Huntress player mad because i teabagged them at gate after a failed tunnel attempt
its not bannable
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Maybe git gud. They're a huntress player with hatchets. Huntress can easily down two people and she could've downed the person trying to unhook me effortlessly. She was just being petty trying to kill me instead of playing smart missing two hatchets attempting to catch me before running out the gate at the end.
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That's so dumb though. The perks exist for their specific purposes that doesn't make them a crutch.
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It was just funny that she got mad at me in end game chat is all I really wanted to convey here. It wasn't to brag about escaping and teabagging her. Maybe had I just said she tried to tunnel me and I got out after teabagging and she got mad maybe people would've understood that. Its silly to me to try tunneling for one kill because you did ######### that game. Whenever its me playing killer there I just let them go they've won whether I get the one kill or not. If I can't at least get two or more I don't bother trying at the end. No need to be petty for ONE kill it says nothing about your skill because you still failed to get any of the others. Now had she been tunneling to get her third kill I'd understand but tunneling end game for one kill is pathetic to me.
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It was end game. All bets are off then. If a killer camps or tunnels at end game you can't blame them.
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Petty reasoning I guess. People always say tunneling isn't toxic but a lot of killers only do it because they're salty about a survivor doing something. Some will do it just because they know they'll not be able to catch the person again if they give em the chance and I understand that , but as I said she's huntress she's not an M1 killer all she needed to do was hit the person unhooking with two hatchets and she'd be able to drag it out and get some more kills but she went for a petty tunnel attempt that didn't work since the saver had BT. There was 0 reason for tunneling me outside of being petty because I wasn't going to die if she hooked me again unless they left me to die on that hook meanwhile two others were on death hook not sure if the person that saved me was though but I see it as her tunneling to be petty from me cleansing the totem since she complained about it in chat
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Hello Huntress. Get over it :D
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The Killer was toxic, so the Survivor was toxic back to the Killer. Nothing to see here.
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lmao. Man was talking about second chances like it matters. If it matters killers shouldn't use aura reading perks and survivors shouldn't use exhaustion perks but it doesn't matter.
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We never know i was sure t bagging enter then unsportman conduct in the report categorie
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She had no better option there hatchets works ######### at endgame after each u get speed boost and it was endgame it's not like she could throw hatchets randomly and get two kills
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who care
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Whenever a killer makes a post about tunneling and camping a survivor it's always- 'Good job that survivor deserved it!'. When a survivor does it- 'How dare you be sooo toxic!'
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Didn't ask but good for you
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Ez. As a toxic survivor myself I approve! Killers have it way too easy lul. Bad killerz should just uninstall so I teabag all killers who dont follow my rulez. See? That is how stupid it sounds.....
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Killer tried to ######### on you. Instead you ######### on them. Sounds like karma. Especially when they're unironically saying 'Gen rush' while tunnelling someone. The reverse also happens with toxic survivor getting schooled. I'd hardly call getting back at them toxic, nor was the huntress toxic beyond the endgame chat.
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Uh... Excuse me?
I literally see that every other forum post, man.
Aside from "Nerf X, Y, Z", it's always about how certain perks are crutches.
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Didn't do any of that think she just took me going for her hex as a challenge. As for teabagging in these scenario making me a douche I mean if you wanna say that I guess, but going for me when I had already looped her for as long was just silly when she could've just hit the other person with hatchets before they even saved me. She had hatchets because she missed them trying to hit me before I left gate so. teabag
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Well you're right but I don't see any of the perks as crutch just because if you're bad you're bad and no perk will just carry you that much without some kind of skill or lack of skill from the other side.
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She's A in my eyes just because I main her and she's def better than everyone that isn't blight spirit and nurse. Hatchets can be very oppressive when you can aim or survivors just wanna run in a straight line or just can't dodge them. Also not sure why this post appears at least to me on front top three on forums, but the amount of people saying I'm wrong or rude for teabagging her is astounding. That post I made about tunneling someone if they try body blocking me with BT got nothing but praise from what I remember, but when i'm survivor and I'm like Killer tunnel me so I teabag everyone is like. Bad survivor bad! πΏ Ya'll wild
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You're super cool. Thanks for sharing???
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?? Okay you too
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Also had a huntress dc earlier after i cleansed her undying + devour
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The comments on this thread are absolutely hilarious.
"YoU tEabAgGEd BeCaUSe tHe kILlEr dIdNt FoLlLOw tHe SurViVor RuLe BoOk", yet the same ones are complaining you teabagged. Doesn't that also make you the survivors to follow the "killer rule book"?
