Sbmm satisfaction survey

latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119
edited September 2021 in General Discussions

It's been almost a week enough time for everyone's mmr rating to have settled...time to give bhvr some data.

So do you like the new system?

Simple yes or no and why😎

For me yes as solo survivor(better teammates who do gens instead of hiding)and no as killer (the killer lobbies are ridiculous when you get high sbmm along with sweaty games)

Post edited by latinfla4 on


  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615


    My experience was more than fine before, and nothing changed for me.

  • Sleem
    Sleem Member Posts: 182
    edited September 2021

    I don't understand why ranks were switched to "grades," but whatever. As long as I get end-of-season rewards, I have a reason to actually try as best as I can to get to rank 1 instead of it casually with friends.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I cannot give a simple yes or no because the answer is really complex and depends. I have tried testing the game at higher mmr (as high as I could get on survivor, I suck at it, so you know, it was probably just above average) and lower.

    I enjoyed both as a survivor. At higher mmr, my teammates were extremely competent and it made the role more fun. At lower mmr, I could finally run a killer and understand why people enjoy playing survivor over killer, finally.

    As killer, I hate it at high mmr. Tunneling for a 2k while abusing strong perks is just insane to me. At lower mmr, I kind of feel like a bully, but I cannot lie, it is fun.

    Increased queues have me worried, especially during the day. At night they seem fixed again for low mmr. So I think Pinhead was the bigger influence there.

    Streamers have gotten way more qq. But ironically their games have gotten more fun to watch.

    So, I do not know. They both have their pros and cons. I am just here to have fun and make fun of flashlight abusers.

  • I like the idea of it but i really cannot tell if it's good or not. I seem to be getting easier matches as killer but the queue times are so long. Which makes me feel like im just getting thrown into random ones because the queue time is too long.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    I don't find it bad. Yet.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    honestly, i think its too early to make such a survey.

    give it a couple of rank resets until people actually start having trouble getting back into higher grades, then ask again.

    i think the answers are going to be a bit different then than they are now.

    also, i dislike it.

    i see how it improves the solo survivor experience (as in getting competend teammates), but i feel like the killer experience has suffered from it.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited September 2021

    Nope. Killer. First night of its release, all seemed okay for me. No match was a stomp, all were close and could have gone either way. All five of us were within 2k to 3k of each other in ending BP totals.

    But on the 9th and 10th, it went south. Suddenly I'm in matches where I am lucky to get 1 or 2 hooks in a match. And match after match, stomp after stomp against me, nothing changed. I played somewhere between 20-30 matches with Myers just to try to get some stabilization and balanced matches again like the first night, and nothing even remotely like that occurred. It was like the system boosted my MMR up after the first night on Myers, and despite all the constant stomps I ate across all those subsequent matches in a two day period, has refused to adjust me lower in the slightest.

    After that debacle, I've not logged in since Friday night, and don't know when I will again.

  • Mert_MK
    Mert_MK Member Posts: 674

    No as Survivor, pretty much every match became a pure sweatfest, it's basically forced comp dbd for me rn and it's also not that uncommon to face the same players again.

    I haven't tried Killer yet, i will get to that eventually but i'm not looking forward to it.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,198

    Yes to both sides.

    It's been fun, non-stompfests. Games have been fair and high standard on both sides. Sometimes I survive or get the 4k, and sometimes I die or get 0k. But all matches have been great. Very happy with it.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    I generally don't like it on either sides.

    As survivor I'm getting quick queue times, but shoddy teammates who never do gens and usually go down in less than 10 seconds in the chase. Then the other two survivors spend their time unhooking in front of the killer to get downed as well. So most of the matches are only 3-5 minutes long with me being the sole survivor because everyone else is hooked, or I end up dying going for the save instead of just waiting and getting hatch. That's like 90% of my survivor matches.

    Killer is even worse. Ridiculous 10-15 minute wait times per match. If I'm playing a killer I've played before, it's pretty even for the most part. If I'm playing a new killer one or one I've rarely played, I'm teamed against the most sweaty swf teams. I'm talking all meta perks, with at least 2 brand new parts, and 3 Haddonfield keys. While I only have 1-2 perks.

