Why doesn't each individual killer receive the grade reward?

If all killers are viable this shouldn't be a problem with sbmm.
1) you keep killer side full
2) the killers get rewarded to get as high a sbmm as they can (come on clown I know I can push you higher we are making it to iridescent this month)
3) bhvr gets the data they need to see what the sbmm ceiling is for each killer and buff and or nerf(🤣) them accordingly
4) profit (actually its just BP)
You want to keep sbmm make it more enticing for the killers who want to play more and sweat it out.
I would love the same thing for survivors but they share the same sbmm so whatever.
Because no one wants to play trapper 100 times winning for extra 200k points
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You do if you want to prove yourself😎 sweat for your BP and bragging rights
I want to see someone take this quest each month would make for thrilling YouTube or twitch views.
Right now a wraith player with talent that is true is pushing his sbmm aa high as possible and it is fun to watch 🤑
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Grades have nothing to do with MMR. You can easily reach iridescent grade with really low mmr. Its just shows your playtime.
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You mean there should be grades for each killer seperately?
Because if so, people would want to try to get as many killers as possible to a high grade, and I fear that will make killer queue times way too long, because more people will play much more killer.
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Rewards should not be BP, i would simply be happy with a killer ranking and maybe a skin if you've reached a high ranking with said killer. This validates SBMM as we now have the incentive to sweat in high mmr
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End of season rewards for individual killers sure would help with the grind
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So you get punished for playing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 best business model ever🤑
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Killers already get more than enough BPs.
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Yeah but they have to work for them that is why survivors usually get less🤔
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A just survived getting iridescent with trapper see he doesn't need buffs I am done with this game skin🤣
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That's exhausting
Games giving me too much to do with a time limit makes me not want to play.
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That is what I am saying you are putting the time and effort with each individual killer.
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More than enough? If you have 3000+ hours you mean?
Perk and BP grind is stupidly annoying in this game
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Compared to Survivor, Killers get A LOT more. Like 30%-50% more at base and they have the better BP-Multiplier.
And then they should get up to 6.250.000 BPs more each month?
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Survivors need to earn more BP I agree. But Im not gonna pretend that killers are fine BP wise even if they earn more than survivors.
Also 6 million extra BP for someone who gets rank 1 on every killer every month sound reasonable since that person would have to play 14h a day to get it on every killer.
And if anyone would ever got it, that person dont need BP anymore in the first place.
FYI I dont think each killer should have separate rank rewards, just hating on BP system here
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To be fair, you need a lot more than a survivor does. And even 7 million a month wouldn't magically get me anywhere anytime soon. I am not saying they should do it, but like, you know, survivors are literally just reskins. You only need one maxed out.
If you want a specific build for a certain killers playstyle, you will need countless bloodpoints. Well, someone probably counted. I have no clue what absurd number it is, however.
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Once again killers have to work harder for their points...as a survivor if you dont interact for chases or altruism good luck getting any decent amount of bp
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But imagine the flaunting of making it to the top with each killer...the bps are well deserved.
Each individual killer needs plenty of BP for perks and addons while survivors are fine with just choosing their favorite skin to max out.