
I was playing a match today. Started working on gens, and our Jacob got downed after completing a generator. Kindred showed me that it was a Wraith, and that he was face camping the Jacob. I thought about saving him. Yet I kept working on gens. I saw our Nancy try to go for the save, but she couldn't reach him without dying. I managed to get four generators done, but unfortunately the Jacob died on hook. I then managed to open the exit gate, and all three of us escaped. I know what I did was right, but the Jacob we lost made me feel guilty.
Any thoughts?
You did the right thing.
8 -
That is 100% the right play
Trying to be altruistic against facecampers is what they want and how they get kills. Do the gens and leave
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you did what you had to, even though he griefed you that jacob is stupid if he tried to do different for you.
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You did all good!
But who is Jacob? (I guess you mean Jake^^)
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Yeah. I always call him Jacob.
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That was the correct play. Chances are the Jake struggled on hook for as long as possible hoping that you would do exactly what you did. Well played.
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I mean... One of you could have hook traded and still had a massive lead and potentially a 4 man escape, assuming no NOED. But I guess it is better to be safe than sorry.
If he was actually mad about it, he could have killed himself on hook to more or less guarantee another one you was killed.
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You did the right thing. Altruism kills.
Sometimes it's best to cut the loss and move on.
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You did the right thing.
Players in such a situation don't want survivors to save them, to prevent the killer from getting a free kill.
I had the same guilt so many times and in most cases, only 2 escaped because we all tried to save each other.
It's not worth it.
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It's a tough call. You're splitting the difference between trying not to reward the camper and trying not to let one of the other players get forced out of the game without getting to do anything. I don't think either choice is wrong.