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You must not escape much if this excites you this much.
So congrats, it will become normal once you get some more experience
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basically π
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I escape most of my games, but nice try. I don't get tunneled by Huntress players a lot though
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The following are not considered bannable offenses β please do not report these:
- Camping
- Slugging
- Tunneling
- Streamsniping
- Teabagging
- Bodyblocking
- Looping
- Tapping generators with Ruin
Otherwise you are just wasting supports time....
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So, a killer player got really unlucky, went to endgame with no kills, wanted to secure a kill, you required 2 second chance perks to get out, you taunted the killer, and expected what? Tunneling/camping in endgame is literally the best thing to do. There are no gens left to defend, and the hook swarming can guarantee you kills.
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Good to know and its not like the support team work. I did some report with video in the pass and i never had any news so for me the support team dont exist.
I say that because i know in other game i play i could talk to the support team when i had an important issue like hacker or an important bug like ashe arrow not firing in tft
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Honestly, I would have done the same. If the killer tried some easy cheap tactic and still managed to lose then expect me to twerk it out till the end game collapse is nearly over.
People shouldn't act all surprised if they get mocked for failing to use a cheap tactic that is obviously not well received by most people in the community.
Like, yes it's recognized that camping is valid, so is the fact that most people don't like it so expect some teabags.
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If you wanna try hard for a single kill sure. If you're gonna try hard in endgame camp the hook and slug anyone that comes to it. Waiting until the hooked person gets unhooked and doing a basic attack isn't the play when you're a killer with projectiles. If this huntress really cared to win she'd have slugged or grabbed the person that saved me but she went for me. She could've traded hooks and gotten a kill but she chose to tunnel and lost because of it. Getting one kill doesn't make you good nor does it show you played well. Sure the potential is there but she camped and tunneled out of pettiness or just not knowing how to handle the situation. Either way done responding to people that give the same reply as you π She definitely could've easily killed me but failed to do it.
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They're really slow. I lost progress and they took like two or three weeks to resolve the issue. It didn't restore my progress but it was something at least.
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No, she couldn't. When 3 people are body blocking, she has to hit 5 times to down you, 6 if she swings for dh.
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Okay but nobody was there other than the person that saved me. Idk what you're thinking about but I'm speaking from what actually happened in the game I played.
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Have you never teabagged, I might have sympathized with thou. You were ten times more of a douche than the Huntress and expected them to be nice.
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Right? T-bag a killer who didn't tunnel all game until endgame....Then take it up another notch and call them a tunneler in chat.
My question to OP is would you have said GG if he had successfully killed you at the end? I bet you would have lead with "Tunneling Trash" instead. You are right though they prolly should not have defended the totem so long and instead Tunnel yo ass much sooner...That's what I take from this.
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Then i don't understand the point of this post. I guess you just wanted to piss forum people off.
Which to be fair worked like a charm so good job lol
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We weren't even close to the gate and I wasn't unhooked yet. She had better options you legit can't say anything to defend her when you weren't there to see it. So maybe hush yeah?
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I always say gg. If i'm too salty to say it I just leave unless they talk #########
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I was really just expecting people to agree that she can't really be pissed when she tunneled or whatever but seems like most of the people that are answering are salty killer players. Which makes sense and posts against killer here usually get flamed. Like I said to someone else my post about tunneling people that try body blocking me with BT I tunnel them out and nobody complained about me saying that and doing it despite it being extremely petty.
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What's the point of this post?
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At this point responding to people trying to give excuses for the huntress like the guy saying her hatchets wouldn't work when I'm a Huntress main I know how she works and how she could've handled it, but I just thought it was funny she got mad and decided to make the post and try talk about that. Though people mad that I teabagged so. That convo didn't happen its about my teabagging and her tunneling being justified π
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Well, it was obvious you will teabag. It's a rude answer to a rude behavior. But we all know how can be some players in chat after a match if they are frustrated.
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You wrote the thread and we will write our opinions so hush you, no?
I would like to hear those better options of yours? Enlightened us pls
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Winning a game and BMing are completely different things.
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Don't see what the point of this post but good job on escaping a bad huntress.
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Even if a killer plays in a way I don't find fun, I don't teabag in the exit gate or on the hatch. I just leave. There's no reason to be a sore winner in a game that's well known for being frustrating as hell.
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Who cares, just move on
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It is, but eyy