Can you still pallet save if you’re on the same side as the killer?

Since reverse pallet stuns have now been removed for no clear reason, I’m wondering if pallet saves are still possible if you try to stun the killer on the same side.
Has anyone been able to test this?
Nope, not possible anymore.
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LOL. God bless these developers.
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You can't locker save in alot of areas now too. You can still get saves from being pulled off gens, windows, & pallets however.
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That’s so tremendously stupid…
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"No clear reason"? huuhh....
It was removed because it makes no sense to allow you to stun the Killer from the same side that he is, apart from looking silly. The devs intentions with these changes is to make stuns more fair and logical.
The same goes for the "locker saves" which the Killer can't do anything about it because they're stuck in the animation from the very start.
The game is all about bullying the Killer and make fun of them, so it makes sense they're changing things to lessen this.
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Who the hell was getting bullied by reverse pallet stuns??? Who even complained about them? Especially considering they’re actually detrimental to the survivor because they give less distance than just stunning from the other side like a normal person, they’re only really a useful tactic against Nurse and Spirit most of the time. Well thank god because we all know those two desperately needed some help with being bullied by survivors.
Seriously, all of the stupid, ridiculous, unfair ######### that can happen in this game, and people really think REVERSE PALLET STUNS were worthy of being removed? Lord help me.
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Why are you complaning then if it just affects Killer A or B. Like you said, there is no advantage in using them, so why they should be kept? To counter 2 Killers?
It's something strange and it should be removed.
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I am quite sure they removed them because they were procing to give early stuns with hit validation which was cucking you out of a hit even when they scream and spray blood... And it would inform them of exposed perks despite you apparently not hitting them.
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Because it's a fun gimmick. I personally don't see a problem with reverse pallet stuns...
I think it is quite funny, and you have to be quite lucky to get it.
The more options we have, the better it is. Taking options away is never fun in my books, as long as it doesn't break the game or balance.
Take for example the ability to climb the rocks on Ormond or Yamaoka. That was taken away, and I am still sad about it...
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That actually makes a lot of sense. I've never actually seen it happen. But if you can get pallet stunned on the same side of the pallet as the survivor and it negates the hit, that would be ridiculous.
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Well yes, because those two killers are two of the strongest killers in the game? And as mentioned by the very topic of this post, it limits the opportunity to pallet save, which affects all killers.
Every time they remove an interesting mechanic (that isn’t OP or griefing) they make the game more boring and stale. They should be adding more strange, risky and therefore balanced mechanics, not removing them.
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That happens with pallet stuns on either side. Removing reverse stuns doesn’t actually fix the problem.
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They haven't removed enough of the locker save spots if you ask me.
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You can't stun the killer on the same side but you can still do the body block tech. You can just stand behind the killer and either wait for them to walk forward or they hit you and you run through them to drop it.
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In what world you play that you want to pallet reverse A NURSE of all Killers? The Baby Nurses you sometimes get in your trials?
You are really complaining about it because you can't stun the Killer in the fashion and cool way, I get it, it's fun doing this, but it shouldn't be a thing.
The only fun in this game for skilled people who have put hours into it is to just have fun in the game, doing gens starts to be boring and the only thing remaining is what DBD is today: Playing around with the Killer and most of the times, making them look dumb and outplayed, this is why this game has such a toxic community and 90% of the content creators do to earn viewers and money.
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Bruh, I’m not talking about pallet looping a Nurse like an M1 killer. But you do know that pallets block a Nurse swing and can stun her if she blinks in range of them, right? So you can absolutely use pallets against a Nurse who isn’t a baby.
It’s nothing to do with “fashion and cool”. I enjoy killer more than survivor these days. I just hate seeing stuff removed from the game that isn’t unbalanced or problematic.
And again I’ll ask, who was being bullied by reverse pallet stuns? Can you find me a single example of someone being bullied by this mechanic? Most survivors don’t even try to do it because it’s risky, I’ve probably been reverse stunned just a handful of times, and none of them were when I was a baby killer being dunked on by smurf squads.
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Yes, it happened to me yesterday. I was the saved one.
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Any decent Nurse play pallets smart, you'll almost never pull this most games against them.
I get your point of removed things, it really kills the diversity in the gameplay, but really there isn't the need for it. It could even be a bug that wasn't fixed for years and now they decided to fix, just like most bugs.
Also I never said this "tech" alone is used for bullying, I said that in conjunction with other used gameplay aspects it becomes one of them.
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Well, with new hit validation pallets needed a nerf. This isin't even major compared to what they could've done, if they bring it back then also remove the hit validation.
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Reverse pallet stun have no sense bro if im aiming you with my bayonette becuz u throw a pallet u arent gonna stun me becuz ur body is in front of my weapon and the pallet.
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Miss how? You are between the killer and the pallet unless u dh and then throw pallet
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This looks interesting since you were behind the Killer but got teleported in front of them after hitting the prompt for the Pallet Drop.
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Any decent Nurse still had to predict 50/50 whether you would run through the pallet and drop it or double back and reverse stun them, so no, it wasn’t impossible to pull off against good Nurses by any means. Now there’s no 50/50 at all since you can only stun from one side.