    The whole reason I didn't play those killers before was because I didn't know how to play them, and I didn't want that exact scenario to happen. Because I was high rank,I didn't want to go against high rank survivors with a killer I had no experience on.

    They said that would change with SBMM because it was based on each killer. But it's the complete opposite. How do you justify putting survivors with hundred or even thousands of hours against killers with maybe an hour total on that killer, and vice versa.

    That's not a simple, oh play more games and it'll balance out. That's a, there's something wrong with the system. If I was playing my main, I could understand needing to play 20 games for it to even out. But putting survivors or killers with little to no hours, up against ones with a lot of hours, something doesn't add up there.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Its a little better for me as a solo survivor I overall have better matches. As killer my rating is still a little screwy as killers i barely play with get harder matches than my mains.

    YES for now will wait to see how it goes when i have a reason to play more tomorrow (reset an rewards).

  • StreetRat115
    StreetRat115 Member Posts: 54

    So far my experience has not been great. I've seen some people saying they have a middle ground with the matches they get. But for me my killer experience has no middle ground and it's almost entirely 4 mans, with clutch perks and map offerings, now If I want to have a chance I have to play sweaty which is something I never enjoyed doing because I always played nice, even against strong teams. My survivors matches however are somewhat better, I still have to carry my team some matches but sometimes I do get survivors that know what they're doing.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    Yes, as Killer.

    No, as Survivor.

    As killer, I've been running into some great SWFs who are really playing well. Most games have ended in 2ks.

    As survivor, I keep dying on first hook after my teammates let me down.

  • Pikachaouuu
    Pikachaouuu Member Posts: 87
    edited September 2021

    I have played killer only since they add sbmm and there has been matches in wich i stomp survivors or they DC at the start of the match (no chases or anything, they were afk from the start and just DC) in wich cases i gave hatch to the last one.

    Most of the matches have been standoffs until the last gen, quite fun games really and in the worst case only 1k (wich happened when i was playing new killers) against golds and iri players.

    I have like 120 hrs so that could explain why there have been matches with sort of potatoes but in the end besides the long queues for finding a game the experience have been quite fun.

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    it is worse as a survivor yet killer side looks better

  • kingkestrel
    kingkestrel Member Posts: 7

    I personally think no. As killer I tend to get either survivors who are rather new (Even got someone who had 5 hours on the game). Or I get survivors who I have to play extremely sweaty against to win. Personally I don't enjoy having to play sweaty to do well.

    As survivor however the experience has been alright. My complaint with survivor is that you change mmr too drastically. There was one match where we went against a killer with 40 hours. (Our groups average is 1100 hours). And then the next game we got someone with over 5k hours. If they made survivor more change slower I think it would be a good addition to this game. But killer mmr has yet to even seem close to a good addition so far.

  • LegacySmikey
    LegacySmikey Applicant, Member Posts: 578

    My survivor games are superb high skilled team mates & high skilled killers which suits me.

    Killer is a shambles at present 10 minute + queues aside (pretty much all day long)

    When I play my strong killers I get survivors who are as good as dead before I even move with multiple 4k games.

    When I play as killers I'm bad with or never use I get god like loopers multiple flashlights & quite honestly need a miracle to get a 1k let alone an even 2k

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    Yes yes yes! I can finally play solo and actually trust my teammates and it feels so good. I can relax and have a good time playing. I think I have had about 2 bad games (stompfest) but the rest has been good.

    My killer games have been alright. I’ve tried some new killers which has been fun and my Huntress games (my main) has been challenging.

    Thumbs up to the devs. 👍🏻

  • ggallinftw
    ggallinftw Member Posts: 351

    Nope. It's terrible and my matches have become waaaayyyy more unbalanced since it launched. I'd say i get mild enjoyment out of roughly 20% of my matches.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Yes and Yes, there are very few negatives to this system which is relatively consistent for me.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599
    edited September 2021

    No. It's a poorly implemented system, with a complete lack of transparency, based on some vague but not awful ideals; ultimately, it is yet more evidence that the devs do not take the health of gameplay into account, and have deluded themselves into thinking that their own mediocre experience is and should be the norm.

    Killer main, but about 1/3 of my trials are as survivor

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    killer side: it works

    survivor side: kinda works, but i have to be really lucky that people near my "skill" are avaiable at this moment which can result in a further matchmkaing aka rainbow matches which i absolutely despise

  • Konnor24
    Konnor24 Member Posts: 184

    I honestly dont know how to take SBMM at the moment.

