boons. Part of the risk of boons.
though of course it could be interesting if they actually reworked some of the game mechanics.
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It would be great if we could pick up the totems and replace them.... kind of like Trappers traps for example.
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I doubt that there will be any changes to Totems. They will add the ability to bless a Totem as Survivor to activate a Boon-Perk and that is it. And if there is no Dull Totem on the Map, the Survivor cannot use their Perk.
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Maybe once a surv is sacrificed their boon reverts to a dull totem, so perks like NOED could still trigger.