Troubles with the new mmr


Recently, since the addition of mmr, I decided to try out some new killers. What better time when the mmr is going to be seperate, right? I got absolutely destroyed. I’m not saying it’s because survivors are OP or that they’re a comp team (I’ve no clue if any of them are swf even, I didn’t bother checking), but I’ve played about 6 games, even with my mains, and I’ve felt horribly outclassed. I mainly just want confirmation that I’m not the only one and haven’t suddenly become the worst player ever


  • BabuDweet
    BabuDweet Member Posts: 556

    It might just take awhile to balance out. You need more than 6 games for that to happen.

    Not to be rude but it also could be alot of people get stomped because they're going against people they should be going against and aren't used to it.

    However, if this isn't the case I would say it just needs time to simmer out.

    Took quite a few games for me but I feel like for the most part it's worked as intended for me.

  • furret534
    furret534 Member Posts: 77

    Okay, thanks for the reply, I’ll play a bit more and see if that helps. At the very least, whoever is playing against me is probably having a great time stomping me out lol