    When i play surv, its always me doing the long loops, always me doing gens. Being put with 1 or 2 survivors, who even though some have 100s or 1000s of hours if i can see them, are really really terrible at looping and just crouch behind things for 2 hours even when the killers nowhere near.

    I was for SBMM because i thought it'd put me with survivors of my own skill level. Survs who can loop long enough for at least 30 seconds - 1 minute. Survs that do gens instead of sitting in a corner. Had a spirit the other day with 1 gen left, 2 other survs alive, i got a gen to 90%, looped for around 2 full minutes not falling for the spirits mind games, when i went down, neither other surv were on gens, 1 was crouching near a exit gate, the other hiding in a locker, when i got unhooked, i passed the other 2 gens and neither had even been started. Thats how my games are going all the time now. me and 1 other will be doing things, while 2 of the others dont have a clue or are just trolling.

    Killer is a mixed bag. I've only been playing Pinhead since tuesday. I tend to have 1 game with extremely high skilled survs and 1 game with people i 4k without them getting more than 2-3 gens done. Rinse and repeat. Again this isnt SBMM, this is giving me one match with a low/high SBMM swf, then next game is easy domination.

    Right now im finding SBMM strange. Very strange. Never experienced MMR in another game like this tbf.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    When I play solo survivor I tend to get matched with good teammates against a pretty evenly matched killer. When I play swf though with 1 other we are getting pretty terrible teammates - just not doing anything helpful and leading killer to teammates. The randoms in swf seem to bring keys most matches and the leave moment they see the hatch where as solo I've only seen couple keys. Killers also seem to camp more when I'm playing swf than when solo. I don't know why there's such a difference in teammates and killers, maybe it's because of my swf teammates rating, but it's not a fun time.

    I get they don't want to share what goes into a win but based on just my swf experience where there's more camping and keys I do think they need to clarify what a win is especially if it is more than just escapes/kills.

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    For survivor yes. It was a bit rough at the start probably due to needing more matches to be put in my proper mmr but after those games my games feel like I'm playing with the right players.

    For killer it's been a mix. Some games feel too easy, some games feel way too sweaty, and some are fine.

    Maybe I'm being greedy but i wish the Reward for having a good grade was better.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    I keep getting teammates who don't work on gens. Many of them stealth around the map. I've had a few who crouch around me just hangin' out while I work on a gen. I've had some body block me so I can't work on a gen. I just had a match where I died because another survivor body blocked me at a pallet so I couldn't throw it down. Mostly the game keeps giving me survivors with like no playtime who do nothing but stealth around and don't know what gens are. It's not fun.

    Earlier I had a match with my friend where the two other survivors just wanted to flashlight blind the killer. That's fine, whatever, but then multiple times they brought the killer straight to us while we were working on gens. I refused to play the match anymore and died, the two idiots died because they were terrible at trolling, and the killer took pity on my friend and gave him the hatch.

    The matches with halfway decent teammates go fine. There aren't enough of those, though. I swear it seems the better I perform right now the worse teammates I get next match.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    overall better games for both sides

    i still get some matches that I think are already determined just by the players in the match but i do have more matches where I actually have a Chance of winning or losing depending on how I perform.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,248

    Yes to both sides.

    Survivor has been overwhelmingly positive to the point where I wonder if it's healthy for the game. I've escaped 25 out of 30 matches and killers are averaging 1k.

    Killer has been positive. My queues are really long though.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    It's awful. I've never had such a miserable experience playing Solo survivor before.

    I'm just going to play the game much, much less.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960

    yes, my killer match are no longer free stompfest in my favor, my surv match feel way more fair. Seeing my own mistakes is way more easy now.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587

    And Yet people never believed me when i said if you're good at one killer. expect higher queue times...

    My highest queue time as mikey was like, an hour or two. Before the rank reset. i haven't dared touch him yet..

  • PureDoctorMain
    PureDoctorMain Member Posts: 341

    No I cant use no mither without everyone yelling at me more than usual ( and I refuse to believe its not the new mmrs fault ) and It took me no lie 32 minutes to find a match as doctor. Thats freaking stupid and i don't even know why it took me so long. I was under the impression you had to br GOOD for long queue times not me apparently.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Yes for solo survivor

    No for killer

  • xnicolay
    xnicolay Member Posts: 70

    For killer, unplayable. always swf communicate with bt, dh, ds, etc

    Survivor as always, boring, if you want you could finish the game in 3 minutes.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Yes as survivor once i got placed properly. No as killer because anyone with half a brain knows it would be bad for them.

    Satisfaction level over 9000 though since people went from "killer is easy" To basically admitting survivors are op.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    Its been horrible I've played exclusively killer because I wanted to sort my mmr out on my main role and its been nothing but ridiculous q times followed by matched were ever survivor it better than me. I've played about 40 games and got a 2k in 3 of them against some baby's. Mmr doesn't lower (even know iv lost badly like 3 hooks) like 90% of my matches ever killer i play has went against full meta builds regardless of previous play time.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    good for survivors worse for killers, since is a sweat fest everygame.

  • razvicool
    razvicool Member Posts: 54

    Queues are very long for no reason, still being matched against players who have less hours than me combined as killer and killers uncapable to loop. It's not protecting newbies and making queues too long for some.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    So far yes.

    There are some hickups but i have a lot more close matches then before.

    The amount of complete stomps on either side has decreased for me

  • Impose
    Impose Member Posts: 400

    I mean. I main Nurse. So it's pretty easy regardless. As a survivor the game is still as easy as its ever been. If the killer isn't Nurse/Spirit/Blight it's physically impossible to lose a chase before 3 gens pop, or you have some dingbat teammates (which SBMM has somewhat solved)

    From a killer perspective no, SBMM is a travesty. Resetting your rank all the way to base and have to play every single game against rank 1 survivors back up to actual rank 1 means you literally cannot play fun killers. I do not believe them even a little bit that each killer has its own mmr ranking. I spend 10-15 minutes in the queue with Nurse, Wraith, Bubba, Blight, Doctor, Pig, and Nemesis. All the killers I play. When I switch to a killer I havent played in literally months and months, like Trapper or Spirit, queue takes 10-15 and I go against the same skill level survivors.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    When I play survivor, I guess it's fine? I get killers that are on an equal skill lvl most of the time. But I usually get really "questionable" teammates.

    When I play killer, it's only working well on Huntress. But whenever I play any other killer, SBMM is not even close to being good lmao

  • Trevize
    Trevize Member Posts: 27

    It was great the first day but now is impossible to play, at least for me.

    I have around 3000 hours and my team mates are about 100-200 or less. The chases of my mates are less than 10 seconds, others are hidden crouched about 95% of the game. 3 survivos vs 1 facecamping killer in the endgame, and they are unable to try the unhooking. I don't feel comfortable playing right now.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Yes for both killer and survivor.

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    Yes for both sides.

    Survivor matches in solo more often have teammates that will do things instead of me on hook watching one self care in a corner, one in chase and the other coming out of a locker as I die.

    As killer it's a little bit of a mixed bag, only really played Pinhead so I can't speak on any if my mains or lesser played killers, but it kinda feels like when I was a rank 8 killer just clawing up from green ranks, a lot of close matches with a couple potato teams and super efficient teams sprinkled here and there.

    As a whole games just kinda feels better, don't really have a metric I can give it but one big thing I have noticed from all matches is more perk variety. There's still the meta sweats that are obviously crutching on their perks like the Nemesis that got 0k against 4 solos while running Ruin/Undying/BBQ/Tinkerer after both totems went in under 2mins or the Megoon that died as a 1k after forcing the use of all of her 2nd chances towards end game getting only 8,000bp while the rest of us escaped with 18-25,000bp.

  • Olokun
    Olokun Member Posts: 266

    Overall , the No wins .

    All games are survivors being stomped or killer being bullied , there is no middle how can i find it fair an balanced ? Sometimes iam with potatoes ( witch is around 70% of my games the rest are bully squads) .

    These are my solo expérience. Now playing with my wife , she dont have my sbmm rate and we are against very good killers 90% of our games , now it became boring for to play together , good job bhvr . At least give us the choice playing with old or new mmr with more reward if you want playing with sbmm. Sometimes i want to play at high lvl but sometimes i want chill games with my wife .